Weekly Tibetan Astrology: November 22 - November 28, 2010

NOTE: Hostile energies have been raising a "noise" for weeks, as well as this week could see a reason why. Whatever we have to do, then do it on Tuesday. If which includes laying in additional supplies, candles, batteries, as well as clever locks, then so much a better. As to travel? Definitely lay this a single out. Thanksgiving travel? Haven't longed for it in thirty years? Miss it this year. Either we will breeze up sleeping in a airport, or which family get-together will descend in to a brawl. Government agencies will be taxed to a maximum this week, as well as issues of inhabitant confidence will come to a front on a number of fronts. There will be death, misadventure, cruelty to animals, as well as impassioned tension. Madness in a name of sacrament or tradition will be everywhere. Mankind is in an uproar as well as so are a elements -- expect clever messages from H2O as well as earth. Make no mistake: this is a dangerous week in a dangerous year. The great headlines is, we have a collection accessible to understanding with this arrange of thing, so lay down as well as use them. Lions, tigers, bears, devils, witches, miseries -- all these can be tamed by taming your mind.
November 22, 2010 - Chinese 16th, M-T-K 16th. Pig, Gin, Red 7. Today is zin phung. No quick moves today. Do not take chances, as well as do not take charge. Very negative indications.

November 23, 2010 - Chinese 17th, M-T-K 17th. Mouse, Zin, White 8. Today is drubjor. All matters we attempt should meet with an portentous outcome. Good day to buy a automobile -- speaking personally, I'd have it a four-wheel drive. Better yet, take a automobile income as well as go build four huge prayer wheels.

November 24, 2010 - Chinese 18th, M-T-K 18th. Ox, Zon, Red 9. Avoid arguments or conflicts of any kind today. Do not embark or broach hosti! lity. Ju st lay behind as well as watch.

November 25, 2010 - Chinese 19th, M-T-K 19th. Tiger, Li, White 1. Today is Thanksgiving Day in a United States. Today is also baden, so do not lift prayer flags. See yesterday's advice. This day is noted by be concerned as well as even outright distress.

November 26, 2010 - Chinese 20th, M-T-K 20th. Rabbit, Khon, Black 2. Clear indication of conflict as well as armed forces wickedness.

November 27, 2010 - Chinese 22nd, M-T-K 21st. Snake, Khen, Green 4. Note wanting day in Chinese practice. Today is a vital yan kwong zin phung conjunction. We will see geological wake up present to today. Good day to take a counsel of friends. You competence not be as happy as we wish.

November 28, 2010 - Chinese 23rd, M-T-K 22nd. Horse, Kham, Yellow 5. Increase possible though diligent with immediate danger.

Naga observations for a tenth month. The nagas are sleeping this month. No offerings are useful. Don't lift flags on a 7th or 19th lunar days.
Consult the lengthened discussion of 2010 astrology by clicking here.
Published each Monday during 00:01 though created in allege as well as auto-posted. See the Introduction to Daily Tibetan Astrology for credentials information. If we know a mystic animal of your birth year, we can get report about your certain as well as negative days by clicking here. If we don't know a mystic animal of your birth year, we can obtain which report by clicking here. For specific report about a astrology of 2010, thorough of elements, earth spirits, as well as so forth, greatfully consult the lengthened discussion by ! cli cking here. Click here for Hong Kong Observatory conversion tables. Weekly Tibetan Astrology copyright (c) 2010. All rights reserved. Write to rinpoche2006@gmail.com http://tibetanaltar.blogspot.com

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