Frustration |
- Frustration
- 8 Tips for Buying a Portable Massage Table
- The Holistic Natural Cures for Tinnitus
- Dance: An Activity Contributing To The Holistic Development Of Children
- Aromatherapy To Promote Skin Rejuvenation
- Detailed Info A Natural Cure For Acid Reflux Disease - Options For A Safe Holistic Heartburn Treatment
- Aromatherapy Nebulizers And Diffusers
- Practical Knowledge To Cure Panic Attacks Naturally
- Cancer Therapy Options
- Enhance Your Energy Through Aromatherapy Massage Oil
- Developing Energetic Bridge Connections With The Other Side
- Aromatherapy Essential Oils to Romance Your Valentine
- How to Apparent Tinnitus - Helpful Information and Suggestions
- Raw Vegetable and Fruit Drinks
- DERAM Paragon talk about fire: 10 people than 25 people easy. Is
- Highly Rated Natural Remedies For Heartburn - A Holistic Approach Part 2
- Using An Essential Oil Diffuser For Aromatherapy
- Detailed Info Holistic Remedies Can Heal The Wounds To Your Vital Digestive Organs Caused By Acid Reflux & Gerd
- Going through a Phase: Temporarily out of Balance
- Proven Holistic Cures For Heartburn
- Mind Creates Matter: Dr. Rob’s Intention of the Day, June 27, 2012
- About Alternative Therapies and Medicine
- Dr. Rob’s Awesome Quote Selections, June 27, 2012
- New Article Homeopathic And Holistic Approach To Curing Acid Reflux (Gerd)
- Giving Back
Posted: 27 Jun 2012 11:00 PM PDT Article by Sandy Walden The theory is that as a holistic life coach and Reiki master, I won't experience frustration. Yeah, right. There is a situation with someone in my family that could easily drive me nuts. The particulars are not really all that important. Regarding most issues, I only add my thoughts if they are solicited. This is really a hard and fast rule regarding my children, especially since they are all grown and have every right to make their own decisions. When I keep my opinion to myself until it's actually asked for, they give it more weight, take it more seriously and actually ask for it quite often. So, why am I having such a hard time keeping my yap shut this time? This person is simply dragging his feet, refusing to act on a matter that could affect his finances for the rest of his life, and not in a good way. It's not that he doesn't have options, he does and they are readily available. He's simply not taking any action. If I were my own life coaching client how would I handle this as my coach? Well, I'd probably start by asking a few direct questions. Q - What is it that you think you can resolve by constantly bringing up thissituation.A - I would like to motivate him to take positive steps toward resolving thissituation.Q - Do you have the ability to change the outcome of this situation?A - NoQ - Is it your responsibility to handle this situation?A - NoQ - Have you expressed your concern in a calm, rational manner to the personinvolved?A - YesQ - What is likely to be the affect on your relationship if you keep bringing thisup this subject?A - He will stop asking for my advice regarding other situations.Q - In general, is he responsible? Does he handle his finances and other 'grown up'responsibilities well?A - Yes, he's generally very responsible. That last one just wrapped up the question and answer session done for me. The fact is that he is a generally responsible young man, and even if he weren't, my forcing my opinion on him will not assist him to learn more respo! nsibilit y. The truth is that I am the one bringing on my own frustration. I have explored options with him, shown him the benefits and the drawbacks, now it's up to him to make the decision that is right for him. I truly have no way of knowing what is in his mind and heart. And it's none of my business even if I did. It's time to trust, back off and relax. Sometimes we need to allow others to make mistakes on their own. If he makes a mistake regarding this situation it will be something that he has to deal with, but it may well prevent him from making a much larger mistake in the future. So, having worked through this, I feel the frustration melting away. I will trust him to make the right decision for his highest good. I have asked him if he minds my sending Reiki to him to help him to make the decision that will serve him the best and then let it go. He's agreed and I feel as though I am doing what I can to assist him without interfering. Truly, that's the only option I have anyway. My wish for you is that you are able to take positive action steps to change situations that are yours to change. And that you are able to relinquish those that were never yours to begin with. Warmly,Sandy About the AuthorA holistic life coach and Reiki master, Sandy divides her time between Milwaukee and Oxford, Wisconsin. Her passion is to work with people and animals to find the focus and balance in their lives. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
8 Tips for Buying a Portable Massage Table Posted: 27 Jun 2012 10:00 PM PDT Article by Jesse K. Taylor If you're thinking about purchasing a portable massage table for your business or home use, it helps to have a general idea of what you want before shopping around. These tips for buying a portable massage table will give you a better idea of which features you should consider. 1. Find the right comfort level. A combination of foam thickness and density will affect the comfort level of your massage table. High density and multi-density foam (which includes layers of high and medium densities) will retain their shape much better than low or medium density foam. High or multi-density foam padding provide the ideal balance of durability and comfort. Most foam ranges from 2 to 3 inches in thickness. The more thickness you add, the more comfort you get, but the heavier your table will be. 2. Top it off with a quality vinyl cover. Polyurethane vinyl is the standard material used for massage table covers. The quality and softness of the vinyl may differ among manufacturers. Look for a table with 100% polyurethane vinyl. This material is environmentally friendly. 3. Figure out if end plates matter. Unless you practice Reiki or other modalities that require a seated position, you may not need to worry about the end plate design of your massage table. If you want the option to sit with your legs under the table at the head or foot end, choose Reiki end plates, which are higher than the standard end plates to allow for extra leg room. 4. Choose a quality headrest. The headrest, or face cradle, includes two parts: the face cradle pad and the attachment base. The posts on the base can be plastic, aluminum, or metal. Metal or aluminum posts are more durable than plastic. Also, look for a massage table face cradle that is fully adjustable with a cam locking mechanism. 5. Choose a quality armrest. The different styles for armrests include a hinged shelf, a sling, and a hanging shelf with adjustable straps. Which armrest you choose depends on your persona! l prefer ence and comfort. 6. Consider the construction of the base. The base support and legs of your massage table falls into one of two categories: wood or aluminum. For most individuals, wood is more aesthetically pleasing than aluminum. If you plan to move your table often, however, keep in mind that aluminum is the lighter of the two materials. An aluminum portable massage table will make transporting your table that much easier. 7. Find the right dimensions. The dimensions of your massage table depend largely on the body type and comfort of the client and therapist. A longer table, up to 77 inches, will accommodate taller clients. If your clients are smaller in stature, a shorter length may work just fine. The width of the table should be narrow enough to allow the massage giver easy access to the client. If the table is too wide, your body mechanics will suffer, which could result in injury. Shorter individuals generally prefer a narrow width, while taller individuals may find a slightly wider width more efficient. A width of 28 to 30 inches is a comfortable range for most therapists. The height range of the table should correspond to the height and body type of the therapist. 8. Keep the weight down. If you plan to transport your massage table regularly, consider the weight of the table before you buy. If you don't mind moving a heavier table, weight may not be an issue, but if you move your table frequently or you have trouble lifting over 30 pounds, you may want to choose a lightweight portable massage table. About the AuthorCopyright 2009 OneTouch Massage. For quality massage tables and massage supplies at wholesale prices, visit OneTouch Massage at Free shipping on all orders! Learn more about portable massage tables at the OneTouch Massage Blog. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Eva & Manu - Week 1 - In MontrealThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
The Holistic Natural Cures for Tinnitus Posted: 27 Jun 2012 09:00 PM PDT Article by Michael Grubbs Essential oils are a natural cure for tinnitus that works very well. Some folks have gotten very sensible results by applying one quite oil. And for others, a blend of numerous oils has worked. Every one of these approaches will work. Oils like Cypress, Lavender and Juniper are tried by several tinnitus sufferers, and they report positive results. Essential oils work best once they are applied through vaporization, massage, inhalation, compression and bathing. Tinnitus would possibly be caused by issues at intervals the circulatory system. Before attempting homeopathic remedies for this condition, begin taking gingko biloba, that is usually prompt for conditions related to circulation within the brain. In addition, attempt Arsenicum if your tinnitus is among icy limbs, cold sweats, hand and feet cramps and extreme restlessness. Carbo vegitabilis will be used if you have got sluggish circulation and if you simply bruise. It may be the best natural cure for tinnitus associated with exhaustion, weakness and numbness in parts of your body. Veratrum album is employed when your tinnitus goes together with leg and feet cramps, a burning sensation in the blood vessels and a tingling sensation in the skin. Consult a homeopath for proper doses of those 3 remedies, though you can't go wrong with an occasional efficiency dose (12c) once to three times daily. Luckily however, Vitamin B is easily obtainable from grains, cereals, vegetables and fruits. Thus invariably ensure that your eating plan includes them. Eat a well balanced meal that has all the food teams. A supplement can never