Highly Rated Natural Heartburn Cure - Acid-Alkaline Balance Is Important For A Heartburn Cure

Highly Rated Natural Heartburn Cure - Acid-Alkaline Balance Is Important For A Heartburn Cure

Highly Rated Natural Heartburn Cure - Acid-Alkaline Balance Is Important For A Heartburn Cure

Posted: 08 Jun 2012 11:00 PM PDT

Article by vincentlesser

All natural remedies are really just an expression for a much larger list of natural holistic healing cures. When people refer to all natural remedies they really are talking about Acupressure Reflexology Home Remedies Homeopathic Medicine Aromatherapy Essential Oils Magnet Therapy Healing Crystals Acupuncture Healing Herbs and Iridology. Any one or all of these types of organic healing can be considered 'all natural remedies.It is difficult for many health care practitioners to diagnose increased intestinal permeability aka. leaky gut syndrome since it can manifest itself in a variety of different ways in your system. It can appear as heart burn or acid indigestion bloating and cramping.

An overview of Sarah Summer's 'Natural Cure for Yeast Infection' e-book. How this medical researcher's work could benefit yeast infection sufferers.

Heartburn actually has nothing to do with the heart but because it is in the center of the abdomen people began calling it heartburn also known as acid indigestion or acid and reflux. More than 60 million adults in the US regularly experience heartburn!

Heartburn No More! Cure acid reflux end your digestive problems and regain your natural inner balance ... Guaranteed! -- Discover how Jeff Martin has taught thousands of people to achieve heartburn freedom faster than they ever thought possible... Even if you've never succeeded at curing your acid reflux before... Right here you've found the acid reflux freedom success system you've been looking for!

Click Here End Heartburn >>

80 percent of heartburn sufferers report symptoms at night. 75 percent of heartburn sufferers say nighttime heartburn awakens them during the night or prevents them from sleeping. 40 percent say that their nighttime heartburn symptoms affects their ability to work the next day.

If you are suffering from heartburn or even the much more serious gastroesophageal reflux disease you might be able to free yourself of it by merely altering your life-! style. A voiding prescription drugs or even worse surgery is possible if you practice the following advice.

Our pet's health can be greatly affected by environmental stressors pollution and family stressors just like we humans. As a result our dogs & cats gerbils rats rabbits guinea pigs and horses can become afflicted with illness injuries and even depression.

The final trimester-week 28 and onward. The end is in sight. But some real challenges still lie ahead for most pregnant women.

There are various acid and reflux symptoms and treatment plans. Some people have found that a home remedy for acid and reflux is effective. However it is important to have your symptoms evaluated by a doctor especially if chest pain is present to rule out more serious conditions.

About the Author

Have You Seen Jeff Martin's new Acid Reflux System yet? It's called Heartburn No More I've read the whole thing (all 150 pages) and there's some great information in there about how to naturally and permanently eliminate your heartburn without drugs antacids or any kind of gimmicks. I highly recommend it - it's very honest and straightforward without all the hype and b.s. you see all over the net these days. Here's the website where you can get more information:

Click Here End Heartburn >>

Heartburn begins as a burning pain behind the breastbone and it then usually radiates upward to the neck. There is often a sensation of food coming back into the mouth and is accompanied by a sour or bitter taste in the mouth.

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The Most Efficient Burns Treatment Takes The Holistic Approach

Posted: 08 Jun 2012 10:00 PM PDT

Article by Madeleine Innocent

The regular burns treatment can leave you suffering horribly from the pain. Sure, you can take pain killers, but they don't do a lot for your liver and they may only take the edge off the pain.

Wouldn't it be better to have a burns treatment that not only switched off the pain, but also healed your burn quickly and without scarring?

Well, that's exactly what the homeopathic medicine Cantharis can do. This important medicine is so effective on so many people, you can almost guarantee that it will bring relief to almost everyone.

Homeopathic medicine works by stimulating the immune system to heal you. If you're not healing you, then it's probably because your immune system is not working very well.

Mostly you have to be quite specific in matching your acute symptoms, to that of the medicine. But for most people, and animals, who suffer from a burn, they get relief from immersing the affected part in cold water.

And Cantharis has the strong modality of feeling better for cold applications. It's worth mentioning here, that there are a few people who get relief from the pain of the burn, by warm applications. But these are more rare. But if this is you, then Cantharis won't help you.

We're so fortunate in homeopathy, as not only do we have an ever growing number of medicines (currently around 5,000), but we also have many potencies, or strengths.

So if the burn is severe, then the best treatment is with a high potency (only available on prescription from a professional homeopathic). If the burn is mild, a low potency, one found in home prescribing kits, is normally very satisfactory.

But you also have the option of frequency of dose. This is best matched to your symptoms, rather than taking it routinely. For example, re-dosing when the pain comes back will also ensure the healing progresses.

Burns treatment is best and most efficiently dealt with by the holistic approach that takes into consideration:

painspeed of healinglack of scar formation! preventi on of infectiona total resolution of the condition.

About the Author

Written by Madeleine Innocent.Discover secrets about natural good health, in particular homeopathy by checking out my free report 'An Introduction to Some Common Homeopathic Remedies'. Just click on the website link below.Good Health Naturallyhttp://www.twolegsandfour.com.au

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ExopoliticsTV Energy healing at a distance with Joe Marra and Alfred Lambremont Webre.mov

"Energy Medicine is a term used for holistic healing therapies that are focused on manipulating "life force" to bring about balance and wellness. Some energy-based modalities involve practitioners using hands-on techniques. Other therapies involve non-touch or absentia treatments. Specific areas treated are the aura, human energy field, chakras, and the meridian system." Because remote energy medicine is non-local in time and space, you can participate in the video and in the remote energy healing led by Joe Marra with Alfred Lambremont Webre at any time and from anywhere. These video is a remote energy medicine resource, and readers can participate in a remote healing session through the video at will for free as many times as they wish. Legal disclaimer: The remote energy medicine healing sessions in these ExopoliticsTV videos does not constitute the unauthorized practice of medicine, and no specific health outcomes are guaranteed or promised by Joe Marra or ExopoliticsTV. Viewer who engage in good faith remote energy medicine healing at a distance experiments are encouraged to write us with a full account of the details of their experiments when watching the ExopoliticsTV videos with Joe Marra, including any healing outcomes. Please be sure and include the date, names, location, conditions of watching ExopoliticsTV Joe Marra remote energy healing videos, and any specific healing outcomes. You may send digital files of any photos or videos taken. Please send your ...

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Dog Separation Anxiety And Aromatherapy

Posted: 08 Jun 2012 09:00 PM PDT

Article by Andy Machin

The use of aromatherapy can be something to add to your options if your dog shows and behaviours related to separation anxiety. It is not just us humans that like nice smells. Our canine friends do too and can respond to them. Dogs have a much more sensitive sense of smell than we do thus giving some credence to the belief that their heightened senses means that dogs are more receptive to aromatherapy.

One quick aromatherapy example you can try straight away. Use one of those plug-in air fresheners with a lavender scent. The smell of lavender is said to have a relaxing, calming effect so it might make you feel a bit less stressed at least and possibly your dog might too.

Or something of a much more relevant approach to dog separation anxiety problems are things called dog appeasement pheromones. These pheromones mimic the natural smell of a nursing mother dog. This has a very pleasant, calming effect on our canine friends and they may react to it by naturally nodding off for a quick forty winks or so or just be more relaxed and chilled out. You can purchase dog appeasement pheromones in a variety of formats such as plug-in type, a spray or even a special dog collar.

Another form of aromatherapy you might consider, particularly if your dog tends to demonstrate excessive barking when alone, is an anti-bark citronella collar. The collar has a pack of citronella and is battery operated. When in place around the dog's neck it becomes sensitive to the vibrations created when the dog barks. This triggers a short burst of citronella to be discharged to harmlessly startle the dog and stop barking. Pretty soon the dog will figure out that barking means something will happen he might not like too much and he will stop barking. Something to consider trying whilst you are out and your dog is alone and does tend to bark a lot under such circumstances.Be advised that citronella collars are not a cheap option so do think about the cost before you give one a try. And it might not be suitable f! or small dogs due to the weight and size of the collar. Also if you own a dog with a long or thick coat there may be too much hair between dog and collar to allow the collar to operate properly and be triggered by the barking vibrations. For optimum results you are probably looking at a medium to large breed of dog with a relatively short haired coat. A greyhound for example.

