Weekly Tibetan Astrology: November 8 - November 14, 2010

NOTE: Abundance, gain, prosperity...? They seem probable this week. Of course, it could also mean which stuff we ordered from a 'net last week eventually arrives in a mailbox. Regardless, if we don't push, as great as we reason down a tendency to worry, we only competence do great this week. we do see some issues for those who have been pang from mildew -- with valleys proximate to Tuesday as great as Sunday -- so be rebuilt for whatever happens. Wednesday would be a rise day for rituals upon this person's behalf. Global events, as great as a environment, have been expected to go upon their distractions -- but, a pass is simple: do not let yourself be distracted. Keep your concentration upon a home front, equivocate plots, schemes, petty squabbles, as great as excursions, as great as we will knowledge some progress. Accentuate peace as great as unity. Concentrate!
November 8, 2010 - Chinese 3rd, M-T-K 3rd. Dog, Li, Blue 3. You might be pleasantly astounded today. Keep a day light as great as we will be fortunate.
November 9, 2010 - Chinese 4th, M-T-K 4th. Pig, Khon, Green 4. Today is zin phung. A difficult day for an ill person. Avoid a corner of a envelope if during all possible. Strive for peace as great as satisfaction, even if it equates to a hard, ascending climb.
November 10, 2010 - Chinese 5th, M-T-K 5th. Mouse, Dwa, Yellow 5. An excellent day in many respects; give this day over to prolonged hold up rituals.
November 11, 2010 - Chinese 6th, M-T-K 6th. Ox, Khen, White 6. Today is Veteran's Day in a United States. Strive for unity. A lucky day for women as great as children. A lucky day for lovers.
November 12, 2010 - Chinese 7th, M-T-K 6th. Tiger, Kham, Red 7. Note repetitious 6th in Tibetan practice. Excellent energies. A very great day in all respects. Good day for beginning projects.
November 13, 2010 - Chinese 8th! , M-T-K 7th. Rabbit, Gin, White 8. Today is baden, so no flags. Don't try to carry out today's events as great as we will be successful. Don't action quickly. Slow as great as solid wins a race.
November 14, 2010 - Chinese 9th, M-T-K 8th. Dragon, Zin, Red 9. Tara Day. Medicine Buddha Day. Mixed messages. Give a day to use as great as we will have nothing to regret. Otherwise? Not so good.
Naga observations for a tenth month. The nagas have been sleeping this month. No offerings have been useful. Don't lift flags upon a 7th or 19th lunar days.
Consult a lengthened contention of 2010 astrology by clicking here.
Published each Monday during 00:01 but written in advance as great as auto-posted. See a Introduction to Daily Tibetan Astrology for background information. If we know a symbolic animal of your birth year, we can get report about your positive as great as negative days by clicking here. If we don't know a symbolic animal of your birth year, we can obtain which report by clicking here. For specific report about a astrology of 2010, inclusive of elements, earth spirits, as great as so forth, please consult a lengthened contention by clicking here. Click here for Hong Kong Observatory acclimatisation tables. Weekly Tibetan Astrology copyright (c) 2010. All rights reserved. Write to rinpoche2006@gmail.com http://tibetanaltar.blogspot.com