work equally because the natural food source. Attempt Tabacum if the sounds you expertise are speeding, whizzing, and humming sounds that resemble an echo or a delay. Your condition could additionally embrace motion sickness and nausea.Attempt a low potency like 12c (where the c stands for a hundred times the standard homeopathic unit of efficiency) one to a couple times on a daily basis till symptoms improve.! These n atural cures for tinnitus may take several months to point out an impression. Wear hearing protection to chop back tinnitus. Sounds louder than eighty decibels are considered doubtless dangerous. Today we tend to generally tend to have many sources of sound levels larger than eighty decibels which will cause tinnitus.Extremely Loud 110 dB = music, rock, rap with base 106 dB = drum rolls 100 dB = snowmobiles, chain saws, talent saws, pneumatic tools 90 dB = lawnmowers, shop tools, truck traffic, subway Sound Masking - This could be a distinctive approach to supply you some relief from the tinnitus noises. Those who are plagued by tinnitus usually report the problem worsening within the night. This happens as a result of the silence of the night appearance to accentuate the noises heard. A masking device plays some soft natural noises that are pleasant on the ear. It is as if you are hearing some channel music at the hotel lobby or being attentive to your favorite composer through the earphone. The unpleasant swishing, buzzing and constant ringing is so blocked. About the AuthorI really hoped you enjoyed reading and you can learn more about Natural Cures For Tinnitus. I have some more in depth information over at my site! Article Submission by Article Marketing Robot Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Dance: An Activity Contributing To The Holistic Development Of Children Posted: 27 Jun 2012 08:00 PM PDT Article by Osawebmastersix The magic of dance lies in its majestic movements and expressions. Dance is one of those physical activities in which the large body muscles as well as small muscles work together. While dancing, the dancer shows great coordination between hand, feet and eyes. It's impossible for a person who don't know the art of self expression, can't do well in dancing. Dance expresses the inner feelings. It's a great workout for both mind and body. It relaxes mind and help it to overcome the stress. It's a great physical exercise in the sense that when we dance, we sweat by which we burn our body fats. This is beneficial both for children, teens and adults. It helps everyone to maintain a proper body shape. It's a fun way of doing exercise. Those people who are reluctant to do physical exercises, dance is an ideal for them. When we move our body with the music, it gives a relaxation as the presence of music sooths all. Apart from fun, dancing has many healthy benefits. Dancing needs flexibility. It's a most important element of being healthy. Dance requires a great amount of flexibility. The warm up sessions in the beginnings of the dance classes enhances this flexibility factor. Dancers must strive to achieve full range of motion for all the major muscle groups. The greater the range of motion, the more muscles can flex and extend. Most of the dance moves required bending, stretching and self expression. Another major point of dancing is that it needs strength of body and mind too. Many styles of dance, including jazz and ballet, require jumping and leaping high into the air. Jumping and leaping require tremendous strength of the major leg muscles. Ballroom dancing builds strength. Dancing increases endurance power. It is the power of the body muscles to work for a longer period of time. Ballroom dancing helps the dancer increase endurance as in that form of dancing vigorous body movements are there. Moreover, dancing also helps in social interactions. As we human are social beings, so this ! sort of interaction is vital in our lives. When we join a particular dance class, we come to know different people. This also builds our confidence level to interact with people. Movement does play a vital role in the developmental process of a child. Dance, as it incorporates body movements, facilitates the mental, physical and cognitive development of the child. children who regularly practice dance, it's been noticed that they develop better immune system, their attention span gets increased and they show great expertise in academics as well. These are just a few of the benefits children reap from participating in this form of art. The 4 to 5 year old should have acquired the co-ordination and balance of an adult. They should be able to confidently walk and run, negotiate stairs safely, stand on tiptoes, spin in circles and use a swing without anyone pushing. Dance is a blessing for the young toddlers as they develop all these skills by performing dance regularly. About the Author The article above has been posted by an SEO team member working with OnlineSchoolAdmissions.Com, a leading portal offering web based school admission solutions to the parents. The portal has a school directory list from where parents can search for Mount Abu Public School Rohini or Mount Olivet School Sant Nagar where they want to admit their child. As per their choice, parents also can search for Mount Saint Garjiya School Najafgarh and can apply to the schools by filling up the application forms online. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Aromatherapy To Promote Skin Rejuvenation Posted: 27 Jun 2012 07:00 PM PDT Article by William Brown The skin is the body's largest organ. It keeps all of the other important body parts contained, and is our barrier against the world. The skin is an fascinating organism. When it gets cut, it heals itself, and constantly renews itself with daily cell regeneration. As we age, however, these miraculous properties begin to slow down, and our skin begins to exhibit evidence of wear and tear. For women, one of the most frustrating skin conditions are stretch marks. These are tiny scars in the underlying skin tissues, caused by sudden rapid weight gain or weight loss. It is not only pregnant women who are afflicted by these unsightly tears. Dieters, weight-lifters, as well as anyone who has experienced sudden weight gain or loss may bear the record of their transformation in their skin. As the body ages, skin begins to lose its former elasticity and resiliancy. This results in wrinkling of various parts of the skin that are used continuously. Laugh lines or the smile lines, crows feet, and the forehead area are prime examples of this. In addition to wrinkling and scarring, some people are prone to having excessively oily, dry, or sensitive skin. Sufferers from dry skin may find themselves continually itchy, flaky, or chapped. Oily skin may cause frequent breakouts on the face, as well as a constant feeling of uncleanliness. Sensitive skin may be prone to irritation, redness, and frequent allergic-type reactions. There are many other skin ailments that can make life uncomfortable for the sufferer. Examples of these include eczema,psoriasis, or recurrent painful boils which may be the result of an underlying subcutaneous Staph infection. There are certain steps that people to follow to promote the health, vitality, and beauty of their skin. Exercise and diet are the first areas one needs to examine when considering skin health. An optimal diet for the skin is one that includes rich organic foods, refraining from refined flours and sugar, and drinking plenty of mineral-rich water daily. Exercis! e need n ot exceed a daily brisk walk for 20 minutes, but at a minimum, this is enough exercise to maintain proper body function. Aromatherapy is also beneficial to those who are actively seeking skin remedies and looking for methods for skin repair or rejuvenation. Because the skin is made up of many absorbant pores, aromatherapy is one of the most direct ways to treat skin conditions. Aromatherapy as a treatment for skin conditions includes taking aromatic baths, drinking or soaking in herbal infusions, applying aromatherapy lotions and creams, and the use of herbal toners. By utilizing steam, baths, and vapors, the skin will immediately absorb the properties of your chosen herbs. Rosehips, calendula, orange and other citrus oils, almond and macadamia nut oil, horsetail, shea butter, rosemary, lavender, ylang ylang, and aloe vera are some of the most beneficial herbs for skin rejuvenation. About the AuthorWilliam Brown writes for several web sites, on health and alternative health topics. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Luxurious handmade soap : Adore Irene cupcakesThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 27 Jun 2012 06:00 PM PDT Article by drewnovara If you happen to suffer from heartburn or acid and reflux chances are you are going to want to know what causes acid and reflux. I have had this condition off and on for several years now. At first I had no idea what caused it and what I could do to relieve the symptoms.You might think food is what causes heartburn. There are many other factors however that you can control that may help you prevent heartburn. Constipation occurs when bowel movements are small hard and difficult to pass. You may have few bowel movements or always experience a feeling of never finishing the movement.There are several natural ways to help those who suffer from constipation. If you are experiencing burning pain or any discomfort in the upper abdomen pain that may disturb you at your sleep at night feeling of fullness that you are unable to drink much fluid needed by your body mild nausea and hunger one to three hours right after having your meal then you may want to consult your doctor as these are signs and symptoms of having a Peptic Ulcer. Peptic ulcer is a sore in the lining of our stomach or sometimes in the duodenum which is the first part of our small intestine. The burning sensation may... STOP GETTING RIPPED OFF! LEARN THE SHOCKING TRUTH ABOUT ACID REFLUX HEARTBURN DRUGS AND ANTACIDS... To get the FACTS on exactly how to eliminate your acid reflux from the root 100% naturally and Permanently and achieve LASTING freedom from digestive disorders without spending your hard-earned money on drugs and over the counters... Click Here End Heartburn >> 80 percent of heartburn sufferers report symptoms at night. 75 percent of heartburn sufferers say nighttime heartburn awakens them during the night or prevents them from sleeping. 