Another consideration around the citronella collar is that it might not be suitable for dogs of an excessively nervous disposition. However leaving aside cost and suitability, if your dog's separation anxiety does result in extreme and prolonged barking then a citronella collar could be the answer.

So now we have explored a couple of possible ways you can use aromatherapy to tackle an often tricky problem. There are others steps you can take if you own a dog with separation anxiety issues, for example making sure he is entertained whilst you are out by leaving him some of his favourite toys to play with and mixing up your departure and arrival routines so he sees it as no big deal when you come and go. See what works best for your dog.

About the Author

I hope you enjoyed this brief article and found it informative. Dog separation anxiety is certainly treatable and for further information you may wish to download a free ebook which covers more aspects of the condition.

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Difference batween Laser Skin Resurfacing vs Microdermabrasion

Posted: 08 Jun 2012 08:00 PM PDT

Article by Tedd Woods

There are many skin treatments on the market today. Younger quest, it seems fresher can include everything from facial face lift, with all sizes of aesthetic perfection. Two of the most popular skin rejuvenation procedures today are laser skin resurfacing and microdermabrasion. Each has its own particular benefits and risks. It is important to understand these before making a decision or one.

Laser Skin Resurfacing

It is well known as laser peeling or laser vaporization. Laser resurfacing removes facial blemishes with concentrated pulsating light energy. Uses a laser or CO2 or erbium, remove the top layers of skin to reveal fresh, undamaged surface. In fact, the laser light vaporizes the top surface and the problematic cells. Procedure is an outpatient facility under local anesthesia, and various sedatives. In many cases, resurfacing takes less than two hours and the average price is about $ 2000.


Laser skin resurfacing benefits of crows feet or wrinkles around the eyes, mouth and forehead wrinkles, scars, eliminate or reduce. You can also get rid of warts, moles, and cancer.

Another benefit of this procedure compared with other treatments is that the recovery period is short, lasting only a week or two, depending on the type of chemicals used. When treated for facial rejuvenation heat absorption effects can last anywhere from one to five years.

Laser resurfacing works well because it is a very precise procedure, and it leads only to face the heat loss. There is also a very low risk of bleeding associated with the process.


There are certain risks and treatments, although the negative aspects. Healing of skin resurfacing will feel like a mild sunburn. Surface, most likely, it will be very red and looks swollen the first week or two. It may sting or itch during the first couple of days.

In extreme cases, patients may develop an infection, prolonged redness, permanent facial surface discoloration or severe scarring. This pr! ocess is also not recommended for those who currently have problems with acne.


This is a procedure in which images of tiny crystals the upper layers, essentially polishing or scraping the top layer is damaged. It is noninvasive and can be carried out in less than an hour. Several treatments to achieve desired results, and each session can cost between $ 150 and $ 300.


Microdermabrasion is good to get rid of crows feet, acne scars and age spots. It is very popular because it does not cause swelling, redness or burning, such as laser resurfacing. It produces fresh layer of skin on the face and glowing appearance. Others really like it because it is gentle on sensitive facial surface types and the absence of a recovery process to go.


The biggest risk of the procedure is not very effective every time. Because it is less invasive, the effect is sometimes less effective than expected. Multiple treatment sessions, and they can become very expensive when added up. Also, it really only works best for those who have beautiful skin tone begins.

Each of the above-described processes has its advantages and disadvantages. Consult with your doctor to decide which of the skin rejuvenation treatments for you.

About the Author

Read more about botox newport beach, botox laguna beach and botox irvine

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Visual Meditation: Yoga for the mind's eye: Powerful Dancing Mandalas!

Unis Mundi (perfect centertness) by visionary video artist Maurice Spees. A blessing for mind and soul. Open up your third eye with this acupuncture for the mind. While bathing in the powerful sound of the Golden crystal bowls: Balancing the Divine Feminine and Masculine, a part of Golden Solar Logos Alignment by Katharina Bless.

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The Therapeutic Benefits of Aromatherapy

Posted: 08 Jun 2012 07:00 PM PDT

Article by Eirian Hallinan

The benefits of aromatherapy combine the medical and psychotherapeutic properties of essential oils with the emotional and physical effects of massage. Aromatherapy is a stress reliever and mood enhancer plus it also achieves great success in treating minor disorders that doctors can find problematic in dealing with in such a gentle way. Combined with a good diet, exercise, plenty of water and herbal teas, aromatherapy can help maintain your body in tip-top condition!Aromatherapy can enhance your health in lots of ways for example by:

<!--more-->stimulating your immune system which strengthens your body's ability to resist disease and infectionsaiding common female problems such as menopausal distress and PMSalleviating digestive problems such as constipation and abdominal spasmsenhancing the respiratory system so can treat coughs, sinusitis and tonsillitiseasing muscular pain by promoting muscle relaxation and toningimproving circulation and lymphatic drainage which can help in eliminating cellulite and toxinslowering blood pressurecombating stress related disorders such as insomnia and tension headaches amongst otherstreating anxiety, depression and grief

You can use essential oils within your skin and hair care regime. For skin there are oils which can balance the sebum production and also tone your complexion. There are oils for treating athlete's foot, cold sores, scabies and ringworm. You can use certain oils in your hair to make it grow stronger and faster, improve the circulation in your scalp and help eradicate dandruff.

Aromatherapy is often used in first aid measures for ailments such as colds and blocked noses plus helpful for treating minor injuries that happen at home like minor burns and cuts.The following is a couple of examples of beneficial oils especially helpful in the winter for you and your children when you are susceptible to catching coughs and colds.

Eucalyptus Smithii - A resourceful essential oil for illnesses. It is a rich and pungent antis! eptic es sential oil which has a particular affinity with the respiratory system. It is the mildest of all the Eucalyptus so suitable for children and the elderly. For high temperatures put 2 drops your child's bathwater. For chesty coughs, put 4 drops in an egg cup with some olive oil and rub onto your child's back up to four times a day. For sinus congestions, add 2 drops in an egg cup of lotion and apply gently to your child's cheekbones and forehead several times a day. For aches and pains, use 2 drops in the bath as detailed above, or you can blend 4 drops into an egg cup with some sesame seed oil and then massage this gently into the affected areas

Chamomile Roman - It is a calming and soothing essential oil with a pleasant apple-like aroma. It is traditionally used for promoting relaxation and is particularly good for use with children and infants. To assist you or your child in getting a good night's sleep put 2 drops onto a piece of tissue and put it inside your pillowcase so that the aroma from the evaporating oil will fill the bedroom aiding relaxation. For a relaxing bath just add 2 drops to the water. For high temperatures and irritated skin add 4 drops to an egg cup with cream and sparingly apply the blend to the affected areas a few times a day.

About the Author

Eirian Hallinan has written numerous articles in the natural health field. She believes in healing naturally, first, especially when it comes to infant colic.

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Battle Frontier-Battle Pike(Gold)

Me battling the Pike Queen Lucy for the Gold Luck Symbol. I randomly chose my team. She has Gyarados@Chesto Berry Dragon Dance, Rest, Return, Roar Seviper@Focus Band Crunch, Giga Drain, Sludge Bomb, Swagger Steelix@Brightpowder Earthquake, Explosion, Rock Slide, Screech Battle Pike, and the Battle Pyramid in the Frontier are different from the other battling places because they require you walking around, and you don't get a heal after each stage. So, it could be important to bring a healer with moves like Softboiled, and Aromatherapy. Gyarados isn't so much of a threat except it can Rest because of Chesto Berry, and Roar can be sometimes annoying. Because Return is its only attacking move, it can't hurt Ghost types, but then again, it can't do much damage without Dragon Dance. Just use a decent Electric attack, and it will be dead. Seviper's the same as the one you battled for the Silver Symbol except it has Sludge Bomb for Poison Fang, and Focus Band for Quick Claw. Again, take advantage of Swagger. Focus Band is annoying when it works, but its other attack options aren't so good, so you should have little problems. Steelix gets some evasion from Brightpowder, and it can use Explosion. You can risk one of your pokemon, and attack with Fire, or Water moves, or use a tank if you are afraid of Explosion.

