Too Cool for School

"Shambala Buddhists compensate money to Tibetan witch doctorsto wave things over their heads."--Gesar Mukpo

Some competence wonder why we juxtapose an obscure quotation from Gesar Mukpo with a photograph of Gyatrul Rinpoche. At first blush, it would appear they represent opposite backgrounds, opposite traditions, opposite generations.
Gesar Mukpo is a rigourously famous as great as enthroned tulku of Jamgon Kongtrul of Sechen, as great as of course, he is Trungpa Rinpoche's son -- a child of a "Shambala Buddhists," so to speak. He was born as great as educated in a West, as great as seems to spend many of his time usefully considering which psychopomp of Western culture great good known as film-making.
Gyatrul Rinpoche is a rigourously famous as great as enthroned tulku of Rigdzin Kunzang Sherab of Palyul. He was born as great as educated in a old country, has small if anything to do with a Shambala Buddhists, as great as nonetheless he has lived in a West for over thirty years, has usually minimal fluency or interest in Western culture.

Actually, Gesar Mukpo as great as Gyatrul Rinpoche appear to have many in common -- beyond a obvious, which is. Both have intent in critical hearing of a tulku institution -- a single by his documentary movie upon a subject, as great as a alternative by polemics.

But, since Gesar Mukpo's movie Tulku is rather great known, as great as even celebrated, Gyatrul Rinpoche's thoughts upon a tulku institution have never achieved many circulation. we consider which is a pity. we used to know Gyatrul Rinpoche utterly well, as great as there was a duration when we used to spend utterly a bit of time in a single another's company. Having thus come to a small clarity of his insight, if we will, we am regularly! pleased to hear his views upon any theme underneath a sun.

The alternative day, someone sent me a copy of a March 2006, Pacific Region Yeshe Nyingpo Newsletter -- which is a admittedly slim medium where his thoughts were published -- with an unknown note which read, "Reprint this prior to it disappears." Seems there is yet an additional conflict raging somewhere, about what is as great as isn't, as great as a single or a alternative narrow-minded would similar to to have have use of of Gyatrul Rinpoche's polemic as ammunition or armor, as a case competence be. After we review this, we don't consider you'll wish to have have use of of it either way; during least, we goal we won't, since it is neither ammunition nor armor, yet food -- food for contemplative thought.

Actually, we have quoted from this in a past, yet we have never reproduced it in a entirety. When we received which note, we went behind as great as re-read a element again. It seemed to me which Gyatrul Rinpoche's thoughts have been utterly timely. So, we have decided to re-print them here.

Some people who have review this element have asked, "Well, who is he articulate about?" or they have asked, "Why doesn't he usually come upon out as great as name a names?" That unequivocally isn't Gyatrul Rinpoche's style. On a a single hand, he can appear unequivocally direct, or outspoken, yet he is actually a person of great delicacy as great as tact. He additionally expects we to be smart sufficient to "read in between a lines." Thus, when hereinbelow he is openly critical of "Western tulkus who exaggerate about visions," or recounts how he unequivocally didn't wish to go to Arizona, we can hark behind to 2005 as great as ask yourself who is a usually person who fits a description.

However, if we get hold up in a specifics, we competence miss a larger issues! he addr esses. One of these larger issues concerns groups or centers or "sanghas" which don't appear to have unequivocally many progress. For example: we see cases where people have been during something for over twenty years, yet everybody is still stranded in a same pigeonhole. This seems similar to it could be a formidable problem, yet he gives a unequivocally simple diagnosis.

The alternative interesting issue is a emphasis upon training, which he approaches regulating a e.g. of young kids who will come to lift a name "tulku" in a future. You know, these days there have been people running around who consider they have been too cold for school. You competence consider we have been a great bodhisattva, as great as we competence even find a small organisation of people who have been peaceful to call we a great bodhisattva, yet we will never find a great bodhisattva who is too cold for school. If we consider that's what we heard, we have been utterly probably mistaken, as great as sooner or after events will collaborate to rather forcefully move which indicate home.

His comments upon pouring blood in to milk have been unequivocally many useful. These days, it seems there is a small arrange of needed to jazz up buddhadharma for a Western audience. You see all sorts of table-pounding about, "We have been Western Buddhism," blah, blah, blah. You even see lamas who should know improved descending in to a trap of jazzing up Dharma to "fit" a West.

Speaking personally, during your convenience we see which arrange of thing, we consider of a prostitutes during a Asian wars, who got cosmetic operation since they suspicion it would have them some-more attractive to a unfamiliar soldiers. So, we saw once-beautiful Asian ladies who had disfigured themselves -- cutting their eyes to appear Caucasian, dyeing their hair blond, or pumping up their ches! ts with implants.

