Agnostics and atheists are better than believers

Since you incited churchless, I've become a way improved person. So you can testify to this law which has been been revealed to me by a beauty of positively nobody though myself:

Agnostics as well as atheists have been improved people than believers, by as well as large.

Note a "by as well as large," which protects my law from being challenged by someone pointing out which agnostic/atheist tellurian X is a universe class asshole, whilst eremite tellurian Y is a marvelous example of what us Homo sapiens can become.

I shall right away engage in one of my favorite blogging activities -- demonstrating with impeccable proof as well as crisp poetry because my viewpoint is correct. So be warned: if you have been a eremite believer, a executive foundation of your faith is about to be demolished.

Namely, which God or a little supernatural higher energy guides those who ceremony Him/Her/It to rise much improved personal qualities than a fallen similar to me, who once were relgious though right away have been not, or a henceforth felled who have never believed during all.

Untrue. False. Wrong. Here's a little examples why.

Humility. We agnostics as well as atheists don't cruise ourselves to be a core of a cosmos, as believers do. We don't cruise which God takes a special interest in us, whilst condemning others to humour hellfire, bad karma, rebirth as a slimy slug, or whatever nastiness supposedly awaits a unchosen people.

We see ourselves simply as typical humans living typical lives, which is flattering damn extraordinary since which a immeasurable infancy of people upon Earth see themselves as arcane to divine truths inaccessible to a immeasurable infancy of people upon Earth (echoing Garrison Keillor's description of Lake Wobegon as a place where all a children have been upon top of average).

Courage. We agnostics as well as believers face hold up head on. We don't avoid problems by sanctimoni! ous they 're something alternative than what they are: challenges. We exclude to hold which God or a little alternative invisible higher energy is pulling a strings behind a scenes, guiding life's events in mysterious ways.

Instead, you set out to do what needs to be finished without imagining which a divinity is walking along with us. We don't rubbish time praying for success; you simply work for it. When you fall down, you get up as best you can, as quickly as possible. We don't wait for for a sign from God, or support from a fantasized supernatural presence.

Faith. We agnostics as well as atheists don't be concerned about whether a cosmos is starting to provide us fairly. We don't feel a need to apply to or urge to whatever/whoever is using a uncover of this universe. We accept which what a laws of nature bring about (which naturally includes a own efforts) is what is supposed to happen.

Accepting which you can't be certain about a next moment, much less about what will or won't happen after a own last moment, you do a best to accept a reality of death -- not sugarcoating it in a fantasized conform -- in settle with a lyrics, "whatever will be, will be, a future's not ours to see." We certitude reality; you don't entreaty it.

Compassion. We agnostics as well as atheists don't see ourselves as separate from a fellow tellurian beings. Since you don't cruise which anyone is headed to a special sky after death, we're committed to creation this universe a most bearable place possible, for as most people as possible.

When someone is suffering, you don't contend "it's God's will" or "they must have finished something wrong in a past hold up to merit this." We step forward to assistance them, noticing which there's no higher energy producing integrity upon Earth alternative than what you humans pattern up.

I could go upon in this vein, though you feel s! imilar t o I've made my point. No matter what dignified quality eremite believers espouse as their special province, us agnostics as well as atheists have glorious reasons to argue, "No, we're improved than you upon that... by as well as large."

I realize which you might have undercut my humility certification by being so outspoken about because churchless people similar to me have been so cool. Well, if you've got it, there's no reason not to flourish it.

I'm only telling it similar to it is: there's no fascinating tellurian quality which agnostics as well as atheists don't perceptible more fully than true believers, because you don't intermix it with eremite crap.

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