In many of the Buddhist lands, young kids have been taught which Shakyamuni Buddha manifested as the Buddha because, with pinnacle compassion, he could not bear to witness the prevalence of animal sacrifices in attendance holidays. Perhaps you may stop conference something like which in your own youth.
In the Americas, quite literally millions of the very old fowl misnamed as turkeys have died in the name of today's holiday, called "Thanksgiving." So, you wish to give them their due. Actually, turkeys have been sacrificially failing in the Americas for thousands of years, as well as Thanksgiving is usually the latest excuse. Long prior to the rsther than fabulous pilgrims landed here as well as betrayed the amiability of the rsther than fabulous natives, turkeys were being sacrificed in the name of H2O -- yes, H2O -- as well as in the little cases, to the god declared Tlaloc.

Tlaloc is the Mesoamerican god of water, as well as the longer you study Tlaloc, the stronger your guess becomes which he functions as the Aztec version of the naga king -- possibly even the dragon. -- but, is he really? Is he that, or is he the controller? The picture above, from the Palace of Tepantitla, in the ruined city of Teotihuacan, northeast of Mexico City, depicts the fresco archaeologists have declared "The Paradise of Tlaloc." To place it in chronological perspective, the fresco was embellished well prior to Padmasambhava came to Tibet, as well as positively flourished around 600 CE, in what was then the single of the largest cities in the world. The picture next is Tlaloc in all his glory, from the 16th century Codex Rios.

In his readable survey of southwest prehistory, House of Rain, writer Craig Childs informs which turkeys, "were killed in place of humans, their heads ritually cut off as offerings to H2O spirits," as well as their corpses were placed interstitially in the spaces in between spaces. According to Childs:"among the modern clans of the Hopi who have been descended from the Anasazi, turkey feathers paint the scintillating underworld, their white, prosaic tips symbolizing H2O churning up from underground. Turkey feathers have been planted in fields to capture rain. Some of the surviving tribes distant south of here, in southern Mexico, Central America, as well as South America, hold which the turkey represents Tlaloc, the single of the many powerful as well as very old gods in the Americas, the administrator of H2O pronounced to live subterraneous in the House of Rain."So, who is this Tlaloc? The academics learn which he is the easiest of the deities to identify: he has "goggles formed by dual serpents which meet in the core as well as stick on to form the nose, as well as the snake moustache framing the mouth from which emerge dual fangs. His color is blue." We note which he is adorned with the climax of heron feathers, as well as the net of clouds.
A master of water, the master of serpents; snakes as well as feathers, in the net of clouds. Hmm... competence know somebody who fluently empathizes in those circles.

There could be the little proof to it. After all, the same ocean's vagaries impacted both the home of the garudas as well as the home of the Tlalocs. El Nino gave scarcely comfortable temperatures as well as abounding rainfall. La Nina gave scarcely cold temperatures as well as the dry deteriorate (we have been now in the La Nina year). It is likely which men in both places sought clues from the s! pirit as well as animal worlds to assimilate as well as possibly change both conditions.
Regardless, my purpose in essay this post is not to debate Tlaloc, ambient rainfall, sea temperatures in the Pacific, or our dear friends the garudas.
My purpose in essay this post is to encourage you in the citation of tofu, rsther than than turkey. Nobody likes to listen to which sort of thing this time of year, so you had to trip it in in between the pages.
Happy Thanksgiving, from Digital Tibetan Buddhist Altar, where you never skip the chance to give you the nudge.
Let your sleet be the sleet of compassion.
Write to rinpoche2006@gmail.com http://tibetanaltar.blogspot.com