Sometimes, in a glare of a information explosion, when people have been "liking" this as great as "tweeting" that, it even becomes formidable to recognize a line in between Dharma as great as non-Dharma. Fortunately, Patrul Rinpoche gives us a accessible rule of thumb, quoting Geshe Tonpa:
"If it counteracts disastrous emotions, it is Dharma. If it doesn't, it is non-Dharma.
If it doesn't fit with secular ways, it is Dharma. If it fits, it is non-Dharma.
If it fits with a scriptures as great as your instructions, it is Dharma. If it doesn't fit, it is non-Dharma.
If it leaves a certain imprint, it is Dharma. If it leaves a disastrous imprint, it is non-Dharma."So, in a following, as great as herewith -- something which we trust will negate disastrous emotions, won't fit with secular ways, will fit with your instructions, as great as will leave a certain stir upon your thinking. My idea is which we review this, as great as afterwards go have a bid to watch Gesar Mukpo's film. we consider if we do, we will be astounded to find how severely a two stories intertwine.


"This message from Gyatrul Rinpoche was review to a sangha by Sangye Khandro upon a last day of a 2005 Vajrakilaya shelter during Tashi Choling. Rinpoche did not attend a shelter as he was preparing for a month-long outing to China to revisit his sisters, whom he had not seen since leaving Tibet 55 years ago.

"I am so beholden to Lingtrul Rinpoche as great as Pema Tenzin. They regularly come to a ceremonies, generally to Vajrasattva as great as Vajra! kilaya. Their affability cannot be repaid. we goal which both of them will regularly magnify us with their participation during these ceremonies in a future. we am additionally beholden which Lama Ynten participated in a Vajrakilaya use this year. Lama Ynten is a approach disciple of Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche. He lived with H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche as great as his family as great as learned in a Tersar monasteries in Bhutan as great as Nepal. While he was here, he taught a students during Tashi Choling how to play a instruments as great as usually how to be great practitioners. In a future, we am anticipating which Lama Ynten will continue to be a single of a teachers as great as to assistance us as he did this year.

"To a entire sangha, together with a geku Nick OConnor as great as a chopons, we would similar to to say: greatfully continue to enlarge your knowledge, your sublime means, your incisive knowledge as great as your amatory affability so which we will regularly defend a Buddhas didactic discourse in a unequivocally pristine way. All disciples should know which we have been not here putting in service dharma usually to dispel obstacles, even yet dispelling obstacles is a single of a functions of Kilaya practice. The categorical function of dharma use is to utterly tame as great as carry out ones own mind. If we can do that, we will be means to achieve siddhis. Its as simple as that. Everything which we goal to achieve in sequence to get ahead a own role as great as a role of others is utterly contingent upon taming a own minds. Everyone should regularly be considering this. In sequence to turn Buddha, to transparent all obstructions as great as enlarge all indwelling eminent qualities, we contingency tame a minds.

"Everything is contingent upon refuge. we regularly repeat this. we wish to expostulate a indicate home again as great as again, since people still do not get it. Refuge is a single many critical p! ractice. The worst barrier is not suggestive refuge.

"The proof which retreat is not being understood is which people have been not surpassing fast upon a path, since dharmas methods produce fast formula when they have been used correctly.

"A lack of true conviction in a objects of retreat comes from not understanding a qualities of a objects of refuge. Its intensely critical to come to know their qualities unequivocally well. Then your path will be meaningful. If we keep your retreat vows, afterwards all 3 vows pratimoksha, bodhisattva as great as vajrayanaare subsumed there.