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A Holistic Cure For Candida Will Help Stop Your Suffering

Posted: 08 Jun 2012 06:00 PM PDT

Article by Danuta Breisch

You will surely suffer a lot with the itching and the burning sensation that candida gives. Whether you admit it or not, this situation affects your day to day activities. Therefore, you must start to act on it by treating yeast infection at the roots. Cure for candida is very easy to get these days.

Granted that you have ample knowledge on how to cure this infection, you can easily achieve your goal. So now, you can take note of these holistic approaches for yeast infection treatment:

- Pills. If you have a yeast infection, it is necessary that you consult your doctor. This is important so that he can give you the right medications for you to get rid of the disease. Doctors can also provide some food supplements such a boric acid, lactobacillus, bacteria supplements, and the like. No matter what kind of tablet or pill he gives, you are always assured that you are on the right track. He can also give you other tips and solutions to ease the itchiness as well as the burning sensations brought about by candida.

- Oregano Oil. This kind of oil is available widely in the market. You can grab a bottle for yourself and take it internally like you would a medicine syrup. The dosage must be depending on the directions provided by the manufacturers.

- Water. Drinking plenty of pure and toxin-free water can help a lot in curing yeast infection. You can take more than eight glasses if you wish. The secret about how the water becomes a good cure for candida is that it helps you to urinate more. This way, your body is able to flush out most of the sugars in your blood stream. Remember, yeast usually feeds on sugar.

- Apple-cider vinegar. This kind of vinegar can be used either orally or externally depending on your preference. However, when you opt for external application, do not dare to apply it as is to your skin as it will burn like hell. What needs to be done is for you to add one cup of the vinegar to your hot bath water. Just a hint, do not use plain white vinegar for this ! treatmen t. White vinegar can end up feeding the yeast rather than actually killing it.

- Garlic. Today, there are a lot of available garlic tabs in the market that you can take internally. This works great for the cure of the yeast infection. However, it is as better as that of the tablets when you press a garlic clove and swallow it like a pill. This process is very effective as well, especially when done as often as needed.

- Yogurt. As you know, yogurt has all the good bacteria in it that help fight the yeast. You can eat a plain yogurt just like the ordinary ways. Or, you can apply it to the skin but you need to wipe it off sooner as the moisture it gives can be a ticket to an itchier infection.

With all these approaches to stop your suffering from yeast infection, it is not difficult to deal with the disease anymore. You can get a simple cure for candida or two and check out which one is more convenient for you. Anyway, whatever approach you take, you can be assured that they are all effective.

About the Author

Discover the best yeast infection remedies and learn more about candida probiotics by clicking on the links provided.

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Start Your Day With Aromatherapy

Posted: 08 Jun 2012 05:00 PM PDT

Article by Laura Dugan

At one time or another we've all awakened having to start our day feeling sluggish, lack luster and a little down. Starting your day with aromatherapy will definitely help remove these physical and emotional feelings.If you don't have essential oils, aromatic candles can help. There are many stimulating and refreshing aromas available. Any candle with a citrus base not only uplifts your moods, but also helps to clear you mind and give you a refreshed feeling. Candles with a mint base also have the same stimulating effect. Before taking your morning bath or shower, light the aromatherapy candle of your choice in the room you will spend time getting ready. Once you return from your bath or shower, the room will be filled will the fragrance. As you are dressing, apply makeup or doing your hair you will continuously smell the refreshing aroma and you will feel better.If you do have access to essential oils, there are several options available. First, you can create a mix of oils to put in an oil warmer. You will want to start your oil warmer before showering or bathing just as you would a candle to give the aroma time to fill your room. Second, you can create a spray spritzer to use after showering or bathing by mixing your choice of essential oils with water and adding to a sprayer. The third option is to add a few drops of aromatherapy essential oils into the bottom of the bathtub. Once you turn on the shower, the steam will release the aroma of the oil into the air, providing you the refreshing and uplifting feeling.Some of the essential oils very good at helping to relieve fatigue are geranium, lemon, juniper, basil, and bergamot. With the wide variety or aromatherapy essential oils available, there are endless possibilities of mixtures to create the perfect pick-me-up mixture to use as you choose.A few of the uplifting and refreshing aromatherapy oil mixtures I like are:• For an oil warmer or diffuser: add 6 drops lemon and 4 drops peppermint• For a refreshing bath: mix together 10 drops berg! amot, 10 drops lemon, 10 drops ginger and 10 drops geranium and add to warm/steaming bath water before getting in.• For a pick-me-up spritzer: add 40 drops grapefruit, 40 drops bergamot, 40 drops spearmint and 20 drops lavender to 4 ounces of water. Put in a spray bottle and shake well. You can spritz yourself on your arms, legs or face anytime of the day.

About the Author

Owner of http://www.aromatherapysoothers.com

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VaporTower Vaporizer

www.vaporstore.com - Here is a video of a user using the vaportower vaporizer. Note: the material used in this video is Damiana Leaf. All aromatherapy herbs and the top herbal vaporizers on the market available at vaporstore. Available and on sale at www.vaporstore.com

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Will Aromatherapy Help Your Headaches?

Posted: 08 Jun 2012 04:00 PM PDT

Article by Jean Olsen

Aromatherapy has an almost immediate effect on the nervous system. Therefore, it is an excellent preventative means for stress and tension management, which are major contributors to headaches. Essential oils also have anti-microbial, pain relieving and immune strengthening qualities, which provide cellular healing. They interact with the limbic brain, effecting the hormone and nervous systems.

The most frequently used oils for headache pain include-


Here are some tips on the use of essential oils-

- For a headache with eyestrain, try a cool compress with a mixture of chamomile, parsley and/or rosemary on the forehead and lie down for about 20 minutes.

-Try putting an essential oil in a soft cloth and inhaling throughout the day.

-For a sinus-related headache, try putting peppermint, eucalyptus, ginger and/or wintergreen in the cloth.

-For tension-related headaches, take a warm bath with a couple of drops of your favorite oil that helps with stress (such as lavender) and soak for about 20 minutes.

-For a vascular headache, use two compresses- put calming oil in a cool cloth on the face or neck and put another one in a warm foot soak for about 20 minutes.

-You can take any of your favorite oils and use in a diffuser, aroma lamp or try putting a couple of drops in a bowl with boiling water in it, put a towel over your head and the bowl and breathe deeply for a few minutes.

In order to get the full healing properties of essential oils you will want to use oils that have been extracted by natural means, not an industrial solvent. If you want to check your essential oils try putting a drop into water and if it looks creamy it may be a synthetic. You could also put a drop on paper and if it has a grease stain after 2-3 hours it may be diluted.

Essential oils are potent-

-Keep a bottle of pure! vegetab le oil close by to dilute if they cause irritation to your skin.

-Make sure your essential oils are kept away from children.

-Keep oils capped tightly, upright and in a dark place.

-Do not get oils close to the eyes or put in the ears.

-If pregnant or nursing consult a trained aroma therapist before using.

-Check with your health care practitioner if you have any type of major illness, especially high blood pressure or epilepsy.

Educate yourself on ways to become headache free. There are many good books to study more about the use of aromatherapy. You might also try an on-line search and see what information you come up with. Keep experimenting with different ideas and approaches as you will eventually learn how to empower yourself to take control over your pain.

The use of aromatherapy with essential oils can be a beneficial part of treating yourself for headaches. Especially when used in conjunction with massage, stretching, hydrotherapy (using hot and cold application), and relaxation techniques, aromatherapy is an excellent part of a natural headache treatment plan.

Using aromatherapy really can decrease the frequency, severity and/or duration of your pain. It is an essential tool in helping you to become "Headache Free…Naturally."

About the Author

Jean Olsen is a licensed massage therapist (since 1995) and certified neuromuscular therapist. Her website- www.achyhead.com offers unique, natural alternatives for headache sufferers. Apply her techniques and become "Headache Free…Naturally." "Helping people help themselves has always been my passion."

