Information regarding gout
Information regarding gout |
- Information regarding gout
- 5 Steps to Facilitate Communication with the Dearly Departed
- Find a man with an ideal Feng Shui
- The Stone of Divine Inspiration and the Messenger of the Gods
- Is Hypnosis Real?
- Adoration Outlet Your Time Through Alternative Holistic Training Alternatives
- Unravelling the Various Perks of Aromatherapy Candles and Scents
- Aromatherapy Oils To Relax Your Body
- What is bodywork?
- Aromatherapy Treatments
- My Look At Peridot Jewellery History
- Top 12 Pick List for Spirited Women
- Aromatherapy Candles better your health
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Posted: 21 Jun 2012 11:00 PM PDT Article by Larissa Andrews Have got you ever encountered soreness on an individual's toe or ankle or heels? Then you better get yourself tested from a doctor. These parts happen to be commonly targeted through gout. The original source of gout is yet unsure but their main motive is the defective metabolism of uric acid within the body generated by the breakdown of protein resulting to assorted quantities of urates discovered within the blood. Whilst gout is described like agony within the important joints, the greatest afflicted part is great toe or hallux, whether the left or perhaps the right one. The big question is why the great toe or hallux plus not other sorts of regions of one's body. Modeled on scientific tests, the portion of our body in which heat is much less felt is the feet. The explanation is mainly because feet can be the furthest part away from the heart that manages the blood flow. Therefore whenever there is an cold temperatures, your toes feel the winter weather first before others. Doctors also mention that gout ordinarily problems the minimize part of the beginning out of the foot. Yet another thing is the fact urates crystals may be settled in the parts through lesser veins. Uric crystallizes more during cold temperature hence if the winter weather plus the reduced vein parts tend to be combined then it happens to be not impossible to possess great toe gout. While doctors assumed that these would be the motives why gout occurs in the big toe or hallux, there is just not the 100% likelihood that gout develops mainly because of those causes. However, they will be still inside the progression of confirming these probable results in. Paths TO Cure And Keep away from Great toe or hallux GOUT Great toe or hallux gout, with out an doubt, is an big obstacle when you now have encountered it. Still, you ought to not worry excessively for one can find methods to deal with and also stay clear of them. The most beneficial and the easiest way is usually to have got a correct diet. Try to r! emember that gout takes place because of your build-up of urates crystals in your body, so if you have a correct diet program, their likelihood would impossible to occur again. Foods that can be loaded in purine will help accumulate the constitution of uric acid crystals. Meat is surely an example of purine-containing food, avoiding it would definitely be recommended; likewise caffeine is any derivative of purine. In addition to that, there is likewise the suitable treatment that would be the suitable remedy to gout. Treatment consists of intake of medicine that varies according to what exactly the doctor has prescribed. Anti-inflammatory drugs may just be basic medication recommended. But, not all folks might be capable of ingesting such medicines so you'll find alternatives given. Aside from obtaining proper food plan plus medication, sipping water plus obtaining activity would certainly be your own greatest shield against gout. Water is needed with our human body as well like removing uric acid crystals. And of course work out will help manage our physique temps, enabling blood to circulate freely in our body system. Those described earlier mentioned are merely the straightforward yet efficient paths to heal and stay clear of gout. But just before you panic or well before you disregard exactly what you happen to be feeling, it's regularly most advantageous consult an doctor first well before it's too late. About the AuthorFor interested readers we have some more useful information on our website about Gout Diet Recipes and Food To Avoid With Gout. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Hidden Messages of Water, Doctor Emoto, and Water CrystalsThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
5 Steps to Facilitate Communication with the Dearly Departed Posted: 21 Jun 2012 10:00 PM PDT Article by Christy DeArment Martin Archangel Ariel - Pink Room Emotional Healing MeditationThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Find a man with an ideal Feng Shui Posted: 21 Jun 2012 09:00 PM PDT Article by WDresses In recent years, many different Eastern origin, the doctrine wrapped around us. Now, just knowing s?radanla?t??? Reiki, Yoga, physical education classes kan?ksand??? günlerdeyiz up. So what do you know about Feng Shui? With its help you can change many things in life. Love relationships, including ... Man to fill the spiritual void, and thousands of years of searching for new information ö?ütecek teachings, like the core of a ça?day?z consumed. The origins of this ancient knowledge of all this tumult, the facts and trying to teach us what is actually going to fade away. At this point, lived experiences, people think it is enlightening. Many passengers a life as the subject's nose bitten you, try to explain their own experiences over the Eastern teachings. World of Water and Wind What is Feng Shui is the response he was asked "What's that?" with "the house oras?na vases, flower or something, not putting?" expense of income. Chinese feng, wind, Shui means water. These two natural phenomena, energy kutbiyetini represents the world of matter. Indeed, the earth, is shaped as a result of interactions with the opposite polar energies arising from relations with each other. The Chinese, for thousands of years as a result of observations, their lives, and that organized opposition to the energies of Feng Shui has a akabilece?i easily. This doctrine is an integral part of their lives, not only their homes, cities are built in accordance with its principles. For example, in Hong Kong, but the money will flow into the narrow entrance to miss out, but a wide gulf coast was built in-house. Also taught in China, Feng Shui is not a doctrine of life, itself. Of course, these merchants of the period derived from this work, as well as capitalism spreads everywhere. But this ancient knowledge is transferred to the Western world, has revealed several problems. Different Schools There are three basic flow of Feng Shui. The first is Okulu'dur soil. Feng Shui is applied when the first out of this movement in a! ccordanc e with the teachings of Chinese homes, the lap of nature, with plenty of energy flows kurarlard? places. However, when urbanization, and the Compass School has been entered on a search has occurred. This school, placements were made according to the compass of that era's most reliable tool. Today, still from the compass, the calculations run into a lot of Feng Shui expert. (Obviously, this method is difficult and the structure is not suitable for urbanization in the West.) Indeed, I first met with the Feng Shui aspects encountered in the book that I read but did not understand anything. Already for many years that lay at the heart of this issue ilgilenmeyi?imin. I do known aspects "of Mecca where the ACEP?" With a child of a society and so pusulayla job would not be limited. At this point, the most appropriate school for Westerners appeared before me. School to form this new system, the "Black Berets" is a group called the Taoist Buddhist monks demonstrated. In this system, take a compass in your hand does not need to enter complex calculations. Harita'n?z? make the back door of your house ages and Bagua. The rest is right on the corners, which consists of doing the necessary work, you will read examples of the continuation of the article. Chi and Bagua Map Chinese "Chi (Chi)" means life energy. Indians, the same concept of "prana", the Japanese "chi", the Egyptians, "Ka", the Sufis "Breath" ... have named as. Life energy, flows unimpeded, as long as life is great, but it starts to show a blokajla encounters various problems arise. The aim of Feng Shui, brings Çi'nin creamy flow and make our lives fuller. Çi'niz life, how much is full, so productive, positive, happy and productive. This energy, superstitious beliefs of various societies, is not no Western scientists and gözlemleyebildikleri ölçebildikleri through various instruments, an energy that constitute the main source of our lives. Indeed, on the basis of