"Refuge vows enclose all 3 kayas; they enclose Buddhas cordial body, debate as great as mind. Generation as great as completion stage have been subsumed in refuge. Refuge additionally includes a outcome of all of a efforts to receive empowerment, transmission as great as upadesha instruction."As for a children, we young kids have been my special small fresh sprouts. Thats since your seed is your own small Buddhanature. You contingency not allow your thrive to be ruined or burned. Parents have been responsible for this. Children need to clarity dharma as many as possible. They need to favour a 3 wisdoms of listening, considering as great as meditating as great as relatives contingency be responsible for giving them this opportunity. The rest of a sangha contingency be responsible to assistance ensure which a young kids have been learning. In which approach everybody will be harmonious. For myself, this is a future. When these young kids turn tulkus, khenpos, translators or lamas, they should never be arrogant or boastful. Everyone contingency regularly work to tame his or her own mind. And once again, thats contingent upon how great we reason a vows of refuge.
"These days a a unequivocally sad time since many people have been given dharma names similar to tulku. Then right away they cocktail up, yet! they ha ve been empty of qualities. Theres zero some-more sad than that. So greatfully dont follow this empty tulku convention where a devil of sanctity is cultivated. That devil of sanctity is meant to be eradicated, not encouraged."You have been a kings of spiritual materialism, we have been a queens of spiritual self-importance. Nothing matters ultimately. Watch it decompose."--Gesar Mukpo "Therefore, all disciples contingency keep samaya. Keeping samaya vows doesnt meant looking during a single an additional as great as indicating to see if others have been gripping them or not, observant he or she is good, he or she is bad. Of course, all beings have been carrying a tough time gripping samaya, usually as we are. Thats since they have been erratic in samsara. So rather than faulting as great as judging them, we contingency have caring as great as adore for them continuously."Tulkus can unequivocally fall short a doctrine, generally these days when they compete with any alternative for positions, similar to who sits upon a top chair in a tabernacle room. Its a pointer of not suggestive a dharma during all. Whoever sits upon a lowest chair in a tabernacle room is a a single who has a top qualities. For example, a a well-known fact which theres no owner of a Ganden Tri, a bench of a Ganden. Whoever has a qualities takes a chair upon which throne. But these days, lamas as great as tulkus have been fighting over positions."Thats a convention of kings; a not a dharma tradition. Buddha Shakyamuni never disturbed about a throne. Guru Rinpoche never disturbed about a throne. Our base guru, Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche, never disturbed about a bench as great as in a story of his lineage theres never any story of any one fighting over who hold a bench or foe about how many tulkus there competence be. This has never existed in Dudjom Lingpa as great as Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoches lineage. Usually there have been 5 tulkus for body, speec! h, mind, qualities as great as cordial activities. All of these tulkus have been bustling augmenting a doctrine. Theyre not thinking, My monasterys a seat, or Im a usually bench holder. So dont take a pristine dharma as great as magnify it with demons views.
"Think about a destiny as great as about gripping a lineage pure. It doesnt have a difference if youre a monk or a ngakpa. You should tame your own mind. That is a categorical shortcoming of dharma practice. And additionally not violation samaya. No have a difference how erudite we competence become, if we dont have pristine samaya, your thoughts will turn similar to a poisonous snake as great as youll never be a great practitioner. You will usually be a reflection."In a future, regularly recollect it doesnt have a difference what we demeanour similar to with your dharma clothes on, either we appear to be handsome, pretty, powerful, even if someone is regularly praising you. You need to assimilate which all these ways of meditative about dharma have been unpropitious since they dont assistance we to tame your thoughts as great as favour caring for others. So usually work upon taming your thoughts as great as dont be concerned about a rest of a stuff. Stay happy with who we have been whatever status we have. However many we can tame your mind, which will move we some-more happiness."Have glorious thoughts toward others as great as give offerings as many as we can without being unapproachable or boasting. These days people do a single great thing as great as right away they wish to discuss it everyone, pretending theyre so great. Theres never any reason to discuss it any one anything when we do something good. They will notice it. It will be conspicuous."Remembering which all primogenitor sentient beings have been next to to space we should regularly have adore for them as great as whatever happens, we should regularly attribute which to a affability of a base guru as great as a parents. This is unequivocally important, to consider whic! h whatev er qualities we have have been since of your gurus kindness, not since of yourself. For example, for me, we know which we dont have any qualities, yet since of a affability of my gurus, we have been means to do something suggestive in my life. we do have certainty in that. But we have never suspicion which we did this myself. we regularly suspicion which it was since of their affability as great as their affability alone which we had this opportunity. That creates me special. That creates me someone who can give a gift of dharma. When we consider about myself we do something good, we attribute all a credit to my base gurus. So if we have been my friends, afterwards we should do a same. we would expect which of you."As for this name tulku, a dog can be called a sleet lion. The tulku lineage does not have a difference any more. Just tame your own minds. Thats a real tulku.
'Weve worked tough to emanate this small gompa of Tashi Choling. Its filled with blessings of body, debate as great as mind; a been sanctified by a biggest gurus of a time. So take caring of it for a rest of your lives, as great as take caring of a single another. And when a lamas die, as they will, for e.g. myself, my corpse, we dont wish any one creation a big deal about my corpse. we dont wish a stupa. we would cite cremation or giving my physique to a birds. Or we could throw it in a river. we unequivocally dont care. Milarepa didnt caring what happened to his body. we would similar to to be similar to him. He didnt need a stupa. A pristine Buddhist doesnt caring what happens to a physique after death. So greatfully keep which in thoughts as great as dont dont consider about my words. Also, we longed for to say which typical dharma practitioners should not have stupas for their bodies.

