Ava for Example

"Merely by keeping this same tantra with them,without meditating, they will tumble into a state of pondering stability;without studying, they will assimilate teachings;without being taught, they will be informed with devout instruction;without receiving explanations, they will of course assimilate a tantras;and but practicing a theatre of development,they will spy deities directly."--The Conjunction of Sun as well as Moon

Before Ava Lavinia Gardner (1922 - 1990) was Ava Gardner, she was Ava Gardner. Ava Gardner did not have to use being Ava Gardner. To a contrary, all she had to do was be herself. Since she managed to naturally, effortlessly, as well as casually be herself, she was which indivisible essence of being referenced by a generally agreed-upon name Ava Gardner.
Whatever qualities, characteristics, legends, or descriptions we instruct to ascribe to a being referenced by this name, such qualities, characteristics, legends, or descriptions conjunction define nor limit Ava Gardner.
If, for example, we contend Ava Gardner was a in couple of instances pleasing woman, in use as a suit design singer for a total of her adult life, who favourite to smoke, drink, as well as roll around upon a sheets, we will have longed for entirely a equality as well as purity of Ava Gardner as a healthy manifestation of undying awareness.
If we attempt to detain Ava Gardner by comparing her to all those women who have been not referenced by a name Ava Gardner -- saying, "This is Ava Gardner," as well as "This is not Ava Gardner" -- we will be incompetent to knowledge a spontaneous participation of Ava Gardner as conjunction divisible nor indivisible purity.
Similarly, if we contend which Ava Gardner engaged in bid in order to turn Ava Gardner, i.e. which A! va Gardn er was in some conform a outcome of such bid -- such bid being viewed in this instance as a "cause" of Ava Gardner -- afterwards a always-abiding Ava Gardner, facilely present, will be mislaid to you.
If we make an offering of your bargain of Ava Gardner to Ava Gardner, afterwards in only this sense haven't we separated yourself from Ava Gardner? More to a point, haven't we divorced yourself from your own unified, necessary being-as-inseparable from a basic ground which conjunction contains nor omits Ava Gardner or you?
If we selectively mine characteristics we have fictitiously attributed to Ava Gardner, as well as afterwards use them as a basement of imputation, saying, "Oh, she drinks similar to Ava Gardner drank," or "She dances similar to Ava Gardner danced," or "I instruct we had Ava Gardner's lips," or "I instruct we could have kissed Ava Gardner's lips," afterwards we have imprisoned Ava Gardner in a referential state which directly opposes her actual, empty, non-referential state.
In a West, it seems there is a problem specifying in between a use of Buddhism as a graded, inquisitional practice in dialectics, as well as a pass-fail, snake-in-bamboo use of Vajrayana. Since Tibetan teachers have been entrance to a West for a past four decades, as well as a problem still persists, we thought we would dont think about a total thing as well as watch television instead.
There was an aged Ava Gardner film playing, as well as we watched which for a while.

Some people keep birds in cages. In South-East Asia, we can buy them during temples as well as set them free. we did which once myself, in Bangkok, only to watch them wheel around in a sky for a couple of minutes, as well as come behind to a bird sellers, there to be sole again. Actually, a birds as well as a bird sellers have been bodhisattvas, wh! o manife st in this conform in order to yield a opportunity to create merit. So, this is fictitious merit, accrued in a fictitious circumstance, dedicated to fictitious beings, as well as theme to being exhausted.
Remind we of anything?

.Write to rinpoche2006@gmail.com http://tibetanaltar.blogspot.com

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