40 percent say that their nighttime heartburn symptoms affects their ability to work the next day. Many acid and reflux sufferers are under the erroneous belief that there is no way to get rid of heartburn. I thought that same thing under I fin! ally lea rned the truth. There are ways to get heartburn relief that do not involve large quantities of chalky tasting tablets or pink liquids. Read on to learn more! There is an estimated six million Americans that suffer from the problems of acid and reflux. There are plenty of products you can buy that ''appear'' to solve the problem but have some nasty side effects. When it comes to advanced cases of this problem it is good to seek the advice of a medical professional. What happens is that your esophagus will get burned away from the acid and that can cause permanent damage. Suffering from heartburn pain and discomfort? Heartburn can be eliminated without using pills or antacids but by using natural remedies. This is how type1 diabetes occurs. In this article I will tell you what types of foods you should eat in order to cure type1 diabetes. About the AuthorSTOP GETTING RIPPED OFF! LEARN THE SHOCKING TRUTH ABOUT ACID REFLUX HEARTBURN DRUGS AND ANTACIDS... To get the FACTS on exactly how to eliminate your acid reflux from the root 100% naturally and Permanently and achieve LASTING freedom from digestive disorders without spending your hard-earned money on drugs and over the counters... Click Here End Heartburn >> 80 percent of heartburn sufferers report symptoms at night. 75 percent of heartburn sufferers say nighttime heartburn awakens them during the night or prevents them from sleeping. 40 percent say that their nighttime heartburn symptoms affects their ability to work the next day. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Aromatherapy Nebulizers And Diffusers Posted: 27 Jun 2012 05:00 PM PDT Article by Sharon Hopkins Aromatherapy is based on the properties of essential oils which are used to produce a calming, refreshing or uplifting mood. In addition, these oils have many therapeutic effects and can help cure many common ailments. Some of the common methods of administering these oils are by inhalation, diffusion, massage or bathing. In this article, we shall discuss the administration of essential oils by the use of aromatherapy nebulizers and diffusers. What is a Nebulizer? The best way to absorb the properties of a plant's oil is through direct inhalation and the Nebulizer does just that. This device literally "spits" out a barely visible stream of atomized particles from the essential oils of your choice. It basically consists of a standard pump with a glass receptacle for oil attached to it. The pump forces air into the oil in the receptacle and propels it through several channels, twists, and intricate canals to atomize the oil. This atomized oil is then released into the atmosphere where it is inhaled by the user. Aromatherapy Nebulizers are safe, effective, quiet, and economical. They are good for both home and office environments. What is a Diffuser? Aromatherapy diffusers disperse fragrant and therapeutic essential oils into the air by heating them. As the molecules of the essential oils are diffused into the atmosphere, they're inhaled into the lungs and absorbed into the bloodstream. There are different types of diffusers in the market such as steam, candle and electric diffusers. The difference between them lies in the method by which the essential oils are heated. Nebulizer or Diffuser - Which one is better for me? Whether to choose a nebulizer or diffuser will depend on your requirements. A nebulizer dispenses essential oils by physically breaking them up into tiny droplets. This course naturally suspends and ionizes the oil into extremely fine molecules, causing them to remain suspended in the air for longer periods. Since there is a continuous mist emitte! d it sho uld not be used for more than a few minutes at a time. A diffuser on the other hand, usually involves the evaporation of essential oils due to heat. The aroma is not as concentrated as that from nebulizers but because it is in vapor form it will cover a larger area. To sum it up, nebulizers deliver a more concentrated dose of essential oils and are good for small areas whereas diffusers deliver a less concentrated dosage and should be used if you wish to cover a larger area. The choice is yours. About the AuthorSharon Hopkins manages content on Aromatherapy, your own Online personal guide to Aromatherapy herbs and essential oils. She also writes for Massage Therapy, Yoga and other health sites. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Why Natural Water Birth Pt 1? Pregnancy Vlog (21 weeks - doula, midwife, childbirth classes)This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Practical Knowledge To Cure Panic Attacks Naturally Posted: 27 Jun 2012 04:00 PM PDT |
Posted: 27 Jun 2012 03:00 PM PDT Article by John Daniel Rivera Alternative cancer therapy options bypasses conventional methods and go beyond the traditional chemotherapy and radiation. Nowadays, it has gain wide popularity since most European, Chinese and Japanese doctors are practicing it and gaining confidence to this treatment. Here are some cancer therapy options: Pranic healing In layman's term it treats the patient at the subatomic level where it will help restore the balance of energy in our body. Practicioners of this approach can sense that you have a problem in a specific area by sensing the flow of your energy. In short pranic healing restore the and realign our electromagnetic field. And exciting approach also.. Reiki The Japanese art of alternative cancer therapy, it also works along similar ideas. A Reiki master can unstop your congested energy pathways to relieve the patient of the pain of the disease and eventually bring healing to patient. Naturopathy and Homeopathy Naturopathy and Homeopathy are another different approach. These therapies believe in achieving bodily harmony, which in turn rouses the self-healing process. The focus is much more on changing the diet; emphasis is given much more on fresh juice, fresh fruits and fresh veggies with the application of proper exercise and changing damaging lifestyle that cause lifestyle diseasesWhile Homeopathic treatment triggers a defense mechanism to fight diseases, Naturopathic treatment on the other hand like Homeopathy, emphasize more on herbal approach or electrical treatment to achieve bodily healing. Oxygen therapy Oxygen Cannot Cure Disease Unless It's Delivered to the Cells and Tissues of the Body. This treatment activates the movement of oxygen atoms from the bloodstream to the cells to a radically greater degree than is usually reached by other means. Now, once the environment in our body is highly oxygenated no diseases can thrive. This one is applicable not only to cancer but to all diseases as well. Gaining popularity also in t! he alter native cancer therapy is the combination of physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual therapies, medical science are starting to see to connecting the link between the physical body and the emotional body which is highly spiritual. There are so many cancer therapy options that need to be brought up and discuss here. But for more information about oxygen therapy just follow the link below and you will discovered how powerful this treatment is not only to cancer. For the 5minute video presentation and for your own copy click here: About the AuthorThis article is written by john daniel rivera who is an advocate for natural health and healing, and has been in the field of health for quite a few years. He is interested in illuminating individuals and helping others return to a better quality of health. If you would like to learn more about his approach, please feel free to visit Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Enhance Your Energy Through Aromatherapy Massage Oil Posted: 27 Jun 2012 02:00 PM PDT Article by Bryan Josling Aromatherapy is all about healing through natural oils by means of inhaling and massaging of the body. It helps in enhancing the energy and well being of the soul and the body. It rejuvenates the body cells and helps in leading a healthy life. Scientifically, it has been proved that massaging is one of the most effective ways of healing various body problems. Massaging with massage oil in aromatherapy gives relief to muscles, improves immune system and de-stresses the mind. In short, it will be right to say that it provides relaxation to the body, soul and mind. Massage oils in aromatherapy have the natural power to nurture the body. It is also regarded as the way to lead a healthy and a positive life. Sometimes the blend of various essential oils is used as massage oil. The biggest advantage of using blend of oils as massage oils is that it heals each and every problem of the entire body as a whole, that is, the person is not at all required to purchase different essential oil for massaging. Massaging with massage oil in aromatherapy particularly stresses on improving immune, muscular, nervous, and circulatory system. The benefits of using massage oil are as follows: * provides relaxation * rejuvenates and refreshes the mind * strengthens the immune system * relieves the body of the harmful toxins * reduces pains * increases the blood circulation * strengthens the heart * makes body flexible * reduces stress Massage oil is usually used to heal various problems in a natural way. While massaging with massage oils, the oil enters in the veins and bloodstreams and starts its function. Some problems in which massage oil has been proved very effective are cold, aches, menopause, skin problems, physical injuries, sleeping problems, cough, and various other health problems. Other than healing all these body problems, it also helps in improving concentrating ability and alertness. Thus, it will be absolutely rig! ht to sa y that massage oil provides benefits to the body in all aspects - physical and mental. But, while massaging, there must be no hard movements on the body because for a moment it can relax the pain but can adversely affect the muscle in the long run. Massaging must not be done on the fractured or injured area. The place or the seller from which the person purchases the massage oil must be reputed and trustworthy so that the he stays away from the impure form of massage oil. And lastly, diluted form of massage oil must be used for massaging as undiluted can sometimes causes sensation and redness on the body. About the AuthorBryan Josling is working with the Horticultural Research Station in Adelaide. He has also been involved with research on plants. To find aromatherapy essential oils, aromatherapy massage oils, aromatherapy oil burner, essential oil dilution, massage oils, pure essential oils, aromatherapy blends visit Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.MindyGreen-Menstrual cramps.movThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Developing Energetic Bridge Connections With The Other Side Posted: 27 Jun 2012 01:00 PM PDT Article by Nicole Lanning Bridges are built to connect one location to another or to provide a means of overcoming an obstacle. Bridges are also seen as connections between earth and heaven; the known and the unknown. As connectors, bridges symbolize transitions between states of consciousness and stages in life. Channelers and mediums today work with their guides to connect to spirits who have crossed over to the other side. They do this with a connection that is built from a type of bridge. In my own personal experience with mediumship, this can be done in quite a few ways, as it depends on what type is best for you and how you like to communicate with your guides and spirits. I have found a wonderful ridge to be built for myself from my safe oasis to the spirit realm by building this with bricks from one side to the other. Not all of the bricks can be placed at once, as like building a house, it takes time, patience and belief. I built a row one session and then a row in another session and so on and before I knew it I had my own bridge built! Anyone and everyone can build a bridge connection to the other side. There are also many tools to help you in this process. Here are a few: 1.Energy attunements, such as Bridge Energy Empowerment, Reiki Psychic or Spirit Reiki 2.Practicing the art of meditation daily 3.Drumming circles for energetic traveling 4.Freeing oneself from negativity and regrets 5.Being open to energies that are outside of the physical realm we are capable of visually seeing These are just some of the tools that can help you in your own personal path towards developing and enhancing your own energetic bridge connection with the other side. Feel free to visit us at for more exciting information about energetic spiritual growth. Many Blessings Nicole Lanning About the AuthorNicole is a Natural Born Psychic Medium, Ordained Minister, Spiritual Counselor, Reiki Master Teacher and Certified Energy Healer with the International Natural Healers Association and the World Metaphysical Association. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Guided Chakra Meditation For MenThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Aromatherapy Essential Oils to Romance Your Valentine Posted: 27 Jun 2012 12:00 PM PDT Article by Angela Power So what can you do to celebrate this Valentine's Day? With the right intention, a few simple ingredients and a little effort, you will be richly rewarded as you express your true devotion to the one you love. I have been working with Aromatherapy Essential Oils for many years, so I'm very familiar with creating the right romantic setting that will make that magical space in your own home a rewarding experience. To get the right ambiance, start by lighting some candles in your favourite room and play some relaxing music that you both like. The setting is not complete without the subtle effect of aroma. The sense of smell is one of the subtlest and oldest ways of communicating that we possess, the mechanism of which still remains a mystery today. Creating the desired mood with essential oils has been around for centuries. In fact, the Ancient Egyptians made aromatherapy a way of life with the use of perfumed oils, scented barks and resins being recorded as far back as 4500BC. Perfumes were used by lovers to heighten the forces of attraction that existed between them. According to history, Cleopatra wooed Antony by ordering that her bedroom be carpeted an inch deep in rose petals. Imagine that!! Now to create your romantic ritual.... Place either a single essential oil or blend in your aromatherapy burner with a tea light beneath. (I prefer to use an essential oil burner with a deep bowl so that it takes longer to diffuse without overheating and drying out). For a 'sensual interlude' add 1 drop of orange, 2 drops ylang ylang and 3 drops frankincense to your burner. Around 5 to 6 drops is enough. Orange is a joyful and playful scent that blends well with the sweet, heady fragrance of ylang ylang. With the added connection that frankincense gives to heighten your senses you will be well on your way to enjoying a sensually euphoric evening!! For the true romantic, rose helps us feel more deeply. It is a gentle aphrodisiac with a spiritual quality that you may use on its own or in a ble! nd. Or i f you're feeling a little more bold try Jasmine, a wonderful oil that brings with it the rare qualities of strength and softness, yin and yang, making it a powerful aphrodisiac! So this Valentine's Day open your heart to love and romance by embracing the gentle art of Aromatherapy and add some essential oils into your life! About the AuthorAngela Power enjoys writing articles on aromatherapy and is renowned for her ability to provide knowledge through her real life experiences. Visit her Garden Apothecary website for further articles on the therapeutic use of essential oils. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Relaxing Bath Visualization whisperThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
How to Apparent Tinnitus - Helpful Information and Suggestions Posted: 27 Jun 2012 12:00 PM PDT Article by Merlin Singleton Eliminating ear wax that may perhaps influence the ear drum is yet another way of tinnitus heal. Verify from a physician that the induce of the difficulty is not a bodily clinical a single. He will be able to arrive up with the alternative immediately after establishing the lead to.The variety of individuals struggling from continual ringing in the ears or tinnitus is rising hence, it is not stunning to see much more and additional folks hunting for ways on how to very clear tinnitus. If you are a single of these men and women, then you certainly have to go through on as this guide talks about successful guidelines that you can observe and adhere to to distinct tinnitus efficiently.Tinnitus is not distinct from other clinical or well-being conditions. It should be adequately diagnosed so that it will be possible to find the remedy to it. Without having appropriate diagnosis or with no having any plan on its indicators and leads to, it would be incredibly tricky to obvious tinnitus. As a result, it is required that you evaluate your individual wellbeing and appraise your behavior so that you can uncover out what's resulting in your tinnitus and how it manifests. Acquire anxiety for case in point. If you have been below worry recently, then there is a likelihood that it is the cause at the rear of your tinnitus.The ringing in your ears or tinnitus can be triggered by unique aspects and motives, which can incorporate but are not minimal to serious sounds pollution, panic, strain and tension, staying subjected to traumatic activities, ear nerves hurt or damage, and sinus congestion amongst many others. As a make a difference of simple fact, you can do your individual assessment and diagnosis of your ailment by staying mindful of what's occurring close to you, specially of these points that can have an influence on your ears.To very clear tinnitus, it is also a excellent concept to check with with your ear medical doctor and request for skilled information, view, and treatment. You should not be fright! ened to share with your health care provider or healthcare supplier the signs you generally practical knowledge these as hissing, ringing, buzzing, as effectively as the generally discomfort and nuisance this situation presents you.After figuring out what has been resulting in your hearing challenge, it's time to seek out for doable cures or treatment method alternatives. A person of the helpful options you can check out is the natural alternative. For example, if you are really considerably selected that your tinnitus is caused by stress or anxiousness, then the initially stage to acquire is to deal with your panic or worry. The identical issue with other leads to like as when you start out listening to tinnitus seems for the reason that of publicity to loud sound, then you've got to keep away from areas with loud noises.You can also crystal clear tinnitus by working with maskers which will work largely by utilizing tinnitus maskers to mask or conceal the seems created by tinnitus, including hissing, ringing, and buzzing seems with other stress-free, relieving, soothing sounds like jogging drinking water, music, or white noise. By the use of maskers, the tinnitus-manufactured seems will steadily die out or will be extra bearable or tolerable for the affected person. About the AuthorSimple and sincere, I create for a living and enjoy my canines and move children. They are the cause that I perform so tricky at what I do.Tinnitus Cures, Tinnitus Ear Suffering - Unique Procedure Strategies You Can Adopt</ Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Raw Vegetable and Fruit Drinks Posted: 27 Jun 2012 11:00 AM PDT Article by Linda Kinyo Grab a glass and drink your way to clear skin, a slim waist and good health It's been almost a decade since I lugged my Juiceman out of the back reaches of my kitchen cabinet. Once I initially purchased the' juicer, I used it every day creating ripe, tasty juices using close to everything I may uncover in my fridge's vegetable drawer. However cleaning the pulp stuck in the blades of the Juiceman always needed longer compared to the actual juicing, so I discontinued because I didn't possess the time. Now I'm in my early forties and concerned about age-related pains , occasional heartburn , weight gain and even more scary possibilities, like my increased risk of most cancers (both my dad and mom had the disease). The research is crystal clear that eating antioxidant-packed create can reduce the odds of finding a lot of situations -- from digestive woes and pores and skin issues to diabetes and most cancers -- so it's high time I start out juicing again. Why raw is right on Also however I try to weight my plate using greens as often as possible, professionals say I might not be finding all the compounds individuals vegetables offer you if I'm pam cooking them. That's because heat destroys some compounds and enzymes, states Michael Murray, N.D., author of The Complete Book of Juicing: The