all of the Eastern teachings, ensure smooth flow of this energy lies. Blockages t! hat prev ent the flow of Reiki healing and problem solving objectives through the acupuncture needles stimulate the flow to provide the various points of the body, yoga aims to increase the variety of positions within the flow. These and other studies have concentrated on the physical flow, Feng Shui has been working on environmental flow. This scheme provides a way in which this pointer is needed is called the Bagua Map. This is the first creator of the map, Fu Hsi'dir. One Chinese person, this observer of nature, moving in different directions to distinguish between the turtles have different needs and they divided into nine equal parts octagons resembling the shell of a human life as an example of use is to discuss the basis of Feng Shui has done this on the map. Western homes to remove this map, you give your back door method is very easy. Draw a plan on paper and divide by nine of your home. The trick, because this is the entrance to the direction your map (ie map information, career, part of helping people) forms the base. Of course, this map is unlikely to fit here the details of how ç?kartaca??n?z?n, by following the more clearly you can learn from books. At this point, directly on the case studies that cross the mind interference. About the AuthorWedding Dresses Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.TRUE SPIRITUALITYThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
The Stone of Divine Inspiration and the Messenger of the Gods Posted: 21 Jun 2012 08:00 PM PDT Article by Jude Smith It is no surprise that the strong, distinctive green of the gemstone emerald is very should have become associated in mythology with some very pronounced properties. Emeralds are found in India, Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Brazil, Egypt and Austria and are the birthstone of those born under the zodiac sign of Taurus. People born in the Taurus month of May are advised to wear emerald green as much as possible. Historically in both Europe and India it was the stone of the messenger of the Gods. The messenger god Mercury was also the god of pathways, roads, sleep and dreams so the stone has become associated with divine inspiration. Therefore, spiritually the emerald encourages clairvoyance, a sense of beauty, harmony and justice and emotionally it can help overcome misfortunes and the blows of fate. It encourages balance, openness and recovery so it is a goal-oriented and positive, life affirming gemstone. It promotes friendship and love, co-operation in groups and stimulates wisdom. It is also thought of as the stone of successful love and opens the heart chakra, increasing love and promoting harmonious, balanced relationships so is good for harmony between couples. It was believed that if an emerald changes colour it signals unfaithfulness. In the Middle Ages Emeralds were used for healing the eyes, but was also held to have wide healing properties, healing inflammation of the sinuses and upper respiratory tract as well as fortifying the heart, liver and immune systems. In crystal therapy emerald can be worn over the heart, on the fingers or on the right arm, making it perfect for use in emerald rings and emerald bracelets. However, users are advised not to wear emerald all the time otherwise it can trigger negative emotions. According to the theory of colour therapy anyone much in need of money and abundance should concentrate on the colour emerald. Perhaps it is no coincidence that many countries use the colour green in their banknotes - like the US doll! ar, also referred to as the greenback. The colour is sacred to Islam as it expects paradise to be full of lush greenery and it has also become the colour of the environmental movement and it has been associated with healing and with skill in gardening - as in the expression having green fingers. Like all gemstone jewellery emerald earrings, bracelets and rings need to be stored and cared for, preferably in separate pouches. They should be protected from oils and salt water and removed before doing any housework, particularly if it involves harsh chemicals. About the AuthorCrystal therapists advise wearing emerald rings on the ring or little finger to promote a variety of positive spiritual, health and emotional benefits. By Jude Smith. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.A Tribute to the Dalai LamaThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 21 Jun 2012 07:00 PM PDT Article by Jon Robinson When people find out I work as a hypnotherapist, the first question they inevitably ask is 'is hypnosis real?' Before we can determine whether or not hypnosis is real, we must determine what it actually is. Ask ten people and you'll end up with a number of different definitions, ranging from it being "a form of relaxation", "a way of bypassing the conscious mind" to "an altered state of consciousness". Because hypnotherapy as a profession is mostly unregulated, there is a great deal of erroneous information that sadly remains unchecked. We have to remember that first and foremost, hypnosis is a psychological phenomenon, and therefore the best people to ask what hypnosis is, are quite obviously going to be psychologists. In other words, people have spent their lives devoted to understanding the phenomenon, by research, experimentation and study. If we needed to understand a medical term - such as dysautonomia - would we consult a doctor or a Reiki practitioner? (not that I'm knocking Reiki practitioners, but they would not be the first port of call for such a query. Likewise we wouldn't ask a shopkeeper for an explanation of Fermat's last theorem, even though their profession requires maths.) It is essential that to understand hypnosis, we ask the experts and not the practitioners. James Braid, the Scottish surgeon who coined the term hypnosis, originally believed hypnosis was a 'sleep of the nervous system'. To this day many people still claim that hypnosis is a kind of trance resembling sleep or unconsciousness. It is important to remember that after devoting a number of years to the study of hypnosis, Braid realised this wasn't actually the case. His later definition of hypnosis - that it is a form of focused attention - is far more in line with current psychological understanding (realising his earlier mistake, Braid even tried changing the name of hypnosis to the slightly less catchy monoideism - focus on a single idea). Later studies by T.X. Barber demonstrated t! hat slee p or relaxation was not essential to hypnosis - subjects were hypnotised while pedalling on exercise bikes, and they responded just as well to suggestion tests as those who were sat in chairs! How can you be expected to participate in visualisation techniques and guided imagery while you are unconscious? Client participation is essential in clinical hypnotherapy, and I would be wary of any hypnotherapists who claim they can solve all your problems for you while you are unconscious. If this was the case, hypnotherapists would simply work with clients who are asleep, or 'knocked out'. This kind of approach (often seen in 'sleep learning' programs) does not work and demonstrates a glaring misunderstanding of psychopathology. If a sleep-like state is then not essential to hypnosis, why is it so commonly used? For a start, many issues that are treated by hypnosis are anxiety-related. It is therefore sensible to evoke the opposite response (relaxation) to treat them via the process of classical extinction. Also, many hypnosis techniques require visualisation and there is some evidence to show that the more relaxed a person is, the better they can visualise. Finally, relaxation meets clients expectancies - if they went to see a hypnotherapist and were told to sit on an exercise bike, they would find it perhaps a little strange! Daniel Araoz listed 'expectation' as one of his factors in successful hypnotherapy, so it is important to meet this. But what about hypnosis being a way of communicating with the "unconscious mind"? The idea of the unconscious mind was first inseminated into Western culture by a philosopher, Sir Christopher Riegel and later discussed by the philosophers Nietzsche, Schopenhauer and Spinoza. However, it gained prominence with Sigmund Freud and the subsequent onset of psychoanalysis. Freud's belief was that the unconscious mind was a storehouse of repressed emotions, feelings and thoughts. In other words, the unconscious is responsible for manifesting neuroses ! and othe r psychological problems. The purpose of psychoanalysis was therefore to revisit these repressed emotions and 'unblock' them, thus creating a discharge of psychic energy. To many people, this