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Traditional Folk Crafts: Clay Sculpture Art Xiangjie ejection Tibet - traditional crafts, Tibet, and

Posted: 08 Jun 2012 03:00 PM PDT

Article by jekky

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Tips Best Foods For Gerd - Discover What Causes Your Gerd Symptoms

Posted: 08 Jun 2012 02:00 PM PDT

Article by eusebiogren

acid and reflux or heartburn is an irritating problem that may bring pain and discomfort anytime in the night or day without any warning. Aside from medication there are several natural treatments for acid and reflux available that will help to cure heartburn. Natural treatments are regarded as safer since they don't produce any negative side effect. All natural remedies are really just an expression for a much larger list of natural holistic healing cures. When people refer to all natural remedies they really are talking about Acupressure Reflexology Home Remedies Homeopathic Medicine Aromatherapy Essential Oils Magnet Therapy Healing Crystals Acupuncture Healing Herbs and Iridology. Any one or all of these types of organic healing can be considered 'all natural remedies.

Are you suffering from heartburn and you are now looking for the best heartburn medicine? So what is the best heartburn medicine?

Heartburn is a very painful condition where any afflicted person suffers from burning pain in the chest region. However persistent heartburn caused by acid and reflux may lead to a number of serious health complications and in such cases physicians readily alert the afflicted not to ignore the symptoms.

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More than 60 million American adults suffer from heartburn at least once a month and about 25 million American adults suffer from heartburn on a daily basis.

If you are suffering from a thrush infection that is recurring maybe it is time to look for remedies that can help in preventing you from suffering permanently from this condition. A surprisingly large number of women suffer from this condition at some stage in their life and a large ! number o f women are also frustrated by the lack of success in finding a permanent cure for thrush (yeast infection) by conventional medicines such as creams and ointments.

Home remedy for acid and reflux is now the real necessity for people suffering from this disease and people who are desperately looking for permanent and long term cure for acid and reflux. Home remedies are one of the most reliable and widely accepted cures for this disease. Best of all it has no side effects like other homeopathic treatments. Only thing to remember here is you have to make your own schedule and follow it religiously in order to make the natural treatments for acid and reflux more effective and efficient.

Nothing can ruin a good meal like heartburn. If you or someone you know is experiencing heartburn on a regular basis then you need to keep reading.

So just how do you naturally cure GERD or acid and reflux? Well here's a couple of practical things that I've learned not to do when I was diagnosed with this condition and while I was undergoing treatment.

About the Author

New E-book Reveals Unique Holistic Strategies to Cure Acid Reflux. Discover How To Quickly And Easily Cure Heartburn Permanently... Even If Everything Else You Tried had Failed... Without Drugs Without Over The Counters and Without Nasty Side Effects - Guaranteed!

Click Here End Heartburn >>

Heartburn begins as a burning pain behind the breastbone and it then usually radiates upward to the neck. There is often a sensation of food coming back into the mouth and is accompanied by a sour or bitter taste in the mouth.

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How Do I Treat Recurring Ovarian Cysts? A Natural and Holistic Approach is What You Need

Posted: 08 Jun 2012 01:00 PM PDT

Article by Isabella Miller

You have recurring ovarian cysts and don't see the end of it? You clearly want your life back and have difficulties understanding why despite some treatments you may have already done, they are still there making your life hell?

Well, rest assured because you are not alone. Millions of women are going through the same ordeal but some have managed to break the vicious circle for good.

So, you want to really know how to treat recurring ovarian cysts and you are right!

Ovarian cysts as you probably already know are lumps made up of sacs that are filled with fluids. They develop on your ovaries and produce a wide variety of symptoms that range from pain, discomfort to stress or even depression. The list of ailments associated with the condition is long but most of you suffer the common symptoms.

You know this already I guess but I thought a recap would help you understand how you can treat recurring ovarian cysts.

Most of the time, these cysts are benign and will go away on their own. Sometimes though, they won't and will affect your body. In this case, you will be offered either surgery or even hormonal therapy.

However, what doctors fail to explain is that these treatments will work short term only. Indeed, they cover the symptoms only and do not treat the root causes of the condition whilst this clearly is the crux of the problem.

But do not despair because there is a solution. More and more women are now adopting a holistic approach in order to get rid of their cysts. And it works! By targeting the actual cause of the disease you eliminate the symptoms and shrink the cysts.

Natural treatments are the solution because the have absolutely no side effects, are gentle and easy to use and most importantly are extremely effective. Some of these remedies can easily be made at home and are very affordable too.

For instance, did you know that changing your eating habits can have a major effect on your health and more particularly on reducing the pain an! d shrink ing the lumps?

If ovarian cysts are making your life miserable and you want to get rid of them then you must take action TODAY. Natural remedies will shrink and get rid of your cysts for good. Alternatively, you can also visit http://naturaltreatmentforovariancysts-yoan.blogspot.com

About the Author

Isabella Miller is in her mid forties and has a keen interest for holistic medicine. She has suffered her good deal from ovarian cysts in the past but successfully managed to get her life back by following a very easy and yet effective method available to you today.

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Detailed Info How To Get Rid Of Indigestion Pain

Posted: 08 Jun 2012 12:00 PM PDT

Article by parkerbuer

acid and reflux is really just a symptom of an underlying condition. However many conditions can cause acid and reflux which often makes it harder to treat. Among the contributing potential causes can be: hiatal hernias pregnancy defective lower esophageal sphincters insufficient digestive enzymes asthma and lifestyle.acid and reflux takes place when the closure of the lower esophageal sphincter does not take place correctly and thus leading to the leakage of stomach contents back into the stomach itself. The sphincter or the LES can be referred to as the muscle ring present along the base of esophagus acting as valve separating the stomach and esophagus.

Constipation occurs when bowel movements are small hard and difficult to pass. You may have few bowel movements or always experience a feeling of never finishing the movement.There are several natural ways to help those who suffer from constipation.

Heartburn is relatively common and most people have had it at least one time in their life. It is a burning type discomfort in your esophagus. The esophagus is located either below or behind the breastbone in your chest. One episode is not a cause for concern but occurring on a regular needs medical attention because this indicates other problems.

Heartburn No More! Cure acid reflux end your digestive problems and regain your natural inner balance ... Guaranteed! -- Discover how Jeff Martin has taught thousands of people to achieve heartburn freedom faster than they ever thought possible... Even if you've never succeeded at curing your acid reflux before... Right here you've found the acid reflux freedom success system you've been looking for!

Click Here End Heartburn >>

80 percent of heartburn sufferers report symptoms at night. 75 percent of heartburn sufferers say nighttime heartburn awakens them during the night or prevents them from sleeping. 40 percent say that their nighttime heartburn symptoms affects their ability to work the next day.

Himala! yan salt is said to be the cleanest salt available on the planet which has extraordinary benefits to our health. This salt is pristine and made of an almost perfect geometric system potential in stone crystals. The connection between Himalayan salt and acid and reflux is that Himalayan salt has been proven as being effective in easing reflux in patients.

Millions of people experience acid and reflux every year. In fact many feel the incidence of acid and reflux is on the rise and attribute the increase largely to the modern diet which is packed with foods high in fat sugar caffeine and preservatives.

People who suffer from heartburn usually find themselves in wanting of a treatment that works. Natural treatment for heartburn works as well as any other available treatments. However the effectiveness of these natural treatments-or any treatment for that matter-is how well a person can keep his or her self on track all the time. Even the simplest of tips will not work in achieving full healing without sufficient self-control discipline and determination.

Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the leading cause of death in this country. Knowing details of your chest pain and your prior medical history can aid your physician in diagnosing you quickly if you do have CAD.

About the Author

Heartburn No More! Cure acid reflux end your digestive problems and regain your natural inner balance ... Guaranteed! -- Discover how Jeff Martin has taught thousands of people to achieve heartburn freedom faster than they ever thought possible... Even if you've never succeeded at curing your acid reflux before... Right here you've found the acid reflux freedom success system you've been looking for!