Scrumptious Aide to Youthful Vitality (Clarkson Potter). He information that pam cooking vegetables can ruin up to. 97 percent of nutritional vitamins B and C, and up to 40 percent of nutritional vitamins A, D, E and K. The pasteurization approach used for packaged juices additionally kills compounds and enzymes, he states. "If you don't eat sufficient raw foods, you're not finding ample cancer-fighting phytonutrients like free-radical-scavenging carotenes and alkalizing chlorophyll and anti-viral flavonoids," states Murray. To reduce my risk of persistent disease, he suggests I eat 50 percent of my every day vegetables (five to 7 V2-cup servings) and many fruits (one to tw! o ½-cup servings) raw. "Verdant juices are an superb way to get a concentrated photo of plant-based compounds in a readily absorbable form," he states. Because juicers eliminate the indigestible fiber's mobile wall, the compounds inside are launched and immediately assimilated by your own cells. However, even however some fiber is retained in juiced many fruits and vegetables, I'll even now do eat lots of create to travel a woman's suggested every day intake of 25 grams of fiber. Juice for your digestive tract Celebrity dietitian and Normal Well being aiding editor Ashley Koff, R.D., recommends I health supplement my diet regime using 8 to 12 ounces of starch-free vegetable juice or 4 ounces of berry (or starchy vegetable) juice a day. "Juicing offers your digestive system a rest," states Koff. "Once you drink your vegetables, your body type doesn't need to create digestive enzymes to eliminate the super food to access the compounds." A lot raw create contains enzymes,' and apples, pears, pineapple, carrot and kale possess particularly high ranges of digestive enzymes. To up the supremacy of juice even far more, don't gulp it down. , "Sip and 'chew' your juice to engage your mouth and send a concept to your brain that you're sensation well-rounded and satisfied," states Koff. As well as easing digestive woes, juicing can result in far more power, increased immunity, anti-aging effects, greater bone well being and excess fat loss, states Nicole Cormier, R.D., co-author of The Everything Juicing Book (Adams Media). To determine which many fruits and vegetables to incorporate in your juice quality recipes based on your own well being needs, check out hours "What to Fruit juice" at left. Getting the mix Just right OK. So the added benefits of juicing possess me convinced that it's really worth my time. However once I start out juicing again, I jam all the many fruits I can uncover in my juicer to sweeten up the greens. Then I discover I might be harming my body type! rather than healing it. "Consuming berry juice can raise your bloodstream sugar and possibly lower your immunity," states Koff. "Rather than a great many berry, add cinnamon or soaked almonds to sweeten a inexperienced juice." Koff additionally recommends adding a protein supply (like hemp seeds) or a healthy fat (like flax seeds or oil) to berry, carrot or beet juice (carrots include far more sugar compared to most veggies) to assist offset the bloodstream sugar raise these fairly sweet juices can cause. (For Koff's low-glycemic berry juice recipe, see pg. forty seven.) Kris Carr, author of Insane Sexy Diet plan (skirt!) follows a bloodstream sugar stabilizing ratio of 3-vegetables-to-i-fruit once she juices. How to get started Inspite of the simple fact that I realize juicing is excellent for me, it's daunting to ponder performing it daily. Once I launched my reasons to the professionals, these folks photo me down at just about every flip. Reason NO. 1: I don't possess time Professional Guidance: Generate it element of your program "It's not that you don't possess the time, it's that you don't make the time," Carr states. Because the finest instances to drink crisp juice are initially thing in the morning (to .remove your system) and in the afternoon (to provide you with an power pick-me-up), Carr starts daily by revving up her juicer and tends to make sufficient for the afternoon as well. Carr additionally tells me to wash my vegetables and berry forward of time and even bag them in handy, every day packs. Cormier recommends that I leave my juicer (and a big bowl of create) on my circumvent to live in as a reminder of my new habit. Reason NO. 2: It's expensive Professional Guidance: Recall that you get which you end up paying for Study shows that natural many fruits and vegetables include 30 percent higher ranges of antioxidants and, naturally, no pesticide sprays, which research website link to most cancers. Extra, once you use natural create you can ! juice th e skins, too, which are chock-full of well being added benefits; it additionally saves you time because you don't need to peel. Reason NO. 3: It's wasteful Professional Guidance: Recycling your pulp Carr recommends running the pulp through the juicer to crush it dry (you'll get anyplace from 2 to 4 extra ounces of juice!). I additionally discovered that sure juicers yield far more nourishing nectar compared to others (for the finest machines, see "The Suitable Juicer for You," on pg. forty seven). "You can additionally add the pulp to your vegetables's compost pile, flip it into a soup stock, or if you would want to get fancy, use a dehydrator to make tasty crackers," states Carr, who additionally tells me I can feed the pulp to my pets. (I discovered my dog's preferred squeezings are carrot and kale.) Reason No. 4: It's too difficult to do daily Professional Guidance: Set reasonable aims Cormier recommends I start out out small by juicing just on the weekends at initially, afterwards accumulate If you're not using natural many fruits and veggies peel them juicing daily. She suggests crafting sufficient juice for the next morning too. "Verdant juices do burn some compounds once not sipped quickly soon after squeezing, but it's considerably healthier to get a percentage of compounds in. day-old juice compared to to not get any from raw many fruits and veggies," she states. To protect potency, store juice in an airtight container in the refrigerator. I've juiced (nearly) rpc_forty seven_rpc for a month or two and my pores and skin is crystal clear, I have far more power, I'm a few pounds lighter in weight and I've become very regular (sorry -- TMI?). Now I just do determine a way to get the juicer to clear itself. About the AuthorFor information about fruit and vegetable drinks, including juice recipes, please visit the juice diet website - Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
DERAM Paragon talk about fire: 10 people than 25 people easy. Is Posted: 27 Jun 2012 10:00 AM PDT Article by Xiaolong In our hero smote 25 people, la mode, someone to us after Ross provocation, said 10 people mode, the gulag Ross is not we imagine that, so we decided to play a dozen of 10 people RAID. Our plan is to play with a team of 25 people, and a team of ordinary people to play 10 H, then close group play RAG, so it won't waste equipment and courage. We first six BOSS group a more balanced team combination, and then in front a RAG the team, and then put the RAG to kill. The gatekeeperThis is the first 10 and 25 people have obvious difference in the BOSS. In the next 25 people we have 2 Tanzania and four repair, clear eat torture and run the position of the attachment, and detailed after the fury of the plan. Even so we are forced to DPS requirements. We found that most of the 10 people with 1, guild 2 treatment dozen. So we think that if we have plenty so hit the DPS.We play 2 fill and died because several times (and 25 4 fill is like) and then found that in fact the DPS enough also on two such BOSS. So we added a treatment, treatment work is a bland things. Found that no one hang up before we leave the BOSS car.The main difference is that in 25 mode you DPS and treatment are stressful. You can't compromise in both-if you take five treatment you must in the violent supported earnestly. In 10 people you can bring 3 a treatment and then just squeezing DPS, also can bring two treatment and then just squeezing treatment. You also don't have to worry too much about torture and eat the position of the attachment, because the local great, and only a crystal.The fight is not only of 10 people, it is simple and even the feeling of 25 people are totally different. Should force everyone to use 3 fill, then give the BOSS add a 5% blood is appropriate.Deer helmet sauceIf you forget the Tampa spring elder brother and then the first knife in scorpion was hanging off what would happen? Of course the BOSS is out and then LOOT!The battle play up (or you should put it played) and 25 people more like. You try to through ! the dama ge to increase damage/treatment, also said the deer BUFF helmet sauce most of the time in cat form jump. The only notable is the only three ball of flames,. In the 25 people flame under the ball of brush together can make a person very pain, but 10 people this problem will not happen.The biggest problem is the BOSS blood is too little. In a strange completely failed we still in violent knocked off a minute and a half ago. This should look is a 2 treatment battle, but we put three treatment. Honestly say we think the BOSS should add 25% to 30% of the amount healed.The battle of 10 people / 25 similarity spider, but because higher than health problem is too wide, so deer helmet sauce worthy of is 10 and 25 the world biggest divide. Even if you take out 1 treatment with eight people play 1 DPS deer helmet still better than it 25 people deer helmet simple. This to a second from bottom of BOSS is a pretty bad design.The big screwO, terrible big screw. We can't say too much, but the battle should * * and 25 people feel similar to. 10 and 25 people on the surface is almost the same fight, you can actually see some different.We don't know why, but for some reason the trap of P1 damage than 25 small. Unless you can trap and Mr Ross, because of the wrath of the problem in time axis to destroy a hundreds of times, the P1 this and not a big problem, don't even how worth alone out, but it is easy to be noticed. Maybe we deal with these skills the wrong.The similarity of P2 is very high. If your team with good, and then the lava seed for A death is not A problem. And you have a big place can let you wandering, in fact, than 25 people scattered simple one million times. We like to insurance as A past, 25 actually caused A lot of extra damage.Turn the son of the flame stage is quite different. They are in 10 people in burnt like paper, but as