"Many of we misrepresent what to do with people when they die. You put typical practitioners cinema upon a tabernacle as great as afterwards have offerings to their pictures. This is unequivocally incorrect. You should clarity from lamas si! milar to Pema Tenzin what should be done when people die. Do not put their cinema upon altars. This is not a way. That would cause a defunct person to go to a lower realms. Keep things in a proper context. If we die, greatfully dont do that. And dont blow a trumpets either. This is opposite from Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche. You competence say, Well his students did which for him, shouldnt we do which for you, Rinpoche? But Chagdud Tulku as great as we have been unequivocally different. Dont dont consider about which his mother was a great dakini as great as she would actually pretend to pass away as great as go in to a realms as great as liberate thousands of beings from a bardos. And Chagdud Tulkus sister did a same. Chagdud Tulku came from an extraordinary lineage as great as he himself was an extraordinary guru. So of march a approach he was treated with colour by his disciples was wholly appropriate. We dont have to say these things. Everyone knows that.
"Please listen carefully. If we follow Buddha Shakyamunis tradition, even yet Buddha Shakyamuni lived two thousand 5 hundred years ago, we dont need to be concerned about 8 secular dharma concerns as great as we can regularly usually use pristine dharma."You shouldnt exaggerate about visions. There have been many of these supposed horse opera tulkus as great as lamas who have been bustling braggadocio to their disciples which they had this vision as great as which vision trying to stir their disciples. This is usually secular concern. we goal none of we will ever do that. Why should we boast? If youre my friends, in a destiny we wont do that."Just be agreeable with any alternative as great as do your unequivocally many appropriate as great as follow a pristine tradition, not my way. Dont follow a main road of my way, thats unequivocally shameful. That will cover up a pristine Buddhist doctrine. And dont mix a convention with alternative things, with your own ideas as great as your own cultures. Dont follow cultures for which matter. You dont need to! follow any culture, usually a pristine Buddhadharma, as great as zero ever needs to be changed. Its so sad when people consider they need to adjust Buddhas speech, similar to pouring blood in to pristine milk.
"As for a translators, generally a destiny translators as we referred to before, translators have been a second lama as great as all of we unequivocally need to apply oneself this. Translators have been not usually similar to a postman delivering letters, handing it over. You shouldnt consider similar to that. In sequence to turn a true translator as great as we know many of we have been aspiring to do which we unequivocally contingency get ahead a dharma as a practitioner by listening, considering as great as meditating. Then when we serve, we have been unequivocally serving. You contingency be tireless. You shouldnt be a complainer observant Im too tired, Im so bustling as great as ruining your merit. So many westerners have been regularly ruining their consequence by complaining right after they do something good. It doesnt have sense. Why do we regularly have to complain? Just be tireless."For myself, as great as we dont meant to boast, a usually reason why we went to Arizona was to keep samaya. we didnt wish to go. we went there since we had a small samaya joining which we should go there. It was tough for me to go yet we attempted to keep which commitment."Like that, all of we should regularly try to keep your samaya no have a difference how formidable it is. Youre not gripping samaya usually for a lama, youre gripping samaya usually for yourself. So greatfully keep this in mind."What would we have done if a twenty-five disciples in Tibet together with Beirotsana had not left by all their hardships to move a dharma in to a language which a Tibetan people could understand? We wouldnt have a dharma. So we see a significance of this work of bringing dharma right away in to a English language. Its wholly contingent upon how a translator can comprehend which information as great as pre! sent it accurately as great as correctly. Translating is a skill which contingency be perfected. It is not usually a small typical job. You cant usually think, Im going to be a translator, as great as consider which it will be easy to clarity to read, or which we can usually clarity a small words as great as all of a sudden we will start translating. Its unequivocally not utterly similar to that. As a translator, youre apropos a major servant of a doctrine, swelling a didactic discourse in a many manly approach by bringing it in to a language which people can understand. So be unequivocally careful as great as keep your samaya. Otherwise we will be usually similar to a postman. Its critical for all students to apply oneself translators. Encourage a single another.
"The sponsors of a dharma should regularly rejoice if in this lifetime they have an event to be generous. They should try their many appropriate to offer with purest intention, sublime means as great as prajna wisdom. Im sorry we wasnt means to come to Kilaya this year. we unequivocally had every goal of coming. As we know, we regularly similar to to come. And in a future, Ill be there next time to bug we guys again, generally a children, my children, who have been a destiny seeds, as great as my shedra students, who improved not be unresolved out or trying to be slick. we wish them all to be similar to Shashi as great as Ila as great as to guard a doctrine. we adore those girls as great as we adore these students. They have been ancillary my hold up some-more than anyone.
"Ill see we all shortly when we come behind from China as great as may be Taiwan. My last word is to keep samaya with a guru. Everyone has which responsibility. Watch yourself as great as see either we have pristine samaya. Whether someone else is a God or a demon, it unequivocally doesnt matter. Just watch yourself."

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