Green Mountain Zen Meditation Retreat
A 3-day Meditation Retreat is set on the 24th to the 26th of June. The retreat will be led by Philip Shinko Squire, an ordained priest in the Soto Zen tradition. In November 2003, following ten years of full-time residential training, he completed formal koan study and received precept transmission from his teacher, Charles Tenshin Fletcher, Roshi at Yokoji Zen Mountain Center in Southern California. During this time he served as head monk, administrator and assistant teacher.
The Zen meditation retreat (sesshin) is an integral part of Zen Buddhist training and includes sitting and walking meditation, dharma talks, interviews with the teacher, chanting, work practice and rest periods. The sesshin is suitable for beginning and experienced Zen students and full instruction will be given.
For more information, visit
The Zen meditation retreat (sesshin) is an integral part of Zen Buddhist training and includes sitting and walking meditation, dharma talks, interviews with the teacher, chanting, work practice and rest periods. The sesshin is suitable for beginning and experienced Zen students and full instruction will be given.
For more information, visit