approach seems intuitively plausible. But in reality, the mind does not resemble the plumbing network that Freud assumes! We now know that psychological problems have a cognitive and behavioural basis. For example, someone terrified of lifts is probably convincing themselves the lift is going to crash and imagining being stuck in the lift, as well as making themselves tense and not breathing properly when inside one. There is also a good chance they will avoid lifts (avoidance behaviour) and this perpetuates the problem because the sufferer never gets a chance to disconfirm their irrational beliefs! The body and the mind influence one another and this leads to the maintaining of psychological issues, not because of 'repressed psychic energy'. While many psychologists and neurologists agree that there is an unconscious mind (in other words, a portion of the mind that acts outside of conscious awareness), there is no evidence that it resembles anything Freud ever claimed. This brings us to our final point; is hypnosis an altered state of consciousness? The truth is, we all enter periods of focused attention, every day - from being totally immersed in a good film or activity. There is no consistent MRI or neurological data to suggest hypnosis is different from any other state of mind. Theodore Barber even demonstrated that people who hadn't undergone a traditional trance induction, still respond to suggestion in the same way. In some more recent studies, hypnosis appears to 'affect' different areas in the brain (ie; when subjects are made to hallucinate) although as these subjects tend to be highly-hypnotisable to begin with, it is very likely that they can do the same without hypnosis. To conclude, hypnosis (as a state of focused attention) is therefore logically plausible and requires no! leap of faith. After all, no one would deny focused attention and suggestibility exist; when combined they are essentially what hypnosis is. About the AuthorJon Robinson is a cognitive-behavioural hypnotherapist, speaker and writer with a private practice overlooking Trafalgar Square, London. He specialises in phobias, low confidence and performance anxiety. To find out more, please visit Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Adoration Outlet Your Time Through Alternative Holistic Training Alternatives Posted: 21 Jun 2012 06:00 PM PDT Article by Nicole K Lanning On our own we all cry out for infatuation in our being and in every single forms, nevertheless how do you get going? No matter where yourselves are in life in general, you desire to get hold of a survey close upon and recognize where the elegance is and how you have devotion in your life. It does not matter where your tenderness point of supply comes from (better half, little ones, co-workers, or family) there is constantly a tenderness source in your day to day life. Yet if we obtain all of the particular out of our life in general, we still know a fundamental sentiment originator foundation and such is from in. Personal-agape is that one of the largest plus under-estimated sentiment dawning out there at this time. On our own we are all arriving from a tenderness stationed point of supply one we were brought toward this humankind. It lays inside our spiritual essence and it makes no difference what you want to fix in the mind that you do require accurate passion in your life in general! Yourselves could open up within that one at each and every inclined opening in your life and will unceasingly be there. It is an occurrence of belief, being knowledgeable, opening yourselves to this point of supply and perceiving how things are for what it really is. There are a sprinkling steps you can achieve with on your own to further in your agape ailments in life in general, whether it is spotting your intuitive tenderness or laboring on associations with people in your life! 1. Make absolute oneself find an existence about oneself whatever day, and yet during the whole of the day, in that you adoration - glance at subliminal self in the seeing glass and call upon to yourself what the above-mentioned things are. Stay conscientious and speak from the heart. Yourselves will take in how you appear more valuable inside a handful moments and that laugh will grow over your face. 2. Inscribe yourself, or the citizens in your life, a devotion note telling them how you adoration them and ho! w you ta ke account of them in your day to day life. 3. Account your agape desires on a day to day action, so much as the small things that be of use in reality cherish all of the love you have in your life in general. 4. Call whoever here and now whom you would have not thought concerning precendently and state that you adore them and express why. Catch up with them and truly delight in your visit. 5. Practice Reiki faith healing for your affection ailments by writing them out on a part of stationery and illustrating the Power Symbol covering the issues in red. Activate your Reiki flow and extend this for your individual-nonmedical therapy of these sources to sprout the conditions and the vibrational recurrence that you are emitting. 6. Program a Rose Quartz for your love ailments to be fixed in your life and cart this close at hand with you. Make definite it is uncluttered and charged for the ailments that you have to cultivate on in your every day life! 7. Come across the adoration in the common stuff in day to day life that fact as the divine atmospheric conditions, the sunshiny skies, the caring desires of other people, and the little conditions that foretell abundance. Acknowledge many things and in all area as this will adequately widen your devotion vibrational harvest in lifetime and you will observe this turn around in every single of your devotion ailments! About the AuthorNicole Lanning, extraordinary creator & owner of Holistic Healing Minute and Healing Art Forms, helps every one in every day life through holistic training and distant healing. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Are you connecting?This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Unravelling the Various Perks of Aromatherapy Candles and Scents Posted: 21 Jun 2012 05:00 PM PDT Article by stefor pserp When the emotions run high and the muscle tissue are all tired, nothing beats a massage. For folks who would not have a massage, they would make use of muscle relaxants, pain killers, or just a sleeping pill. The wonderful thing concerning a massage is that it does precisely the similar thing but without using any medicines. If it is an aromatherapy massage then it may include the soothing fragrances of Scentsy Products like the scented candles lit by the massage therapist might promote drug-free relaxation. It is well identified that aromatherapy in the form of perfumed oils and perfumed candles is an effective substitute to help alleviate the body, mind and spirit of any person who is in any kind of frustrations. Massage and aromatherapy go jointly in flawless harmony. The scents from the candles and oils can encourage relaxation even without the company of massage. You can tell which fragrance is natural and which is artificial as the natural essence would smell sweeter than the artificial ones. If in case you get a mixed odor with the natural and synthetic ones, they are still effectual. In these days, naturally made scented candles are more used as they have the same effects of drugs without creating the side effects. Plants like the lavender, geranium, orange, tangerine, Ylang-ylang, patchouli, and clary sage, are just some of the plants utilized for making scented candles. But do avoid the clary sage based scents as it can trigger an abortion. Regardless of the reality that there are obtainable products that are complete for trade in stores or in online stores, there are still those who prefer to make their own mixture. These can even be included in lotions and massage oils. There are some situations that essentials oils are the one used on nebulizers for a better effect on inhaling and exhaling. Note thought that there are some scents which may bring about some reaction and then there are some lung conditions and illnesses which may not obtain the scents to! o well e ither and could bring about more issues. However then again, this is just to be expected for even medicines could have the same adverse effects. The only and most understandable thing that really separates aromatherapy from the medicines is the habit that many could develop with the pain killers and muscle relaxants. About the AuthorTo read further scentsy scents and candle melts visit our website right now! Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Set up in a therapy business - goalsThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Aromatherapy Oils To Relax Your Body Posted: 21 Jun 2012 04:00 PM PDT Article by Shirley Adams How do you feel after the entire day's work? Do you really feel tired as if you need to replenish your energy or do you long to see your bed by the time you got home? Being tired whenever you are busy is just a normal feeling. But, you need to be aware of the things that you need to do so to win back all the energy that is lost. If you like a therapeutic therapy or a cool bath to make you feel fine, you can head at the outdoor spa center or you can just request for a home spa or massage session. What you need to feel now is the touch and scent of aromatherapy oils which will give you better relaxation. These oils are made of various manufacturers and are offered anywhere. These are useful for one who plans to relax the mind and body. These aromatherapy oils are found to be very effective when having your therapy at home so to soothe you more. If you think you can do the massage your own, it is better if you have various scents to choose from so if you feel like changing, you can. You can have these oils by sets if you want to avail a discount. There are already a lot of stores that would cater your needs when it comes to scented relaxing oils and all you have to do is to choose well among a number options. Talking about the history of aromatherapy as a healing and relaxing art, it started way back 6000 years ago and was specialized by the Egyptians, Persians, Chinese, Greeks, and even Romans. These people are the ones who started to extract various herbs and flowers just to come up with the perfect essential oils for whole body massage, relaxing bath or shower, skin care, treatment, and many more. Not only these oils are good for the body but will even make you feel light and relax particularly if you are prone to stress. Now, having better relaxation is really an essential thing and you have all the options to find out what is best for you. With the popularity of aromatherapy oils, you will surely be free from your body stress. About the AuthorLearn more about aromatherapy oils Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Lavender Guide : Lavender: Removing FlowersThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 21 Jun 2012 03:00 PM PDT Article by Ellie Garwood Saare jahan se achha Hindustan hamara - Bhai BahenThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 21 Jun 2012 02:00 PM PDT Article by Steve Beven The aromatherapy treatments is basically a unique treatment for physical and stress related ailments. The idea of the treatment is to rejuvenate an individual so that one lives close to perfect and harmonious life. In the treatment, various essential oils are used to treat the conditions. The aroma from the oil helps in the relaxation of the brain via the olfactory system thereby making the brain agile and alert. The treatment has also been known to be essential when it comes to skin and has been used in the treating various health problems. The body wrap treatments used in aromatherapy can be used to treat various conditions. The common conditions include headaches, digestive problems, stress, insomnia, anxiety, muscle pains and problems brought by menopause as well as menstruation. The extracts used in the aromatherapy treatments are derived from the peels, resin, flowers, leaves and roots. The effects have been known to be reliable on both the body and the mind. However, to reap the best from the treatment, the right professionals have to be brought in and this can only be achieved by choosing the best beauty body spa. There are many spas that one can turn to today. The problem however is that not all of them are reliable and some can lead to immense frustrations as a result of poor services. The consideration of a number of aspects can however enable one to choose the most reliable service provider for the better. The first thing that one should look at is the customer service of the target beauty day spa. Secondly, aromatherapy treatmentsit is important to determine the available equipments and services. This will help in determining the reliance of the body wrap treatments administered. Never be in a hurry to rest for any spa that gets in your way. Learn more about it before committing yourself. About the Author5th Avenue Beauty deep cleanse facial is located in the upmarket suburb of Wilston, just 5 minutes north of the Brisbane CBD. We've been pampering and waxing Brisbane women (and men) since 1998. At 5th Avenue, whether you're after the best Microdermabrasion treatments Brisbane has to offer or a quick manicure, we'll ensure your time spent with us is beautifully spent. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
My Look At Peridot Jewellery History Posted: 21 Jun 2012 01:00 PM PDT Article by John S Stewart Peridot Rings, Peridot Pendants and Peridot Earrings are named after the French word "peritot", meaning gold. This is because the natural mineral form can show shades of this gold colour. The Birthstone for August is the peridot gemstone, and it's also used to celebrate all sorts of 16th anniversaries. Peridot History Just of the coast of Egypt in the Red Sea is an Island called St.Johns or Zabargad (was called Topazos), and at the time of around 1500BC was when on this island peridot was first thought to be found. Due to the locations old name peridot was first called Topaz Peridot right up until approximately the 18th century when it became known with the name it still holds today. It was supposed to be Cleopatras' favourite gemstone, even though at first the green stones she once adorned were thought to be emeralds. The Egyptians call it the "Gem of the Sun" and "Evening Emerald" and have also designated it as being their national stone. The local islanders of Topazos were enslaved to mine the minerals for their whole lives, who were supposedly able to pick them out even at night due to the stones ability to radiate or show "evening shine". The Islands were also very heavily guarded to keep all possible peridot thieves away, and it was well known at that time that entry would mean certain death. Throughout the 11th and 12th Centuries, Christian Crusaders plundered peridot mines and returned home with unbelievably beautiful and large examples. Only a few of these massive stones are left and can be viewed in the Tower of London and Vatican museums, because most have probably been cut down to produce jewellery as time has past. Amazing examples of these gemstones started to appear again from the Red Sea around the beginning of the 1900's and one prime example measuring around six by four inches raising a auction price of 100 (a very large amount at that time), especially when originally thought to be a crystal glass! Peak production reached its opti! mum duri ng the nineteenth century, before most mines closing around 1930 due to the advent of war for about 20 years. Excellent quality peridot was once mined in Burma, but just the same as with other gemstones found there, its trade has been damaged due to the political unrest. Although some stones do still come out they are usually not of the same previous quality and are passed through to Thailand in the network of "black market" trading. The Peridot Legends Mother nature was thought to have given peridot to the Ancients annually, in celebration of the creation of a "New World". Tribe leaders throughout history if wearing peridot are thought to have been fair and wise. Up until the middle ages it was thought that the cosmos was made from gemstones and that the sun was made from peridot. There have also been many legends that state the strong magical power that peridot possesses. If the gem is set in gold, it will develop its full potential as a talisman and will have the power to dispel terrors of the night- fears and bad dreams, especially according to the Romans, if worn on the right arm! This gemstone has been thought to bring happiness and friendship, bring love and remove evil thoughts, as well as helping the eyesight. It protects the wearer from the "Evil Eye"! To help in the healing process, the ancients actually drunk their medicines out of cups made from peridot. If a carving of an Ass was made into this gemstone, then the wearer would gain greater skills and be able to see into the future. If the carving was that of a vulture or totem pole, then the wearer would be saved from demons and be able to control natures wind! My Summary At some stage or other, most of the above information has been used by clever jewellery marketing houses to promote the sales of peridot (just like all other gems), by catching potential buyers attention and personal interest in some way to entice a sale. Many people succumb to this! I thank you for r! eading t his article, and although brief, I sincerely hope you have found my peridot article interesting. About the AuthorJohn S Stewart suggests visiting Globe Jewellery, and with 30 years experience, he recommends the very best range of Peridot Rings and other amazing Peridot Jewellery, are available to view now! Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Welcome to Life Flowering HealingThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Top 12 Pick List for Spirited Women Posted: 21 Jun 2012 01:00 PM PDT SUMMER SOLSTICE is the longest day of the year. That means you have lots of time to get re-energized and uplifted by our special Top 12 Pick List, filled with spirited experts and products to soothe your soul! We urge you to support these spirited women. Save these lists all year round, too! A great resource tool for you. METATRON'S HEART * SACRED GEOMETRY IN SOUND BY RENEE S LEBEAU – A dynamic sound journey that is harmonically and energetically rich using 7 tibetan bowls, 2 tingshas, a crystal bowl, tabla and voice. Benefits include: stress reduction; cellular memory release; brain wave shifts; and reconnection to your unique soul essence. It is extremely synergistic with other healing modalities. HAVE A PASSION FOR HORSES AND THE RANCHING WAY OF LIFE? We are The Sugar & Spice Ranch, the one and only exclusive mother & daughter horse retreat with a total horsemanship focus. We offer 2 locations, one in Texas and another in Wyoming. Both have a wide variety of packages sure to thrill the beginner or experienced horsewoman. ASTROLOGER SUSAN LEVITT, professional tarot reader, best-selling author, and feng shui consultant with over 30 years' experience, is highly intuitive and offers incredible accuracy and practical realistic advise. Susan was featured on CNN, voted "Best Astrologer" by San Francisco Weekly, and wrote five books published in eight languages: Introduction to Tarot, The Complete Tarot Kit, Taoist Astrology, Taoist Feng Shui, and Teen Feng Shui. KARI SAMUELS, INTUITIVE COUNSELOR, ENERGY HEALER, NUMEROLOGIST – Specializing in soul contract readings – illuminating your life purpose, spiritual lessons, relationships, talents, and opportunities, while assisting you in clearing any blocks that keep you from fulfilling your destiny. Kari has helped countless women around the world create an amazing life! She also offers inspiring teleseminars on empowerment through intuition. (619) 838-2930 THREE MIN START ™ – Reboot with sacred techniques to radically improve mood and performance. Designed for your busy life, each exercise is 3 minutes or less, simple, and can be done anywhere. Mahankirn Kaur created this project after intense study of ancient secret Yogic teachings with Yogi Bhajan. Visit – for Book, DVD, and apps for iPhone ™ and Android ™ SOUL COACHING(R) ORACLE CARD READING – Are you looking for guidance? If you could have a conversation with your soul what would you ask? Hearing your soul's wisdom is possible. Let Judith Geiger a certified life coach and master oracle card reader assist you to receive your special messages and take practical action on your dreams! 315- 497-3059 OM SWEET OM YOGA INSPIRED JEWELRY DESIGNS by Maribeth MacKenzie, yoga teacher and jewelry designer, combine semi-precious stones, sterling silver and natural materials. Her creations, inspired by her time on the yoga mat, focus on the healing benefits of semi-precious stones. They will help you to not only look good, but feel good as well. FINDING YOUR VOICE SM, created by Lisa Stearns, is a one-of-a-kind program providing the tool kit you need to gain confidence, and be heard. Through fun step-by-step exercises delivered in a welcoming, safe setting, you will learn how to express yourself more effectively in every area of your life. ARE YOU STRUGGLING WITH DEBT AND UNDEREARNING? – MAUREEN CAMPAIOLA's techniques have helped women create more income, eliminate debt, and increase their confidence, so they can have more money, time and freedom in their life. Maureen believes EVERY woman can AND deserves to be debt free, live abundantly, spend wisely and invest smartly. Sign-up for her free Workshop: JAYDA SIGGERS, PhD (NUTRITION), CERTIFIED HEALTH COUNSELLOR – I help individuals understand why we make certain health choices and help achieve meaningful resolutions to these difficult roadblocks. I incorporate diverse nutritional and health philosophies to help identify and achieve goals that lead to improved health and well-being. "Big commitments to small changes outlast small commitments to big changes." SOFT & LUXURIOUS CROCHETED SHAWLS & ACCESSORIES BY FIBER ARTIST DONNA FISHER for women who love to express their individuality with an elegant yet creative flair. Custom-designed and hand crafted, blending textures and colors each item becomes a unique artistic expression. The Soft & Luxurious unique designs include the versatile Angel Wrap, elegant Signature Sharap, and crocheted jewelry. HOW LONG HAVE YOU WAITED TO BIRTH YOUR DREAM? JoAnne Scalise is a leadership consultant and coach, author, nurse, and Midwife of Spirit™ who helps people and organizations heal. Cradle of Light Lullabies™, Developing Angel Vision, for Women on the Breast Cancer Journey, a Meditation with the Angels of Healing… It doesn't have to stay a dream another moment. Would you like your services/products/yourself to be "showcased" in our Summer Top 12 Picks List? This is a great mid-summer list! Fab way to get recognition for what you do. Call Nancy NOW to insure a spot at 805-698-3555 or via e-mail: — Call me 315.497.3059 Read More @ Source Hempfling - Horse Live Event / TV featureThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Aromatherapy Candles better your health Posted: 21 Jun 2012 12:00 PM PDT Article by Erik Westword Aromatherapy candles are an inexpensive approach to better your health in areas that might not be as powerful as you would like. Scents are proven to offer a beneficial effect on well being, diverse scents affecting distinct areas that need restoration including vitality or relaxation for a more stressed out individual. The candles provided from are reasonably priced and can be purchased for you and for associates and family members. The candles are created with no unnatural ingredients or aromas. You can feel great about burning the candles since they'll make your place or office smell great. The candles are created with soy wax. The web site is really easy to get around and offers many different aromatherapy candles that will match your health needs and scent preference. The internet site offers two sizes for the aromatherapy candles a 4 as well as 8 ounce size, the candles are under 20 dollars with shipping and handling charges included in that total. The internet site is very simple to buy from, as well, and you'll have your aromatherapy candle in about 7 days. If for any reason you aren't delighted with your purchase you can contact the site and they are going to resolve the problem for you. The range is very good for just about any health require that you may have. Some people have a hard time keeping their romance going and there are candles to help with that need. At times we have a difficult time relaxing after a tough workday or challenging day's everyday living and you will find candles that may support calm a person down. If you have a tough time concentrating there is a candle which will aid eliminate any brain fog and assist you think clearly. Sometimes you need an increase all through your whole body and there's a candle that may support with that. If you've respiratory system ailments there is a candle that will assist you to have free and clear lungs plus sinuses. If you require energy and restoration you will find candles for that, as well. ! If you a re gloomy there's a candle that may make you happier. If you would like far better wellness try 1 of these candles and find out if you come to feel much better. Once you find how nicely they work, you will want to get more for yourself and some for the folks you care about. You can burn these candles with out worrying about artificial ingredients that might be detrimental to you and your environment. About the AuthorFind out more about Aromatherapy Soy Candle. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
How to select the flourishing curtilage Posted: 21 Jun 2012 11:00 AM PDT Article by Angela Yuen Method Intro - Healing Demonstration with Elma MayerThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