Click Here End Heartburn >>

While lifestyle habits can worsen your heartburn symptoms and increase the number of heartburn episodes heartburn is a medical condition with biological causes.

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Tears of Happiness [ Relaxing Ambient Space Music by Roman Klunder ]

Tears of Happiness [ 2010 ] If You like my music - please leave a comment! ENJOY! All pictures taken by me © 2010 Roman Klunder / RKLPC Records, Germany symphonic synthesizer ambient space New-Age world music

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Going Again Towards the Red Bottom Shoes Naturel By means of Aromatherapy Epidermis Care

Posted: 08 Jun 2012 12:00 PM PDT

Article by Huey Vancleaf

Within the mid east, there is certainly Red Bottom Shoes the custom of wearing hijaab amongst females. It is a type of veil that addresses the entire encounter. Although it has taken several a connotations with time (largely controversial), the very standard purpose of it absolutely was to safeguard the facial epidermis from the sunlight.

Pores and skin treatment, as can be seen, has become accorded wide value all the time. In addition, it's been an ubiquitous phenomenon as no element from the planet is unaffected with all the concern for their epidermis. Skin treatment with herbs and plant extracts is locating growing recognition in current years. This can be termed as aromatherapy skin treatment.

Aromatherapy epidermis care Christian Louboutin Sale is not a latest concept. Only that we were so engrossed in synthetic and synthetic items that we forgot the massive source of our naturel. Synthetic skin treatment goods are simply readily available. This was the main plank on which these became the purchase of the day. For the all-natural treatments for pores and skin care, 1 had to go to their source, i.e. the forest. This was an extremely hard process for a frequent individual. So, synthetic moisturizers, artificial lotions, artificial sunscreens, and a number of other artificial epidermis treatment merchandise practically enveloped the market.

It was since of constant analysis around the Christian Louboutin subject that individuals recognized the adverse consequences of artificial items. Now, men and women who're involved about their pores and skin and so are willing to invest that extra buck for the correct treatment for their epidermis, have voted for all-natural pores and skin treatment items and aromatherapy epidermis care.

If noticed in the perspective of expense, then aromatherapy skin care will prove to become the cheapest. If one particular desires then he can prepare an all-natural epidermis care planning at house. Does this need time No! Dedicate your weekend to! skin ca re (the skin really deserves that). Numerous preparations final for a couple of days to particular weeks. So, one particular might preserve them for use through the weekdays. This may ensure that you don't get late for office whilst readying the skin for your day.

Easy methods Red Bottom Shoes are involved in aromatherapy epidermis treatment. While getting a bath, sprinkle two drops each and every of lavender, bergamot, and cedar wood. This may preserve you refreshed all day. In the event you are sensation nervous, then utilization of necessities oils of geranium and basil is recommended. Equally, you'll find baths aimed at relieving men and women of insomnia or tiredness.

If making use of an epidermis softener, appear for sweet almond oil in the item. Being wealthy in Vitamins A, B1, B2, and B6, the skin will glow. Exposing kinds skin to steam is also helpful. This aids open up the pores inside the epidermis and therefore stops pores and skin inflammations. A cleanser as well works within the exact same way. It aids preserve the pores and skin clean. Often use a chemical cost-free and soap cost-free cleanser. One particular may possess a huge alternative from natural cleansers readily available inside the industry.

All these makes an attempt Red Bottom Shoes to keep the skin healthy and glowing will go squander in the event you are stressed. Anxiety shows in your encounter (except if you will be a learn deceiver). Go to get a spa and rejuvenate oneself.

About the Author

Get your shard Christian Louboutin Shoes from authorized Christian Louboutin Sale Online Store right now with Swift Shipping and delivery, Tighten Payment & Remarkable Customer Service at http://www.redbottomsshoesroom.com.

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Using Aromatherapy For Relaxation & Holistic Medicine

Posted: 08 Jun 2012 11:00 AM PDT

Article by Julia Stevens

Aromatherapy and its many uses have become quite popular over the years. Using essential oils that have been extracted from specific parts of aromatic plants, flowers, trees, leaves, seeds, and roots, aromatherapy has been found to help soothe many disorders. The different essences that create the essential oils have healing properties that affect the problems through the sense of smell.

Chemically, theses essences are somewhat complicated. Most of them have hundreds of components. For this reason, one drop of an essential oil can treat many disorders. A wonderful example of this is lavender. With properties of antibiotic, anti-depressant, antiseptic, analgesic, decongestant and sedative, it will treat a very long list of ailments.

There are several ways to get these scents into the air. Many people love using scented candles which not only provides a way of inhaling the aromas but also creates a very romantic and soothing environment. Drops of essential oils used on the light bulbs of lamps will release the scent into the room. Incense of different scents is used by many just to keep certain aromas in the air.

Holidays provide the perfect time to get some comfort scents into the air. Potpourri can be steamed in a pot on the stove and the house will smell like apple pie, gingerbread, pumpkin pie, or any other aroma that is associated with holidays from long ago. Obviously, these are aromas that will lift your mood and keep your home cheerful for anyone who enters it.

Aromatherapy is used as a part of holistic and alternative medicine. It is perfect for people who prefer a more natural approach to healing and want to take a more active part in their own treatment for various ailments. Typically, there are professional aromatherapists located all over the world. You should be able to find one to suit your personal needs.

Anyone who is interested in becoming an expert in aromatherapy needs to take the time to learn everything about the different oils. When you understand! the rig ht way to work with them, it is easy to integrate aromatherapy into not only your life, but the lives of your family and friends. Studying the different essential oils will help you know just what to use for every situation. All of you will also find that these oils are healing and uplifting while restoring that much needed harmony and balance into your lives.

About the Author

Julia has been writing articles for many years. You can check out his latest work on how to make a collage by visiting her new site on the picasso collage.

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[EFT Coaching for Business] Pamela Bruner Shows How to Break Down Blocks to Success

www.5SecretstoSuccess.com In this video, you'll get an exclusive insider's view of success coach, Pamela Bruner in action. This video is centered around helping you overcome blocks to success - specifically around limiting beliefs and emotions that keep us from achieving our goals. Watch as Pamela Bruner demonstrates the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) to overcome mental blocks around focus and what it takes to be truly successful in the holistic sense. Are you not taking action and not sure why? Is your business growth and income a constant struggle? Is fear holding you back from success? Remove the roadblocks to success with the free 5-day minicourse '5 Secrets to Success' at http Pamela Bruner is a success coach who uses state-of-the-art mindset tools to make it easy and fun for her clients to do all the things that make business, and life, successful.

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Aromatherapy : A scent away for great relationships

