Spiritual Triathlon Fundraiser for Charity in LA

The second annual Spirathon will hit Los Angeles August 13, 2011 and will be held once again at UpDog Yoga and Cycle in West Hollywood, California. The success of last year's event created such momentum that the coordinators of the Spirathon have plans to continue the event every quarter in various locations around the world. The Spirathon is a fundraising event that combines meditation, yoga and spinning to create transformation for its participants while supporting the non profit charity, