Meditation makes your cells healthier

Good headlines for us long-time meditators: a investigate shows which imagining is linked to psychological well-being, which in spin is associated to aloft telomerase -- an enzyme which makes cells healthy.

The investigate participants had one-third some-more teomerase in their white red blood cells than controls. However, this was usually after they outlayed three months in an complete imagining workshop which entailed six hours of personal imagining a day as well as a integrate of group sessions.

I have a feeling which this would expostulate me nuts, rather than healthy, but I could be wrong. Regardless, I'm anticipating which my current 20-30 minutes of every day imagining along with unchanging enervating boosts of maxi-scooter roving as well as red wine celebration will have a same effect.

(Thanks to Ira for vouchsafing me know about a investigate via an email.)

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