How to Conquer Depression Naturally With Theta Therapeutic Posted: 21 Jun 2012 10:00 AM PDT Article by Vianna Stibal So when we heal the beliefs and feelings of a man or woman linked to their problem, we in turn heal the illness. That's not to say that eating plan, vitamins and minerals aren't crucial in treating depression, as the genuinely are but it is also essential to get to the root leads to of melancholy that could be buried under layers of other beliefs and routines that you used to guard oneself at a person time. Theta Therapeutic, Reiki and Intuitive Counseling are extremely effective methods of figuring out what beliefs are in your subconscious mind and then clearing these beliefs and reprogramming them with beneficial, empowering beliefs.For example, let's say you had been named a title by a friend at school when you ended up 5 decades ancient. At that time you didn't know how to cope with this so you took on the belief of "My pals loathe me." Effectively, if you believe that that your buddies hate you, you might be not likely to be to fired up about viewing your associates, connecting with them or sharing Love. You will have this filter that at some levels you feel all of your close friends dislike you which can lead you to a depressed state. So in a session, we would apparent the software of "My friends detest me" and substitute it with the program of "My buddies Adore me." Now that this system has been modified to a far more empowering, loving perception, you will be more open to connecting with your friends, producing a increased stage of joy in your living.Let's just take a different perception. Say your Grandpa died when you had been younger. You were extremely shut to him. When he died, you resolved that it was not safe to Really like others due to the fact they may leave you. This is a bad belief pattern that we need to have to obvious out. So we crystal clear it out, exchange it with "It is safe to Really like others". You now will manifest Loving some others as it is now safe for you to do so.These are just two of quite a few thousands of beliefs that may possibly be driving your melancholy! . In an Intuitive Counseling session, we dig to get to the bottom perception of a series of beliefs that are contributing to your disorder. Picture 30 blocks stacked on top of every single other. When you pull out the bottom block, all of the blocks drop more than. That is what takes place in a healing session. When the bottom perception is cleared, it clears all the beliefs that have been stacked on top rated of it, so in essence, clearing a single perception could obvious countless numbers of beliefs from your unconscious. Once these beliefs are cleared, it frees the vitality in the Spirit (Vitality Subject) and then makes it possible for your human body to recover itself. These healings are so strong they can happen instantly. They never constantly occur promptly, but in a lot of scenarios they do.Heavy metal toxicity because of to coverage and/or a create up of mercury, lead, cadmium and aluminum in the entire body can also contribute to depression. Every of these metals have belief systems that go with them, and as soon as the perception methods are cleared, these toxic compounds usually depart the human body easily. About the AuthorThetaHealing® allows you to INSTANTLY change your reality, or re-create your reality, to align you with the life you want!theta healing Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.The Impact of Citrine and Selenite on the Human AuraThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
How to select the flourishing curtilage Posted: 21 Jun 2012 09:00 AM PDT Article by Angela Midori- Attracting Chi / (HD) relaxation meditation yoga tai chi zenThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Acne Free In 3 Days Review - Learn Ways To Be Acne No Cost In 3 Days Posted: 21 Jun 2012 08:00 AM PDT Article by martin brown one. Who Developed The Acne Free In 3 Days? Acne Absolutely free in three Days was composed by a guy who experienced via the social stigma of continual acne for many of his lifestyle. When he located these remedies and was sure they seriously labored he felt he necessary to share them with others who were suffering with acne at the same time. Any person who has lived with acne understands what it really is prefer to keep away from cameras and slather on cream immediately after cream to try to get rid of your pimples. two. Basic And Efficient. They say the easiest solutions are normally those that work, and Acne Absolutely free in 3 Days is proof that the saying is accurate. When acne is dealt with as extra than just a skin challenge unique treatment options begin to make feeling. The major thought of these remedies is that that acne can be a symptom of the deeper problem. Diet and basic way of life changes will trigger the acne to go away simply because the underlying triggers of your acne have disappeared. You don't will need complicated regimens and harsh chemical compounds to cleanse your technique and make your skin much healthier. You only need to use the straightforward techniques which are included in this particular remarkable e-book. three. What Are you able to Understand Within Acne Free of charge In three Days? Acne Free in three Days addresses your general well being. The methods integrated are organic and very simple approaches to treat your acne at residence with out a doctor or high-priced drugs. You will learn additional about acne itself as well. You'll find distinct kinds of acne that ought to be dealt with in different approaches. As soon as you comprehend what particular type of acne you suffer from you may have the ability to deal with it in a way that genuinely functions rather of just guessing. Comprehending your enemy may be the important to defeating it. This e-book is stuffed with concise details that may give you the weapons you will need to! defeat the acne that has plagued you for years. Acne may possibly appear like a silly teenage factor, but as continual acne patients realize it is often extremely agonizing and embarrassing. Should you be desperate to come across a remedy for your acne difficulty, a guide referred to as Acne Absolutely free in three Days can aid. This book won't let you know which over-the-counter cream to make use of or confuse you with technical dermatology terms. What it'll do is guide you by means of a rigid routine that teaches you the way to shift your diet plan and routines so that the acne you dislike will go away speedily and stay absent forever. If you comply with the step-by-step instructions, you might discover a difference in as little as 3 days. 1. Get rid of Acne Effortlessly. There are actually meals and behaviors that could trigger acne or make it even worse. Acne Totally free in three Days has information to help you avoid things which are bad for acne and take advantage of factors that assist apparent it up. The method operates for any individual at any age because it focuses on natural wholesome practices that apparent up the results in of acne from your body's devices. This e-book does not recommend skin treatments or market health dietary supplements, it's a treatment for your entire body. After you utilize the system you might notice that the skin is not just clearer, but it is also healthier. two. Decrease Acne Scarring. The e book also consists of confirmed techniques that can minimize acne scarring, also. And that means you do not just get rid of the pimples and sores of one's current acne, however , you heal and clean your skin and get rid of the evidence of previous acne trouble. 3. Acne Cost-free In 3 Days Without any Side effects. Could it be Reality Or Fiction Acne absolutely free in 3 days assessment is surely an evaluation on Chris Gibson's amazing guide from the similar identify. Unbelievable, is it not? Being acne totally free in three days is no! t far fr om actuality. You will discover numerous means you could adopt to attain this in just three days. Go by means of this write-up to create your dream come true. Adhere to These Uncomplicated Procedures For Acne Cure The acne totally free in three days Evaluation reiterates that treatments offered in Chris Gibson's book, are extremely simple, and you could simply attempt them at dwelling. You simply need to comply with a couple of effortless recommendations to have a radiant skin, distinct of acne. Appropriate Cleansing Is Essential As per the acne no cost in 3 days evaluation, probably the most crucial stage to assure a blemish less skin is always to thoroughly cleanse your skin. Gathered dust and dirt will trigger your skin pores to get clogged which eventually outcomes in acne. Usually use very good high quality cleansers and warm h2o to clean your confront, but not far more than twice each day, because it may well have a tendency to make your skin dry. Be Suitable On the Medicine You Utilize Even severely troubled skin can look crystal