Stuff happens -- meaning of life in two words

I'm not certain what I'd have of me if which wasn't who you am: me. But isn't which loyal of everyone, you included? (Who is a "me" to yourself, whereas I'm your "you.")

By which you mean, if you saw myself from a outside rather than a inside, I'd likely think, "Wow, which dude is weird." That in truth is how you mostly demeanour on people, both dudes as well as dudettes. Yet to them, they're normal as well as it's alternative folks such as me who have been strange.

Today you sent off an email to a neighbor. you added a little lines which had little or zero to do with my subject. They only were on my thoughts after a little introspective during my morning imagining time.

I've outlayed many of my hold up trying to figure out a definition of life. Currently my speculation is flattering simple: things happens. Then alternative things happens. Until you die. Then, maybe, or might be not, alternative things happens. you really don't consider you can carry out which "stuff." Just understanding with it a best you can.

Now, those words have a lot of clarity to me. Yet if you put myself in a shoes (or better, mind) of a person who got which email message, I'd perspective me as carrying a flattering damn depressing nihilistic truth of life.

That isn't true, yet you do have a nihilism wristband which you wear occasionally.

I don't see "stuff happens" as negative. Rather, it is an affirmation of being as well as a poser which looms when you try to understand its inlet (notwithstanding how a many famous popularizer of which phrase used it).

I'm not certain because what has already happened to me, did. I'm not certain because what lies in a destiny for me, will be. I'm not certain because this present moment, is.

The chains of causes as well as goods -- together with what appears to be randomness -- related to even a simplest event have been breathtakingly! beyond a finish comprehension of even a smartest people in a world, or a many modernized computers.

Yesterday you picked up a little pants from a seamstress who had condensed a hems. Chatting with her as she got a check ready, she said "You have an accent. Where did you come from?" you told her which you was born in Massachusetts, yet moved to Texas early on, so might be when you learned to speak you was influenced by accents of both east as well as west.

However, there's alternative possibilities to consider. you dimly stop speaking Spanish with a Mexican housekeeper when you was little. Perhaps my long-forgotten incursion in to an additional language influenced how you speak now. Who knows?

The indicate is, things happens.

When pressed by ourselves or others to insist it, you provide stories which have larger or lesser clarity depending on a situation. If I've got a bandage around my finger as well as someone asks what happened, you can reasonably contend "I strike myself with a hammer."

But I'll leave out "...while thinking about something alternative than a nail." Because once you begin down a track of why's as well as wherefores, there's no stopping until you get to a big bang as well as a commencement of a universe 13.7 billion years ago.

Recently you accomplished celebration of a mass Susan Blackmore's Ten Zen Questions. you enjoyed how severely as well as energetically she dives in to first-person experiencing of those queries, together with "How does suspicion arise?", "What am you doing?", as well as "What happens next?"

I don't consider you could ever suffer full-blown Zen retreats such as a ones Blackmore decribes, though. Way as well most ritual, rules, restrictions, as well as bowing before a Zen master for me. you similar to Zen philosophy, yet Zen practitioners tend to demeanour on hold up as a koan to be solved rather than a happiness to be embraced, or a poser to be! marvele d at.

Nothing wrong with solutions, satori'ish or otherwise. you only have come to disbelief which a definition of hold up is a nonplus meant to be solved.

Which isn't most different, though, from how Blackmore sees things. Here's a little quotes from a finish of her book.

Things only have been a way they are. Whether they could have been opposite you do not know, yet you suspect which even asking this subject does not have sense. Stuff only happens.

Indeed a fingers have been typing here right now. No one is acting. you am not you do anything.

What, then, is a indicate of it all? What's a indicate in you do anything?

No point.

...Experiences as well as their experiencers will arise wherever as well as at your convenience there is a body able of intuiting things, as well as a brain able of analyzing them, as well as they will final a little time as well as vanish again.

They have been right away here, right away there, right away entrance as well as going. you seem to be here now; yet afterwards I'm not. Something else is, as well as has been for a little time.

...When this body dies there might be a lot of pain, a hideous final illness, a dolour of not carrying said all those things you longed for to contend to people you loved, projects not completed, a fantasized destiny not to be.

But will you be snuffed out similar to a candle?

Yes, only as you have been a thousand, million times before. Just a same. Being born as well as failing again is how all hold up is. Birth as well as genocide have been not a problem; a cycle of apparition is broken; they have been only how it is.

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