Ashram in India

If we have been meddlesome in endeavour a devout journey, then, India is a perfect place to for we to start. India is land of ashrams where we will come opposite some of a many distinguished devout gurus, yoga gurus as well as ashrams in India. From Baba Ramdev, who teaches pranayama, to Mata Amritanandmayi, who takes we upon a essence gratifying devout journey, to a Missionaries of charity, dedicated to a uplifting of a needy, we will come opposite numerous personalities training a same art of living. Even though a technique is different, all a Indian ashrams have a same aim, i.e., have people spiritually wakeful as well as contribute to a social good.

For this purpose, Yogiraj Ramesh ji has established SRI PEETHAM, an ashram which extends hospitalities to Indians as well as NRIs a duration of Kumbh as well as Ardh Kumbh as well as even during annual Magh Mela in Allahabaad, well known a universe over as Teerthraj Prayag.SRI PEETHAM Ashram is registered under a Society Registration Act 1860 U.P Government.

Since 30 years, this institution relief is being provided to a devotees by each type of yagya as well as hawans. The ashram also established a Shri Pitham Charitable Trust as auxiliary of Shri Pitham Ashrama by Shri Shri 1008 Shri Pitham Pithadhishwara Yogiraj Shri Ramesh Ji Maharaj (Superb Guru of Tantra-Mantra-Yantra-Meditation- Third Eye Meditation).

Here we can knowledge really high loving vibration as well as catch its healing qualities.Delicious dishes in form of giveaway Bhandara have been served as well as common in a really loving approach to a poor beggars; at a Ashram. We have been happy to open a doors for people who feel a tie with a Ashram as well as who have been meddlesome in a projects as well as activities. We do not welcome people who have been related with any sect as well as their manipulating activities.

The principle of a Ashram is to share a food, room, a feelings as well as a love. And we adore to share! Many people have been working here to keep a ! office b uilding as well as a grassed area as nice as well as clean as it is.Please feel giveaway to come as well as revisit a Ashram whenever we have been in Allahabad. If we wish to come when Swami Ji have been there, we can check a schedule.Yogiraj Maharaj always revisit to India as well as he like Hinduism activities as Spiritual Healing as well as he also revisit to Ashram in India.


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