clear and wholesome by applying Benzoyl Peroxide primarily based lotions. Tree tea oil is equally great. Both these are highly helpful for people who are afflicted by serious ongoing acne. Tree tea oil is a lot less expensive and is also known for its instant outcomes to get a long phrase, without having any unwanted side effects. Try Out Aloe Vera To get a Supple Skin Acne absolutely free in 3 days assessment points out the original e-book by Chris Gibson praises the part of Aloe Vera, which is actually great for the skin. Its mild and soothing qualities play an critical part in driving absent acne scars and blemishes. It assists in reducing the puffiness of skin as a result of acne. It plays an important part in endorsing skin wellness. You may even plant one inside your backyard and use it once you want. Detoxify Your body It is pretty significant to detoxify your technique. Our body includes many toxic substa! nces, wh ich are a significant trigger of acne. Unless suitable detoxification is performed the body tends to deposit it underneath the skin, leading to acne and blemishes. Acne free of charge in 3 days assessment explains that detoxification is essential for you to get good immunity power and to control the discharge of hormones. Just Comply with These Actions And Be Acne Totally free As for each acne no cost in 3 days evaluation each 1 of us these days will expect instant outcomes from any enterprise. So would it not be superb if we could have a distinct skin inside an extremely short time? Just stick to these basic actions to have a wholesome skin without even a sign of blackheads, pimples and white heads. You may unquestionably be a confident person without having anxiety of acne difficulties. About the AuthorThe best factor about making use of acne free in 3 days is that it doesn't consist of powerful medicines that have unwanted side effects. Antibiotics and harsh lotions could be painful in several methods, plus they don't even function. This program is developed to cooperate along with your physique, not work versus it. It is a holistic method to skin well being that leaves driving absolutely nothing but wholesome skin along with a healthier you. By guiding you by means of organic remedies for acne free in 3 days review and general healthy residing this book can enhance your day-to-day daily life tremendously. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Crystals for Psychic ConnectionThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Working with Angels: Graceful Guidance Posted: 21 Jun 2012 08:00 AM PDT Our angels are here to help us and by calling on them for assistance they are able to do their job. At some point in our lives, we are likely to find ourselves asking for help, perhaps from no one in particular, and without knowing where help could possibly come from. We may have raised our eyes skyward or whispered our need under our breath only to find that somehow we were heard, and the help we needed arrived. It might have come in the form of a person who appeared at the right time, or perhaps it came in the form of luck, chance, or divine intervention. However assistance appears, these are times when we can be sure that there are angels watching over us. We may find ourselves asking for their help with simple things—like finding a parking spot or to watch over loved ones—but then we forgot to call on them when we found ourselves alone or in pain. We don't need to be aware of them to receive their assistance, but there is comfort in the knowledge that they are there for us when we need them. And when we remain open to their presence, we can call on them whenever we need them to connect and be nurtured by their ethereal and heavenly energy. As symbols of grace and gentle encouragement, they can offer us comfort as they enfold us in their wings or lift our spirit as they take flight. We may be warmed by their glow, guided by their gentle nudges or inspired by their whispers in our ears. We may hear the name of our angel and feel a personal connection, but it isn't necessary. All they need is to be heard, to see us benefit from their guidance and perhaps to hear a word of thanks sent their way every now and then. Whether they appear in the guise of a helpful stranger, or as a thought that suddenly occurs to us, angels are our loving guides from the spiritual realm, who with a brush of their angelic wings help us to make the most of our human experience by balancing it with the spiritual awareness that all things are possible and that we are not alone. ~by Madisyn Taylor ~Reprinted with permission from DailyOM Read More @ Source |
Finding your center in uncertainty Posted: 21 Jun 2012 07:00 AM PDT Article by Eileen Dey It's easy to get thrown off center watching the news and feeling the unpleasant uncertainty of what is to come. I spent hours surfing the web looking for predictions by economists, scientists, astrologers, psychics and then somewhere in that media overload I heard my inner voice saying, "Return to your center, that's where the answers are". I'm reminded of the time I went hiking into the woods and found this amazingly beautiful ancient tree to lay against. The roots ran fathoms deep, the trunk reached up into the heavens. The experience there grounded me right into my center and just remembering that time and finding a photo of it helped to reorient me back to my inner truth. Yes, I've got a disaster plan, yes I'm even thinking of getting a Geiger counter, but the next day ensues and my life is set up the way it was last week. An earthquake has not shaken my city, a Tsunami has not wiped it out. I have friends and family who are alive and well. As an energyworker I have cultivated a great degree of sensitivity for people, places and things. When any of those falls into to chaos, I'm very aware of it and feel it at an incredibly deep level. But in order to keep doing the work I do, it's imperative to come back up to the 'surface' and continue on with life. The roots can still run deep, and always will, but the tree still needs to reach out its branches to touch the world, letting it's leaves have room to share the oxygen which nurtures the planet. My cat Suki is giving Reiki to my belly as I write this. She too is a sensitive creature and aware of changes. Her contribution is to help make more peace in the world for her environment, those that love and care for her. If we aren't grounded, she won't be able to have peace. Thank you Suki for the reminder! Tonight is another Reiki circle at East West. I suspect a lot of people coming will be in a similar place of needing to return to center, needing to remember that place inside them that never d! ies, nev er changes, regardless of what the external world is doing. I feel honored to hold space for such transformation. As a group of twelve or fifteen people are shifted, so are all the people connected to them the ripple effect reaches out across our community into the greater world. The ground begins to have a place to settle and honor the peace that is eternally present. About the AuthorEileen Dey, M.A., LMHC is an international traveler, Reiki master and counselor in private practice. She moved from New Jersey to Seattle where she founded and directs the only state certified vocational school of Reiki. Over the last ten years, she has taught over a thousand students from over 20 countries and has founded Reiki programs for uniting Reiki community to work with veterans, the environment and has even within the acting world! and Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Words the Key: Dr. Rob’s Intention of the Day, June 21, 2012 Posted: 21 Jun 2012 07:00 AM PDT Hello and good morning, Dr. Rob All we be is thought, you see Another awesome and amazing day in the universe Read More @ Source |
Dr. Rob’s Awesome Quote Selections, June 21, 2012 Posted: 21 Jun 2012 07:00 AM PDT "Words are the voice of the heart." "Words do two major things: They provide food for the mind and create light for understanding and awareness." "Among the things you can give and still keep are your word, a smile, and a grateful heart." |