Posted: 08 Jun 2012 10:00 AM PDT

Article by Caroline Therancy

Is it possible that a scent can make you mellower and increase dramatically the relation with you and your mate? Can you calm the kids down instantly? Do you wish that you would feel and look more in control for the big meeting? Thousands of people around the world have discovered the powerful benefits of Aromatherapy. And you can do it to.With the stress involve in our way of living today, we get psychological and physiological consequences to our fragile health. We spend more of our hard earned money on over-the-counter medication or on prescriptions to help cure our little and bigger pains.The power of Aromatherapy could help you lead to a better outlook of life And keep more money in your pocket.But what is Aromatherapy exactly?Aromatherapy is the art and practice of using essential oils extracted from aromatic plants and herbs to restore or enhance health, beauty and well being. Aromatic molecules interact with the tops of your nasal cavity and give the signal to the limbic system (the emotional switchboard of the brain). The limbic sys- tem is directly connected to the part that controls the heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, memory, stress level and hormone balance.And it works. For example, we use Vicks for our colds, sinusitis and sore throat. It contains Eucalyptus. For me, it's the only treatment that I find effective for Bronchitis, despite antibiotics treatment.Let's talk about Lavender. Lavender is multi use oil; it has strong psychological effects and physiological cures.We find Lavender in France, especially in Provence. That flower has a fresh, sweet, floral scent. It has calming effect; smell it when you are stressed in the traffic, or at work, or right before an exam because Lavender has calming proprieties for panic attacks, stress, anxiety and even depression! It's a gentle narcotic for mental and physical strain.Some couples use Lavender base candles during giving birth to have the most calming experience, for the mother and for the new born. Other people burn a candle on! a regul ar basis, after a surgery to help cope with the pain. You can also do it to calm the kids in the house! Or, for an anticipated quiet night at home with you lover...Lavender is a good antibiotic for the skin. If your child has cuts and burnings, you can apply creams or lotion with enough concentration of the oil to prevent infection. It also reduces scaring.Another good aromatic oil is Rosewood. It origins are from a native tree in Brazil. It has a psychological effect of balancing, uplifting and enliven. You can use it before an interview, or a business meeting, or even before a hot date! If you are feeling down or lack of "joie-de-vivre" this aromatic essence can change your state of mind and make you look like an enjoyable person (save on alcohol or drugs here!).Rosewood is also good to treat sensitive of aged skin, because it stimulates the regeneration of the skin.You can use Aromatherapy in different forms; candles, shower gels, soap, bath mousse, diffuser, potpourri, spray for the room, etc... Whatever you feel comfortable with. You can use aromatherapy for different emotional well-being; you can treat anger, anxiety from shyness, confidence, depression, burnout, loneliness, concentration, etc...With all the chemicals that float in the air, in the water and in our food, those can produce chemical imbalance in the brain and change our moods and alter the relation that we have with the people in our lives. The use of aromatic products is a cheap solution for better health and a happier life.All those aromatic products can help you have better relationship with your mate (or the opposite sex), with your business associates, at social events, in your home, etc.... to be able to obtain more out of life because of the uplifting attitude that you'll get. Be careful of buying too cheap; make sure that you are buying quality products with enough concentration to get the beneficial effects.Wishing you great moments!

About the Author

To receive tips on how to get a great love life subscribe free to her newsletterat http://www.everydaybetterliving.com

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Dental Day Spa Cosmetic Dentist, Dr. Lana Rozenberg, is Featured on NY1

Dental Day Spa Cosmetic Dentist, Lana Rozenberg DDS, appears on NY1 to discuss how she provides relaxing dentist visits. Dr. Rozenberg provides you the latest cosmetic dental techniques while enjoying aromatherapy, a massage, and calming music.

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A Holistic Treatment For Candida Will Help Stop Your Suffering

Posted: 08 Jun 2012 09:00 AM PDT

Article by Jacob Sikais

So you have been infected with Candida, a common yeast infection which resides in the vaginal region that can be caused by trivial factors that you cannot avoid. You have been suffering since then because your skin manifests the symptoms of the disease, and you cannot be with the one you love for fear of transmitting the disease to him/her.

A female can be the carrier of the disease, where the disease has developed and where it can be passed through the partner during sexual intercourse. Then the male partner can acquire it and pass it on to other partners by the same means, affecting everyone that has had the contact with the contaminated individual.

You may be shy and fail to approach a doctor to see what the problem in your body is. Or you may dismiss the disease as merely something that will pass in time-after all, skin diseases are common enough that you will find it difficult to know what originally caused it. By not knowing the cause, you will not know how to cure it.

You can experiment on different methods of curing the disease, but be aware that administering the wrong medications or using the wrong methods may worsen the disease, which will make it harder to treat it. Finding treatment for Candida can be done simply. First, go to the doctor and have a check up. Then when it has been confirmed that Candida is your case, the doctor may prescribe medications that will stop it from infesting you.

Your body can be spared the damages that Candida can cause it once you gather up the courage and consult a doctor about it. However, not all patients end up well after they take medications. That is if they even take medications.

Prescription treatment for Candida can cause quite a fortune especially if you have been infected for some time and have ignored the need to have it treated. Yeast infection can easily affect the body and once it is not stopped, it can cause you to suffer with complications.

But you can stop it by having yourself medicated-even if it is n! ot presc ription medicines. You can go holistic with simple methods that are expressed in detail in an e-book called Yeast Infection Remedies which is up for grabs on the internet for an affordable price.

Treatment for Candida comes in handy for those who know where to look. You can actually treat Candida with a change in your lifestyle, which includes changes in your eating habits and hobbies. Reading about the infection will help you prepare for it and can arm you against it. There are several books available that can help and some physicians too. There are quite a few physicians who are knowledgeable about Candida, but they can still help.

Preventing Candida from infecting your body means that you should take care of yourself physically. This is the most common act that you can do, and you are protecting yourself not only from a certain kind of disease, but of many others as well.

About the Author

For a limited time you may download a FREE report on yeast infection remedies, before the price is raised back up to the original asking price of .95 USD... get the right treatment for candida.

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Premier Energy Corp Holistic Glance

Posted: 08 Jun 2012 08:00 AM PDT

Article by John Smith

There is much to the Premier Energy Corp, (P79.F) than meets the eye. Its headquarters are in Texas, where it has been able to set novel objectives towards creating novel value, maintaining business stability as well as offering its shareholders a higher return for their investment via an appreciation of the company's asset value as well as cash dividends. The Energy Company, P79.F, sets to make use of the available venues for the achievement of its objectives, which includes further measures towards reducing cost, operating efficiency and its increases while improving its service and product quality as it applies the latest in the field of technology.

It aims to support a longer-term economic growth, prosperity, social stability, progress within the areas of Premier Energy Corp, P79, operations and caring for the natural environment and ensuring it is equally sustaining the usage of the natural resources. It also has ample goals in place to achieve a long time growth in its business and remaining largely consistent, while transforming the Company into one of the world's leading Energy Companies.

With the measures Premier Energy Corp is putting in place, these goals are not far from being achieved, but remaining consistent and focused will definitely make sure they have been comprehensively achieved. The Oil Company is looking forward towards making sure that it has become a holistic and reliable supplier of gas and oil across the international oil and gas market while taking care of the delicate environment and any social impact in each of the places it has decided to conduct business across the world. Premier Energy has set its goal and is looking forward towards adding up on its increasing investment orientations upon many areas of operation.

This is in the sector of Power Generation, where the world is set to require lots of input as the demand rises. Program for generation of power is set to take about 2 years and will definitely be ground breaking, in parts of Eastern Euro! pe and t he United States. Premier Energy Corp has ample strategic objectives that are set to ensure the fact that the Company's development with oil and gas does correspond with its competitiveness and efficiency. It has an elaborate social responsibility that consists of the inclusion of a perfect working environment, safe environment and preservation of any heritage in terms of culture and archaeology.

This can be deciphered by its approach of the North-Kopanskoye wells, through Karbon CJSC, where it is involved in the rehabilitation, repair and modernization of the oilfields to make them easily approachable and safe for workers and the work in progress to continue unaffected by safety reasons. Premier Energy Corp sets to make sure its drilling activities in new areas, mostly covered with natural forests or even working below zero temperatures continue well, but without being a menace to the natural environment. The company seems much like a prolific new company, as much as it has an extensive experience that runs beyond 75 years, mostly due to sound and logical investment plans and programs of growth.

About the Author

Premier Energy Corporation engages in Oil and Gas Production and Exploration, mostly within the Russian Federation. For more information, you can visit http://premieroilco.com.

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Author of Your Own Existence: Dr. Rob’s Intention of the Day, June 8, 2012

Posted: 08 Jun 2012 08:00 AM PDT

Hello, good morning, Dr. Rob
Another awesome and amazing day in the universe
Author of Your Own Existence, my intention of the day

Yes, that's what we be, the author you see
We make it happen
Good, bad, ugly, and pretty in the day
You be the author and creator you see
Worry, wonder or faith it be
The dreamer you see, is you and me
And dream it big and this be the way
The author, I say, creates all of the day
For the author be you of what you do
Write it so big and bold you see
Faith, the key, and love all thee
Author of your life, this is all that it be
Step forward you see and love what it be
The key is thee
The dreamer is you and all that you do
Now simply love the day and love thy way
Life thy play, God's gift I say
Be ready to fail, and this is how life does prevail
Every failure, you see, teaches all thee
And simply step forward with a smile of thee
Keep writing and writing, and singing in the day
For the author is you for all that you do
Blessings you see and this is thy key
Love, Dr. Rob
On this awesome and amazing day in the universe
God Bless

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A Holistic Approach to Ear Wax Cleaning

Posted: 08 Jun 2012 07:00 AM PDT

by kipbot

Article by Julie-Ann Amos

A thorough ear wax cleaning is a difficult job, and one best left to the professionals. Which is why holistic health spas and alternative medicine centers universally offer the services of an ear wax candle to help you get that stubborn wax blockage out. Although there are a number of ways to remove ear wax, none of them comes close to the whole body approach that is part of ear candling therapy. Many times the session will be included as part of a massage or oil therapy, designed to give both body and spirit a rest from the daily routine.

