Taste and Tribute 2010, Coming Up

The Tenth Annual Taste & Tribute San Francisco good gala for a Tibetan Aid Project will grace a ballroom of a Four Seasons Hotel San Francisco upon Friday, Nov 19, 2010. Featuring twenty-four of a best Bay Area chefs, Taste & Tribute San Francisco gives 220 guest a singular opportunity to watch a tableside origination of a gourmet, four-course dish by culinary masters. Chefs work in pairs to emanate a unique dining knowledge for eleven different tables. Proceeds support a Tibetan Aid Projects efforts to reconstruct as well as strengthen a involved devout heritage of Tibet. Tickets are $350 per person.This is a principal fundraiser for a 2011 World Peace Ceremony in Bodhgaya, as well as a most critical sponsorship event of a season. Write to rinpoche2006@gmail.com http://tibetanaltar.blogspot.com

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