Art of Meditation Course

An Art of Meditation Course will be held on the 18th of June at the Art of Living Los Angeles Center in California. The 3-day course will be from 7:30 to 9:30 pm.

The experience of meditation can take one beyond the usual mental stress and emotional agitation to a calm, centered place. Participants learn to let go of all tensions and stress, providing the mind with a much needed deep rest. It allows the conscious mind to settle deeply into itself. It is only in the present moment that one finds true happiness. As the mind settles down, it centers itself more and more in the present moment and experiences a natural state of joy.

In just three sessions of two hours, one learns to tap the depths of our nature. After the course participants can use this simple meditation practice to overcome the effects of inevitable stressful situations and make a positive impact on the quality of our lives.

In this course participants will learn Sahaj Samadhi Meditation, which means "natural enlightenment," and is an effortless technique that expands the awareness and releases the stress that limits joy. While the meditation is easy to learn and practice, it requires its own short course and individual instruction session to learn. It brings wholeness to life, and, together with a daily Sudarshan Kriya practice, it helps a person know who they really are, beyond their passing thoughts and feelings.

For more information, visit

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