if we do not control the words run really quickly. In the 10 and 25 is the brush eight out of it. In the 25 people in 10 people and the first stage, they can turn is completely con! trol. Bu t in the second turn 10 tanks need to pull the fire in the stage, and some people need to run more than the flames. So in this case, for different teams, refresh point difference means that the level of difficulty is different. If the son of flame brush together so you can instantly A dead they (really). But if brushed very scattered, then more than 25 people much more challenging.P3 and we are not able to mp4 said too much, and health problems again. The blood of the BOSS is too little, 25 people in the battle to need all nerves, and DPS in 10 people like walking in the garden, don't even open bloodthirsty/brave. More, just look at the city guide to you know processing of 10 people two meteorites and 25 people five meteorites is a routine--they take up 20% of the team resources. But in actual combat and is not the case. The BOSS in 10 people of the blood is too little system so more like a whirlwind DPS stage, any quick shall strike RAG will notice how important this stage, and for this reason the whole system would have no meaning.To be fair, in 10 people RAG mode than other BOSS really difficult to a little. If you can RAG off, you have not any other things processes is not good. 2011-8-1 13:54:47 author: rabbit barney source: wow gold ( About the AuthorIntroduction: in the slew of 25 people hero models, Ross, Paragon after la to prove that 10 people are no longer the words, the mode of special to try, and wrote such a simple 10 and 25 mode of contrast strategy. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Highly Rated Natural Remedies For Heartburn - A Holistic Approach Part 2 Posted: 27 Jun 2012 09:00 AM PDT Article by janiceplunk acid and reflux surgery is a scary thought for many. While most individuals who are suffering from acid and reflux disease can treat their condition through the use of medications or preferably natural methods some may elect to undergo a surgical procedure to address their condition.A person with acid and reflux disease or GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) is someone whose lower esophageal sphincter or LES is not functioning properly and is unable to keep the stomach liquid from splashing back up to his esophagus. The lower esophageal sphincter or LES is that small valve-like muscle at the base of your esophagus which function is to keep the food and liquid to be swallowed down to the stomach but prevents them from coming back up to the esophagus. This stomach liquid contains acid that gets into contact with the esophagus and irritates ... acid and reflux is one common disorder that may affect a person every once in a while. Some of the most common causes of temporary or occasional acid and reflux are pregnancy alcohol abuse medications chemotherapy radiation treatment and others. Heartburn sufferers relax. You do not have to use harsh chemical compounds to alleviate the burning in your chest. There are heartburn home remedies out there available to all. Man has been dealing with this plague long before the invention modern chemistry. Heartburn No More! Cure acid reflux end your digestive problems and regain your natural inner balance ... Guaranteed! -- Discover how Jeff Martin has taught thousands of people to achieve heartburn freedom faster than they ever thought possible... Even if you've never succeeded at curing your acid reflux before... Right here you've found the acid reflux freedom success system you've been looking for! Click Here End Heartburn >> More than 60 million American adults suffer from heartburn at least once a month and about 25 million American adults suffer from heartburn on a daily basis. Suffering from acid and reflu! x diseas e does not only imply that you have a lot of discomfort but the need to know some acid and reflux remedies might help one free themselves from such a situation. Read on for more information. Our society as a whole seems to moving in a more natural homeopathic direction when looking for cures and relief to some common conditions. Personally I think this is an important step for us to turn more towards nature as we search for cures. Medication is not the first option to consider when suffering from disease. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is not an exception. Research has showed that 44% of people suffering from acid and reflux have reported improvements after having changed their lifestyles. What would you do if you were suddenly free of the itching burning sensations caused by your eczema? What I'm giving you are steps you can begin to take right now that can end your suffering NOW! Okay you are probably thinking 'How can I avoid eczema when all the expensive creams and medicines only help me a little?' The truth is there are several ways to fight off this nasty rash that just keeps occurring over and over again without involving expensive creams or getting prescriptions for steroids that only provide temporary and incomplete relief. About the AuthorSTOP GETTING RIPPED OFF! LEARN THE SHOCKING TRUTH ABOUT ACID REFLUX HEARTBURN DRUGS AND ANTACIDS... To get the FACTS on exactly how to eliminate your acid reflux from the root 100% naturally and Permanently and achieve LASTING freedom from digestive disorders without spending your hard-earned money on drugs and over the counters... Click Here End Heartburn >> Heartburn begins as a burning pain behind the breastbone and it then usually radiates upward to the neck. There is often a sensation of food coming back into the mouth and is accompanied by a sour or bitter taste in the mouth. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Using An Essential Oil Diffuser For Aromatherapy Posted: 27 Jun 2012 08:00 AM PDT Article by Ann Marier Aromatherapy is a scented form of soothing and relaxation treatments. All different types of essential oils are used to achieve different degrees of aromatherapy. Essential oils are naturally occurring volatile oils that are obtained by cold expression or steam distillation. The oil will have the characteristically familiar aroma from the plant part from which it was derived. These are 100% pure oils that have not been processed in any way. Essential oil diffusers have become very popular lately in dispensing these natural oil fragrances into the air. Aromatherapy uses essential oil diffusers to achieve its goal of gently diffusing essential oils into the air. Types of Diffusers There are several different types of diffusers on the market today. One of the popular styles for large public areas is essential oil fan diffusers. These diffusers use a fan to blow the oils into the air. This is done with essential oils being placed onto a disposable absorbent pad or put into a tray and then the pad or tray is placed into the unit and switched on. The fan will then blow air across the tray or pad and send the aroma throughout the room. These are very effective essential oil diffusers. Electric heat essential oil diffusers are another good way to dispense the essential oils into the air. These are very popular in bathrooms and living areas and are more commonly known as plug-ins. These units contain tiny cartons of essential oil and are simply plugged into the wall. A SpaScenter Essential Oil Diffuser has an oil drawer where you apply 20 drops of an essential oil onto a pad. You then turn on the SpaScenter to activate the air circulation and instantly enjoy the benefits of true aromatherapy. The SpaScenter allows you to adjust the strength of the diffuser with a simple turn of a button and can easily be changed to a different essential oil. The SpaScenter is extremely popular because it allows you to have a continuous subtle aroma climate for a long period of time. Reed! essenti al oil diffusers have become very popular today because they are more nature oriented and look very nice sitting in a living room or bedroom. There is no electricity or flame needed for a reed essential oil diffuser. The essential oil is placed in the diffuser and a reed is put into the oil. The fragrance basically travels up the reed and is dispersed throughout the room. The fragrance will last for months in one of these reeds. About the AuthorAnn Marier writes informative articles on general health issues providing helpful tips and advice. Her latest articles are about essential oils their different uses. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.Venta-Airwasher How It Works 2This posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Posted: 27 Jun 2012 07:00 AM PDT Article by kiarapoirer A Hiatal Hernia is when the top of the stomach slides into the sphincter muscle which is supposed to prevent stomach acid from getting near the throat. This causes a condition known as 'acid and reflux' 'GERD' or 'heartburn'. This article discusses the causes and symptoms of this disorder.Every person is different. No this is not a sappy article about the uniqueness of humanity and individuals but the statement is as true when dealing with medical treatments as it is when looking at individual worth. Every person is different as is every case of heartburn. One of the sweetest things about being a mom is the opportunity to care for our children most especially to our newborn babies. However it may be quite challenging especially for new mommies out there who are still learning new skills. Newborn acid and reflux is common to babies on the other hand we often cannot tell if they are in pain except when they cry so much. Although acid and reflux at its core is not as severe as the other diseases known to mankind its symptoms and long term effects are definitely devastating if left unattended. This is why if you are diagnosed with the disease you should be aware of the different forms of treatment of acid and reflux. Here are some of them. Heartburn No More! Cure acid reflux end your digestive problems and regain your natural inner balance ... Guaranteed! -- Discover how Jeff Martin has taught thousands of people to achieve heartburn freedom faster than they ever thought possible... Even if you've never succeeded at curing your acid reflux before... Right here you've found the acid reflux freedom success system you've been looking for! Click Here End Heartburn >> More than 60 million American adults suffer from heartburn at least once a month and about 25 million American adults suffer from heartburn on a daily basis. Don't you just hate it when you have a nice tasty meal and then the sour taste of acid and reflux spoils it all? You are not alone in t! his. Mil lions of people in this country alone are suffering from this problem and the worse thing is - they do not even realize its seriousness. If you want to know what the basic acid and reflux cause is and how to take care of it then read on. Have you ever had to endure the discomfort that comes with acid and reflux? Do you recall how irritating the burning sensation was on your chest and throat? Now try to visualize that same burning effect on a baby's throat. There are many natural treatments for eczema. Some may work for you some may not. This article examines some of the natural options. We have all been been awakened in the middle of the night with a and painful burning sensation in our stomach or chest. These four proven remedies will help abate your heartburn and indigestion so you can get back to sleep fast no matter what you have eaten. Often the first thing folks reach for About the AuthorJeff Martin - certified nutritionist and former heartburn sufferer teaches you his acid reflux freedom step by step success system jam-packed with a valuable information on how to naturally and permanently eliminate your heartburn from the ROOT and achieve LASTING freedom from digestive disorders. Click Here End Heartburn >> Heartburn is caused when the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) which is located between the esophagus and stomach is weakened or opens inappropriately. This allows acid and other stomach contents back into the esophagus causing irritation. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Going through a Phase: Temporarily out of Balance Posted: 27 Jun 2012 07:00 AM PDT The gift of going through a phase is that it will pass and you will come out the other side. We are all almost always in the process of learning something new, developing an underused ability or talent, or toning down an overused one. Some of us are involved in learning how to speak up for ourselves, while others are learning how to be more considerate. In the process of becoming, we are always developing and fine tuning one or the other of our many qualities, and it is a natural part of this process that things tend to get out of balance. This may be upsetting to us, or the people around us, but we can trust that it's a normal part of the work of self-development. For example, we may go through a phase of needing to learn how to say no, as part of learning to set boundaries and take care of ourselves. During this time, we might say no to just about everything, as a way of practicing and exploring this ability. Like a child who learns a new word, we want to try out this new avenue of expression and empowerment as much as we can because it is new and exciting for us and we want to explore it fully. In this way, we are mastering a new skill, and eventually, as we integrate it into our overall identity, it will resume its position as one part of our balanced life. In this process, we are overcompensating for a quality that was suppressed in our life, and the swinging of the pendulum from under-use to overuse serves to bring that quality into balance. Understanding what's happening is a useful tool that helps us to be patient with the process. In the end, the pendulum settles comfortably in the center, restoring balance inside and out. ~by Madisyn Taylor ~Reprinted with permission from DailyOM Read More @ Source |
Proven Holistic Cures For Heartburn Posted: 27 Jun 2012 06:00 AM PDT Article by wesbrouwer acid and reflux disorder is increasingly becoming among the most common health issues that the adult population is facing. Its severity varies from case to case but one common thing about it is the indication of the backflow of the digestive acid and enzymes that causes irritation and even damage to the esophagus. To avoid further internal injury certain types of acid and reflux medicine are introduced.acid and reflux is a condition wherein the partially digested food in the stomach (more specifically the acid that it produces) travels back into the esophagus or throat. To properly explain the perfunctory layout of the disorder the bodys digestive system has a circular band of muscle that is called the lower esophageal sphincter. This circular muscle divides the esophagus from the stomach; as the food reaches the stomach this muscle seals off to prevent the partially digested food from traveling back to the throat. Do you suffer from chronic Heartburn? What is heartburn? Do you know effective ways on how to cure heartburn? Check this out! Homeopathic as well as allopathic medicines are available for acid and reflux. acid and reflux is a common disease of stomach. In this problem acidic contents of our stomach tend to move towards esophagus due to frequent opening of ring of muscles on the upper end of our stomach. It causes burning and irritation with chest pain. STOP GETTING RIPPED OFF! LEARN THE SHOCKING TRUTH ABOUT ACID REFLUX HEARTBURN DRUGS AND ANTACIDS... To get the FACTS on exactly how to eliminate your acid reflux from the root 100% naturally and Permanently and achieve LASTING freedom from digestive disorders without spending your hard-earned money on drugs and over the counters... Click Here End Heartburn >> More than 60 million American adults suffer from heartburn at least once a month and about 25 million American adults suffer from heartburn on a daily basis. If you frequently suffer from heartburn burning sensations and trouble in ! swallowi ng then its time you looked into diets for acid and reflux. This means that you should start identifying those foods that are make you get these burning sensations in the throat especially as you lie down. It is a well-known fact that aside from the medical and even alternative treatments that the patients undergo (depending on their preferences) one most potent and most advised cure is lifestyle change. Because it is the digestive tract that is heavily affected by the disease one thing to consider is planning a proper acid and reflux diet. The Turbo Protein Diet Book was developed by Dr Dieter Markert an anesthetist and pain specialist who worked at developing a diet that actually burns fat. The diet is based on a period of fasting for two weeks and then returning to a normal healthy diet. Subsequent fasts can then be undertaken after a period anywhere from 3 to 8 weeks. There are many natural ways to treat acid and reflux. Prescription and over the counter drugs such as antacids and proton pump inhibitors were only designed to for occasional use or short-term care of the condition. For long term relief certain lifestyle changes and dietary changes are usually necessary. What to eat with acid and reflux is the subject of many diet plans and cookbooks. About the AuthorNew E-book Reveals Unique Holistic Strategies to Cure Acid Reflux. Discover How To Quickly And Easily Cure Heartburn Permanently... Even If Everything Else You Tried had Failed... Without Drugs Without Over The Counters and Without Nasty Side Effects - Guaranteed! Click Here End Heartburn >> Heartburn begins as a burning pain behind the breastbone and it then usually radiates upward to the neck. There is often a sensation of food coming back into the mouth and is accompanied by a sour or bitter taste in the mouth. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Mind Creates Matter: Dr. Rob’s Intention of the Day, June 27, 2012 Posted: 27 Jun 2012 06:00 AM PDT Hi there! This is Dr. Rob Every day I think it good, I think it grand Tap Along with Val Silver-Basic EFT Tapping TechniqueThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
About Alternative Therapies and Medicine Posted: 27 Jun 2012 05:00 AM PDT Article by W.Rifareal Alternative health/medicine is a branch of healing methodologies used by various peoples the world over for the treatment of illness, pain management, and accompanying symptoms. Alternative health practitioners believe in the close interrelation between body, mind, and spirit and the relationship between these that form the groundwork for holistic health. Alternative healing is based predominantly on the "natural healing model" which emphasizes the use of natural herbs, foods, exercise, and energy healing or indigenous therapies to promote health. They are generally non-invasive and nature based and can include anything from aromatherapy, acupuncture, acupressure, magnetic therapy, yoga, meditation, and many other techniques used by civilizations for thousands of years. Many modern cultures continue to use alternative treatment to complement modern medical treatment as these traditions are steeped in cultural traditions and/or because of the high cost of Westernized medicine and pharmaceuticals; and, because they work. In fact, Dr. Andrew Weil, a prominent American medical doctor, is popularizing a growing form of Western medicine called Integrated Medicine. This new way of thinking is a beautiful marriage between traditional and indigenous therapies, modern energy healing, and Western medicine. Why is it called complementary and alternative medicine?Thousands of years ago, these were the only known treatments prior to the discovery of penicillin, antibiotics, and all other modern medical treatments used in medical institutions today. Alternative Medicine is the original medicine. However, the advent of modern medical treatments pushed aside the use of these types of therapies but they are now coming back due to the short-comings of modern medicine to provide healing in many circumstances (especially when dealing with chronic pain and illness) and the revolutionary discoveries in quantum science. These quantum studies are once again starting to validate indigenous and alternative ther! apies an d, when used alone or in place of conventional treatments, they are known as complementary and alternative medicine. What is holistic medicine?Many of these alternative medicine treatments emphasize the interrelation of the mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of health that are what make up whole person. These parts of the human condition when in harmony create a state of health in the individual. When one part of the system is thrown out of balance or "falls apart" then the other two are forced to overcompensate and over a period of time they too also fail or are deeply affected - hence the reason for using holistic health treatment. Holistically speaking, the part of the person that is in illness can be healed by building up or strengthening the other parts thus taking