Upon checking into your wellness center, you may be asked to lie down on your back or side, or even just to sit upright during the procedure. Some earwax candle practitioners prefer that you have the affected ear facing up, but this is not necessary for earwax cleaning to occur. In fact, recent evidence shows that this may even increase the possibility of melted candle wax adhering to your ear drum. Some debate exists within the alternative medicine community about whether the earwax candle actually draws out ear wax by means of a vacuum or not, but regardless, the blockage should be dislodged no matter what position you are in.

One end of an ear wax candle will be placed inside your ear, and the other end lit. Although there are a variety of candles available on the market, the best quality earwax candles are beeswax, because they don't contain any impurities. The candle should be allowed to burn within 2 to 4 inches of your ear before being extinguished. If necessary, the candle practitioner may use two candles in each ear if he or she feels it is necessary. The combination of warm smoke and air drifting into the ear canal is enough to dislodge most ear wax build up, and many earwax candle patients report that their wax blockage falls out on its own in the next few days following the procedure.

Customer testimonials provide the most enthusiastic evidence for ear candling therapy. Everything from cured dizziness to migraines to even an improve! d sense of smell is attributed to the use of candling. Should you choose to use this method of removing ear wax, be sure to choose a well-experienced practitioner, as there are inherent risks involved, not the least of which is damage to the ear drum or possible loss of hearing.

About the Author

Julie-Ann Amos is a professional writer who writes on the topic of ENT health and hygiene, such as this column describing what happens in a typical ear wax cleaning procedure at a holistic health centre. She recommends going to a professional practitioner if you are considering using an ear wax candle.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.

Eggs - Nature's Perfect Food

www.karenrothnutrition.com Holistic Nutrition Consultant, Karen Roth, MS, NC discusses the health benefits of eggs. Eggs have had a brad wrap as contributing to high cholesterol. When in fact studies have shown that its an intake of saturated fat, not cholesterol containing foods that raise cholesterol levels. But there is a small percentage of the population that is effected by dietary intake of cholesterol. For those note that egg whites contain no cholesterol. Eggs are one of the highest quality sources of protein containing all the essential amino acids in the egg white. Eggs also contain Iodine and Selenium both critical nutrients for thyroid hormones. The yolk of the egg contains lutein an important nutrient for the eyes and diets rich in lutein have shown to reduce the risk of macular degeneration. Eggs are also a great food for bone health because they one of the very few foods that contain Vitamin D which stimulates the absorption of calcium, increasing bone mineral density. In addition, eggs are a good source of Vitamin K which anchors calcium inside the bones. And the bonus is Eggs are around 70 calories each. Organic eggs will not have hormones or antibiotics, you'll pay more for Omega 3 enriched eggs, which if you don't take fish oil or eat fish, you will want these. For those that take fish oil and eat fish, you don't need to spend the extra money on them. You may wonder if brown eggs are more nutritious, and that's not the case. It just means they come from ...

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Dr. Rob’s Awesome Quote Selections, June 8, 2012

Posted: 08 Jun 2012 07:00 AM PDT

"Forget about the fast lane. If you really want to fly, just harness your power to your passion."

"The most effective way to do it, is to do it."
~Amelia Earhart

"Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will."

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Smoke Marlboro Milds!

heres some questions ive been asked while i smoke.

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Introduction to Aromatherapy

Posted: 08 Jun 2012 06:00 AM PDT

Article by Loring A. Windblad

This article is Copyright 2005 by Windy Dawn Marketing and Loring Windblad. This article may be freely copied and used on other web sites only if it is copied complete with all links and text, including the Authors Resource Box, intact and unchanged in any detail including misspellings and typos. My sweetie (my wife June) had breast cancer a few years ago and we opted 1) to have a lymph-ectomy (mistake) and later 2) radiation (good decision). Regardless of whether it was a mistake we did it and the result is that she has to be very careful about not injuring her right arm. Last summer and fall she burned herself on our oven three times, one of them very seriously. She happened to go on an outing with several girl friends right after the bad burn and in talking it over with them they decided to put therapeutic-grade lavender essential oil on the burn. She could feel it healing immediately and in spite of this being a large burn (2" x 6") it healed with only a very small scar, about the size of a half-quarter (like a half-moon shape).Non-therapeutic-grade lavender helped the two previous burns as well. We have been using essential oils for several years, for rubs, for aromatherapy*, disinfecting and healing small cuts and abrasions, etc. But this was the first time we had learned of its healing properties for burns. And was the girls used was a much better grade of lavender than we had at home. We have since replaced all our oils with the Young Living essential oils and find that they are much more powerful and a far superior grade. It's also interesting to note the very modern history of aromatherapy* as documented below."*Aromatherapy is a phrase coined by Rene-Maurice Gattefosse, Ph.D., in 1920, who was a French cosmetic chemist. While working in his laboratory, he had an accident that resulted in a third degree thermal burn of his hand and forearm. He plunged his arm into a vat of lavender oil, thinking that it was water. To his surprise, the burning slowly decreased and then stopped within a fe! w moment s. Over a period of time, with the continual application of lavender oil, the burn healed completely without a trace of a scar. As a chemist, he analyzed the essential oil of lavender and discovered that it contained many substances referred to as chemical constituents or chemical properties. As a result of this, Dr. Gattefosse determined that essential oils contained tremendous healing properties."Dr. Gattefosse shared his experience with his colleague and friend, Dr. Jean Valnet, a medical doctor in Paris, France. During World War II, while serving as a medical physician in the French Army at the China Wall, treating war victims, Dr. Valnet ran out of antibiotics, so he decided to try using essential oils. To his amazement, they had a powerful effect in reducing and even stopping the infection, and he was able to save many of the soldiers who otherwise might have died even with antibiotics. "Dr. Valnet had two students who did their internship with him who were responsible for expanding his work, Dr. Paul Belaiche and Dr. Jean Claude Lapraz. They discovered that essential oils contain antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal and antiseptic properties as well as being powerful oxygenators with the ability to act as carrying agents in the delivery of nutrients into the cells."The above is the "modern" history of essential oils and aromatherapy. However, the practice of creating essential oils and aromatherapy is an ancient practice likely dating to the Egyptians and Chinese, possibly older. It is known that essential oils were used at the time of Christ, as at least one of the "Gifts of the Magi" was essential oil. So what we now have is the modern incarnation of an ancient practice, given "official recognition" by the medical profession in the persona of Doctors Gattefosse and Valnet, later joined by Doctors Belaiche and Lapraz.What is interesting to us, my wife and I, is that there is a significant difference in quality between every essential oil we have used and the "therapeutic essential oils" from Youn! g Living . We have used what, to us, were only the finest and purest of Lavender Essential Oil. We used several, eventually finding one that was clearly better than the rest. What we have learned from this experience is that as good as the lavender oil we used was, the Young Living essential oil is significantly superior and while there are obvious disinfectant and healing properties for cuts and abrasions, it has especially superb healing powers for burns.In coming articles I will share with you much more of the wonderful world of aromatherapy, what it has done for us and what it can do for you.Disclaimer: This article in no way should be taken as "medical advice" on any product, condition or course of action, nor does it constitute in any way "medical advice" endorsing any specific product, specific result, nor any possible cure for any condition or problem. This article is meant as a source of information upon which you may base your decision as to whether or not you should begin using any vitamin, mineral and/or herbal supplement for better health, or begin using a "greens" product as a dietary supplement. If in doubt, or if you have questions, you should consult your physician and, if possible, consult a second physician for a possible different opinion. The author does not bear any responsibility for your decisions nor for the outcome of your actions based upon those decisions.