How The Ancient Practice Of Aromatherapy Can Benefit You Today Posted: 21 Jun 2012 06:00 AM PDT Article by Sagbee C Interview - Jessica - Australasian College of Natural TherapiesThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Bathroom Product Review for the Ariel Steam Sauna with Whirlpool Massage Jets & Aromatherapy Posted: 21 Jun 2012 05:00 AM PDT Article by Robert Surowiec Bathroom Product Review for the Ariel Steam Sauna with Whirlpool Massage Jets & Aromatherapy - Model #DA328F3, which will change your life! Here is an awesome way to reduce your stress levels if you are a homeowner, and by doing a home remodeling job, a good project to take your mind off of other problems can help, plus it will increase the resale value of your home! Imagine returning home each day, to a nice, relaxing whirlpool bath experience, or a shower with massage jets? These are great ways to unwind and let your worries simply melt-away...down the drain. This amazing Ariel Steam Sauna with Whirlpool Massage Jets & Aromatherapy - Model #DA328F3 units are so amazing! They come from those wonderful folks at Ariel who make unbelievable bathroom units to change your life for the better! You will certainly enjoy the pleasures of this Ariel Platinum Series steam shower in your own home. These amazing Ariel bathroom units are fully loaded steam shower enclosures, with a built in steam generator, powerful water pump, great sounding radio, and many more features for your therapeutic and stress-relieving experience. There are powerful Whirlpool massage jets powered by a 1.2HP pump for the 59 gal tub! There is a handheld showerhead and an overhead rainfall showerhead for your convenience! This is a luxurious and well made unit! Just think how nice it will be to come home after a tough day at work, and relax with a wonderful shower massage? You will forward to it every day! Life is stressful enough as it is, and if you can reduce your stress levels with a nice shower massage, just cannot put a price tag on that. Plus the Aromatherapy function is wonderful because you can use essential oils and the fragrance will help you relax or become motivated, or whatever emotion you want to invoke with the aroma of certain fragrances. You don't have to go out of your way, driving a hundred miles away from home, to search everywhere for this Ariel Steam Sauna with Wh! irlpool Massage Jets & Aromatherapy - Model #DA328F3 you can simply get one online from our wonderful where we have an enormous selection which includes this and other Ariel favorites! Save time and money, and have this stress reducing beauty shipped to your home! Whether you hire professionals to install this beauty or you decide to do-it-yourself, you will be so happy after it is in place and you are able to use it! About the AuthorRobert Surowiec is Owner of online shower stores, & For more information about shower panels and custom shower enclosures ideas, visit us online or email us with your questions at Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Place an Amethyst Under the Pillow to Prevent Nightmares and Promote Calm Sleep Posted: 21 Jun 2012 04:00 AM PDT Article by Jude Smith Amethyst can vary in shade from lavender to purple and is a quartz crystal that is found in many parts of the world, from the USA to Africa to India. This purple gem is the birthstone of the zodiac sign, Pisces, from February to March and is a powerful chakra cleanser and healer. The origins of the name are Greek and it means non-inebriated or sober. Purple is the colour of royalty and the gemstone has been used in crowns, rings and other jewellery for centuries. The colour is thought to relax the mind and raise it to a different plane. This is an extremely powerful, protective gemstone that can transmute energy into love. Placing an amethyst crystal in a room can also attract loving energy and holding the stone is helpful in the workplace when a job is proving stressful. It will gently protect and cleanse the aura, strengthen the intuition and help the mind to be receptive to answers that rise up in the consciousness. It has had a reputation as a mineral that makes a person better, getting rid of bad thoughts and encouraging a mild and gentle temperament. In Arab countries historically it was put under the pillow to prevent nightmares. Amethyst is an excellent stone for meditation and can help the person using it to find inner peace and wisdom. This means that it can also help in sadness and grief and support anyone who is trying to come to terms with a loss. Crystal therapists advise putting it under the pillow to help clarify undigested thoughts and say that after a few days sleep will become calmer, deeper and more refreshing. It can help to overcome blocks, lack of control and addictive behaviour as well as helping us to face even unpleasant experiences. It was traditionally worn to prevent drunkenness. It can be laid on any part of the body that needs healing but it is particularly good for easing tension, pain and headaches. It is also said to be good for promoting the healing of bruises and swellings. However, it can also be worn for long periods! of time and an amethyst pendant is particularly helpful as it can be worn over the heart. Wearing amethyst earrings or amethyst bracelets can be equally effective. The colour of amethysts is vulnerable to fading, however, so care should be taken to store jewellery wrapped and to avoid exposing it to too much bright sunlight. About the AuthorAmethyst can be used and worn for long periods for powerful healing and protection so it is the perfect excuse for wearing your amethyst earrings as often as possible. By Jude Smith. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
What does 'being safe' really mean? Posted: 21 Jun 2012 04:00 AM PDT Article by Eileen Dey I've come to my own conclusion that it is less about external preparation and more about finding that unwavering place within.. Connecting to that place, for me, is where I feel 'safe'. Also, giving space for my own fears to have room to be acknowledged and then released. Now, that's not to say I'm not concerned about radiation poisoning from whatever is to occur in Japan, but I also did some investigation on how far radiation was detected following Chernobyl in 1986. High amounts were detected in many parts of Southern/Eastern Europe for several days, but eventually began to be dispersed. Yes, the radiation made its way to the US, but the amount was quite small compared to several hundreds of miles around that plant. The West coast of the US is over 4500 miles from Japan. If Fukushima were to turn into Chernobyl, yes, we'd get some measurements, but it would hardly be in comparison to what the people nearby in Japan would experience. So for me, as an American, that's a return to a feeling of 'safe'. I do feel immense compassion for the Japanese, because even those that are hundreds of miles from Sendai, the emotional stress might be just as impacting as the physical stress. And not just in this immediate aftermath. I took an course on health psychology in college that presented a study of the stress levels in residents before and after Three Mile Island in Harrisburg, PA. After that scare, the stress levels were quite elevated, to be expected. But 3 months, 6 months, and even a year later, the stress levels were still elevated. What I took from that study was that the nervous systems of the residents of Three Mile Island had not been brought back to equilibrium. They still were living in some degree of fear or fight/flight mode. So yes, Japan requires concrete support (food, supplies, advice from scientists, etc.) but also energetic/spiritual support (prayers, sending Reiki, sending light). And not just during this time, but in the month and years to c! ome. When I was in New Orleans last year for my book tour, even 5 years after the Katrina disaster, the people I met still very openly talked about where they were when it happened, what occurred to them and their city and their own fears about what was to come. In counseling, we'd call this 'collective grief'. The crisis in Fukushima may be reopening the wounds of Hiroshima for the Japanese, the collective fear reactivated. I encourage all Reiki practitioners to send light to that level of consciousness as well. Yes, I'm still interested in being more prepared for an earthquake here in Seattle, but that in itself isn't the only way to feel 'safe'. Emotional and spiritual stability. Groundedness. Honoring fear when it crops up, but also giving it space to disperse so that it doesn't solidify into the nervous system and put our bodies consciously or subconsciously in survival mode. Making space for healing. About the AuthorEileen Dey, M.A., LMHC is an international traveler, Reiki master and counselor in private practice. She moved from New Jersey to Seattle where she founded and directs the only state certified vocational school of Reiki. Over the last ten years, she has taught over a thousand students from over 20 countries and has founded Reiki programs for uniting Reiki community to work with veterans, the environment and has even within the acting world! and Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Nei gong Hwa Jing (Physical Massage) 3 of 4This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
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