the pressure off the ill part and allowing the it to heal more effectively. For example, a stressed out and overworked body can be healed by alleviating mental or emotional stress thus letting the body function more readily and to rest more easily. As we know, a stressed mind leads to a stressed out body. Alternative medical systems are built upon complete systems of theory and practice. Most of these practices evolved way before the discovery of conventional medical approaches. However, many alternative medical systems have been developed in Western cultures within the last century, including homeopathic medicine and naturopathic medicine. Systems originating from the East and popularized as modern alternative treatments are traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic Medicine. Mind-Body based therapies utilize various techniques aimed to enhance the mind's capacity to stimulate natural healing, affect bodily functions, and alleviate symptoms. Many, if not all of these, are rooted in healing practices that came from cultures existing thousands of years ago. Often, they were first used in Eastern cultures and have become mainstream. Practices such as the many forms of yoga now practiced all around the world are goo! d exampl es of this. Other alternative therapies of this kind are meditation, Reiki, Pranic Healing, hypnosis, and emerging therapies that use creative media (art, dance, and music) such as art therapy, movement therapy and sound or music therapy. Manipulative and Body-based techniques that are considered alternative therapies are Alexander Technique, Rolfing or Structural Integration, Cranial Sacral, and chiropractic. It's important to recognize that chiropractic care just a few years ago was looked upon as dangerous and fringe medicine. All types of massage from Thai to Swedish and everything in between also fall under this category. Biological Based Therapies make use of substances naturally found in nature including herbs, foods, and vitamins and plant and animal matter. The popular use of dietary supplements, vitamins, and herbal products, including other natural medicines fall into this category. Scientist are constantly proving that certainly foods, vitamins, minerals, etc. are useful in fighting disease such as the broccoli cancer connection or the wine heart attack connection. Often, indigenous food, mineral, vitamin therapies have a 50/50 track record in their effectiveness such as the debunked idea that shark fin can cure cancer or the successful re-discovery of anti-oxidant foods for alkalizing the body. Energy Therapies intend to target the energy fields that are found all over the human body. These are often referred to as Chakras and the quantum scientist Candace Pert is using the Scientific Method to map and further understand these energy centers with us. These therapies aim at manipulating bio-electric fields or currents within the body through the application of pressure, manipulating the body, or even needles (as in acupuncture). It is thought that the body has a steady even flow of energy moving through it and when an illness occurs this flow is either decreased, diverted, reduced, or overly stimulated thus causing disease. Qi Gong, Thai-Chi, Therapeutic Touch, and Reiki are! example s of this natural health therapy. About the AuthorWeenie Rifareal is a freelance writer. Watch videos and read more about alternative healing choices, click Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included."Many Applications" HD Lecture 5 Richard Gordon, Quantum-TouchThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
Dr. Rob’s Awesome Quote Selections, June 27, 2012 Posted: 27 Jun 2012 05:00 AM PDT "As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives." "Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude." "All that we are is the result of what we have thought." Dr Shinya - The Power of EnzymesThis posting includes an audio/video/photo media file: Download Now |
New Article Homeopathic And Holistic Approach To Curing Acid Reflux (Gerd) Posted: 27 Jun 2012 04:00 AM PDT Article by dyanwoollen acid and reflux is an issue that has effects on many folks. The commonest symptom of acidic reflux is heart burn increased salivation sore throat and difficulty in swallowing.Do you suffer from heartburn? Are you willing to take a completely different view of your problem? If you are then you will find that a natural cure for reflux is not just possible but is a reality that anyone can achieve. Bras for Hiatal Hernia It can be difficult finding a bra if you've been diagnosed with a hiatal hernia. Bras that constrict the upper stomach can cause pain and even digestive problems. That is why it's important to find a good bra that will allow you to be both supported and comfortable. So are you frequently suffering from heartburn at night and could not quite figure out what actually causes it? Even worse is the chest pain can be so painful that it can disrupt your precious sleep. Heartburn can be your night's worst nuisance and this is affecting a large number of people. Heartburn No More! Cure acid reflux end your digestive problems and regain your natural inner balance ... Guaranteed! -- Discover how Jeff Martin has taught thousands of people to achieve heartburn freedom faster than they ever thought possible... Even if you've never succeeded at curing your acid reflux before... Right here you've found the acid reflux freedom success system you've been looking for! Click Here End Heartburn >> Heartburn is caused when the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) which is located between the esophagus and stomach is weakened or opens inappropriately. This allows acid and other stomach contents back into the esophagus causing irritation. If you think you are experiencing acid and reflux symptoms you can see if any of the symptoms you felt includes heartburn sore throat reflux of food from your stomach back to your mouth frequent coughing and asthma or having short breaths. The above-mentioned are the common symptoms of someone who is having acid and reflux. At t! imes thi s can cause you to be very uncomfortable and have difficulty in swallowing resulting to lose of appetite. It is important that when you are going about treating your heartburn that you do so naturally and in a way that will not cause your condition to worsen. A lot of people make the mistake of taking certain medications that can complicate the issue of heartburn and do nothing but make it worse. If you want to find quick relief from your heartburn without sacrificing your health in any way then pay close attention to the tips listed below. One of the best natural acid and reflux cures is to change your diet and lifestyle. acid and reflux can occur from poor dietary habits stress and an unhealthy lifestyle. What's the most effective acid and reflux treatment? Find out now. Don't wait too long delaying treatment can lead to a more serious condition. About the Author Have You Seen Jeff Martin's new Acid Reflux System yet? It's called Heartburn No More I've read the whole thing (all 150 pages) and there's some great information in there about how to naturally and permanently eliminate your heartburn without drugs antacids or any kind of gimmicks. I highly recommend it - it's very honest and straightforward without all the hype and b.s. you see all over the net these days. Here's the website where you can get more information: Click Here End Heartburn >> Heartburn is caused when the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) which is located between the esophagus and stomach is weakened or opens inappropriately. This allows acid and other stomach contents back into the esophagus causing irritation. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
Posted: 27 Jun 2012 03:00 AM PDT Article by Sandy Walden One of the most fulfilling experiences of my life, is when I have the opportunity to give back in some fashion. I'm not alone in this feeling. I've noticed lately that more and more my clients and fellow entrepreneurs have been talking about giving back and the creative ways they are finding to support causes or charities that they feel strongly about. I've heard on the news again and again that charitable contributions are way down due to economic circumstances. What I'm seeing and experiencing is actually very different. These are some of the things I've seen lately. My brother and sister-in-law make several meatloafs once a month to feed the hungry in their church parish. Steve & Marge, you continue to inspire me. Kathy Engel of Mary Kay, is offering 10% of her proceeds to be donated to the charity of the clients choosing. Love that Kathy. Baker's Square, is generously giving 10% of sales between 5-8pm for 4 days in September to WOCA, Wisconsin Ovarian Cancer Alliance. Jeanette organized and ran with the entire project. You rock Jeanette. My mom continues to baby-sit for the great-grandchildren now that the grandchildren have grown. She insists that there's nothing she would prefer to do, I know my niece appreciates it tremendously. Friend Nancy volunteers once a week at the Willow Creek Ranch in Waterford, WI. Nancy assures me that she gets much more out of this time than she gives. Nancy you always lead by generous example. For my part, I am so excited about the opportunity to offer free Reiki today at the WOCA fundraiser, Nancy's Run, Walk and Stroll. I'm also really pleased to be able to contribute . of each Reiki session scheduled in September to this amazing organization. I'm blessed. My point here is that we all contribute in a way that feels right for us. I'm hearing more and more from friends, family and clients about the pleasure they get sharing th! eir time and talents with others. Not one of these people feels that it's an obligation. Each of them feels that it's privilege to share. I believe when we give back we get so much more than we give. It's that simple and yet that wonderfully profound at the same time. Such a good feeling. For this week, I hope that you find an opportunity to share a bit of yourself with another. You'll both benefit and the good that's generated will continue to be passed along. Warmly,Sandy About the AuthorSandy Walden is a Holistic Life Coach and Reiki Master, Teacher living and working in the Milwaukee and New Berlin, Wisconsin area. Sandy is pleased to offer Life coaching and Reiki sessions as well as coaching workshops and Reiki classes. Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. |
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