About the Author

Loring Windblad has studied diet, nutrition and exercise for more than 40 years, is a published author, freelance writer and photographer and is married to the beautiful June Dawn. Their latest business endeavors and where they can be reached are: http://www.homemadefruitwines.com/http://www.santaclausca.com/ junedawn@younglivingworld

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.

Onondaga County Parks News – June 2012

Posted: 08 Jun 2012 06:00 AM PDT

Up, Up and Away
This weekend, June 8-10, head to Jamesville Beach Park for the 33rd Annual Jamesville Balloonfest. The non-stop fun includes dozens of colorful hot air balloons, nationally known tribute bands along with top local music acts, family-friendly activities and a variety of food vendors.

Lions, Tigers and Elephants…Oh My
The Rosamond Gifford Zoo will be hopping all month long with the popular Animal Demonstrations every weekend, daily beginning June 25, and the entertaining and educational Animal Enrichment Day on Saturday, June 16.

Beaches Now Open
Jamesville Beach Park offers a shallow water area, a deep water zone which includes a floating raft, an inflatable raft zone and waterfront playground. Oneida Shores Park features a sandy waterfront with guarded swimming area and a section for inflatables, bathhouse and the new Driver's Village Playground. In addition, the park includes a boat launch and campgrounds featuring 50 lakeview sites.

No Boat…No Problem
Onondaga County Parks offers boat rentals at several locations. Onondaga Lake Park has kayaks and rowboats available to rent at the marina, Oneida Shores rents Power Paddlers for kids & kayaks and Jamesville Beach has kayaks, rowboats, canoes and paddleboats, and Beaver Lake Nature Center offers kayaks and canoes. Click on each park name for more information.

Father's Day Fun
Treat Dad to a day of fun at County Parks. The all new Race on the Lake on Onondaga Lake will feature high speed hydroplane boat racing along with vintage boat exhibitions, live music on Saturday night and a variety of craft & food vendors. Or take the popular (ie make your reservations now) Father's Day Canoe Tour at Beaver Lake Nature Center or try the long running Daddy-O Orienteering Event at Pratt's Falls Park.

Let the Music Play
The 30th Anniversary M&T Syracuse Jazz Fest returns to Onondaga County Parks…this years event will be held at Jamesville Beach Park on Friday & Saturday, June 22 & 23.

"Hey Mom (Dad), I'm bored"
Ready or not summer vacation is just around the corner and that means you'll be hearing that familiar phrase about 5 minutes after it starts! We are here to help…two Onondaga County Parks facilities are holding Summer Camps and still have limited openings …check out Camp Beaver Lake and Summer Zoo Camp.

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Online Metaphysical Classes Began In January

Posted: 08 Jun 2012 05:00 AM PDT

Article by Gypsie

Path Of Light Online Metaphysical School is a place where you can learn from the comfort of your own home. Dressed in your favorite outfit, or your favorite pair of pajamas.Path Of Light New Age Online School is reasonably priced. We have tried to keep in mind todays economy. We want everyone to be able to afford to join. The School offers certificates of completion, and one on one help. We know that everybody learns at their own pace and in their own way, so we have made it to where each student is able to work at their personal levels of learning.Each class is 12 weeks long and only .00 a course. That comes out to roughly .00 a class!Classes run from January - March, April - June, July - September, and October - November.Once we have received your payment, you will be sent an invite to the class room. All Classes come with a certificate of completion suitable for framing.

Classes being offered are; Introduction To Chakras, Introduction To Auras, Reiki 1, Reiki 2, Introduction To Tarot, Introduction To Numerology, And several more!We offer a warm learning environment, with a down to earth Instructor, GypsieGypsie is a mother of four who homeschools her children. She is a Third Degree High Priestess, A Reiki Master, An Online Instructor, and a Psychic Reader. She has been working in the metaphysical world for about fifteen years.Gypsie feels that each person is on their own path and that each persons path is right for them. She does not believe in their only being "one right way".Gypsie is an Ecclectic Witch that believes you can use bits and pieces of religious paths, and bring them together in what ever way your soul feels comfortable. She will help to guide you when you need it. Guidance that helps you on your individual path, not the path that "others" think you should follow.Hope to see you in January!

About the Author

I am a Third Degree High Priestess, a Reiki Master, and a Psychic Reader. I offer classes through my online school herehttp://path-of-light-new-age-online-school.blogspot.com

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.

Qi gong Healing (How to Balance the 12 Main Organs) 1 of 2

Grandmaster David Harris shares again for free the teachings of the Shun Shen Tao in an effort to help improve the effectiveness of energy healing. In this video Grandmaster demonstartes how to balance the 12 main organs of the body using Qi gong's basic touching and no touching methods. God Bless

Video Rating: 4 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

Sitting with Our Sadness: The Heart of Humanity

Posted: 08 Jun 2012 05:00 AM PDT

by Madisyn Taylor

Sitting with our sadness takes the courage to believe that we can bear the pain and we will come out the other side.

The last thing most of us want to hear or think about when we are dealing with profound feelings of sadness is that deep learning can be found in this place. In the midst of our pain, we often feel picked on by life, or overwhelmed by the enormity of some loss, or simply too exhausted to try and examine the situation. We may feel far too disappointed and angry to look for anything resembling a bright side to our suffering. Still, somewhere in our hearts, we know that we will eventually emerge from the depths into the light of greater awareness. Remembering this truth, no matter how elusive it seems, can help.

The other thing we often would rather not hear when we are dealing with intense sadness is that the only way out of it is through it. Sitting with our sadness takes the courage to believe that we can bear the pain and the faith that we will come out the other side. With courage, we can allow ourselves to cycle through the grieving process with full inner permission to experience it. This is a powerful teaching that sadness has to offer us—the ability to surrender and the acceptance of change go hand in hand.

Another teaching of sadness is compassion for others who are in pain, because it is only in feeling our own pain that we can really understand and allow for someone else's. Sadness is something we all go through, and we all learn from it and are deepened by its presence in our lives. While our own individual experiences of sadness carry with them unique lessons, the implications of what we learn are universal. The wisdom we gain from going through the process of feeling loss, heartbreak, or deep disappointment gives us access to the heart of humanity.

~Reprinted with permission from DailyOM

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Poor Man's Colloidal Silver

Herbalist shows you how to make your own colloidal silver

Video Rating: 4 / 5

This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now

A Guide to Alternative Medicine

Posted: 08 Jun 2012 04:00 AM PDT

by inju

Article by Steve Kujala

Alternative medicine is a healing practice and an optional route to conventional medicine and although not scientifically proven, has been useful in many forms for a quite some time throughout the world.What is alternative medicine?This particular subject deals more with health, exercise and general well being and through specific programs, you can enhance your fitness and general well being. It focuses on herbal remedies and certain food groups for nutrition and deals in the spiritual and self healing process for a healthy mind, although this is something that, the medical world still have a bone of contention with.What kind of healing takes place?The main aim in healing is to try and create equal parity with your mind, body and spirit. If you can bring all of these together then, you should be more at one with yourself and the world and have a positive outlook. The ancient art of Reiki is a common practice and uses universal energy, which is chanelled from the Reiki master or practitioner through their hands to a specific area of the recipient. This form of healing is also known a holistic therapy and brings the body, mind and spirit together.What does the future hold for healing? In today's fast moving world it is important to take a step back and look at the direction our life is going in. Don't lose track of the things that really matter and replace them with materialistic items. I think most people are now realizing what really matters and that having a healthy mind and body is crucial for overall performance and sense of well being. Whether you take health supplements, do yoga exercises or are involved in Reiki, there is always room for healing and going forward, more and more people are now seeing the benefits and seeking out this form of alternative medicine, It has been around for a very long time and has proven itself to be effective.Natural healing should always be given full consideration as an alternative medicine as it can create unity and make someone feel better then, it's a very ! effectiv e tool. Herbal treatments are a popular area of the health market and it's commonly documented that, most of the world's best cures are things which grow from the ground or on a tree. Herbs should always be play a big part in natural healing.

About the Author

Steve Kujala is in the insurance business in California who operates numerous blogs and websites including http://www.alternatibe-medicine-websites.com

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.

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