Instant enlightenment. Guaranteed. Just read this.

Before we ensue to enlighten we by a few well-chosen paragraphs, side-stepping all those silly disciplines, such as meditation, which customarily have been regarded as required to grasp this towering understanding, my inner profession final which we supplement a little metaphorical fine print to a pretension of this blog post:

First, we should indeed shortly be cordial as to a ultimate inlet of a cosmos. However, don't design which this will be, well, what we expect.

Second, my guarantee is related to my just-mentioned "first." Have no disbelief which my words will take we to a furthest reaches of reality. But if we expect what this believe will be like, we can't guarantee which my guarantee will compare yours.

That said, let's get upon with a saying.

Which begins with a little seeing as well as conference -- a initial few mins of a You Tube video, "Carl Sagan upon 'God' as well as 'Gods," which we came across courtesy of Pharyngula.

Sagan points out which if we ask how a cosmos came to be, as well as someone claims God created it, a subsequent subject is "And what created God?" If a answer is which God has regularly existed, then because not save a step as well as simply say, "The cosmos regularly has existed"?

Which brings me to my promised enlightenment.

All we need to do is this: contemplate a actuality which life regularly has existed. That is, something regularly has existed.

Even if you're scientifically disposed as well as envision universe particles popping out of a vast quantum vacuum, "quantum" as well as "vacuum" have been something, not nothing.

Don't be half-assed with your pondering.

Stick with it until we reach a brain freeze, an existential section wall, a place where your sight of thought crashes in to an endless hole of What a Fuck?! as well as we find yourself in a engineer's seat staring straight during an unfathomable b! lack hol e of representation black mystery.

Get to which place.

Feel what it's like. Doesn't matter for how long. A milli-second will do. That prodigy of Ahhhhhh... Ohhhhhhh... Ooooooohh... or whatever -- that's enlightenment.


Because you've grasped what a endpoint of knowledge, of experience, of living, of dying, of reality, is. It doesn't matter which we haven't traversed all of a domain in in between here as well as there.

You've gotten an discerning feel for Existence exists. Amazing! If which feeling came to be continous, you'd be invariably enlightened.

In a little traditions, "enlightenment" is pronounced to be a recognition which there's no such thing as enlightenment. That fits well with how we see a situation.

Enlightenment is similar to Wile E. Coyote using in to a stone wall while chasing a Road Runner, something he did a lot of in a cartoons which we avidly watched in my childhood.

He'd get flat as a pancake. Then solemnly flay himself off a wall as well as cocktail behind in to his three-dimensional self.

Existence is which wall. Enlightenment is which pancaking. It's a realization that, in a end, there's zero to realize.

Existence is. Just as we are. Existence regularly is.

Whether we have been also... which depends upon how we view "we." The atoms as well as appetite which comprise "me" expected regularly will exist in a little sense, since there is no place for life to depart to (given which any probable end would exist).

Early upon each human is conditioned to see causes as well as goods handling everywhere. Positing "God" is a approach for us to feel which we've figured out a ultimate cause. Yet as Sagan says, this is an romantic explanation. On a alternative side of "God" is stark exist! ence, ca useless as well as effectless.

If this arrange of introspective leaves a chill in your spine, bodily or philosophically, this is a pointer of your enlightenment.

But even if we feel nothing, you're still cordial if we conclude a mysterious beauty of boundless existence.

This can't be experienced, understood, or known. All we can do is know in a believe which is over knowing, This can't be experienced or understood.

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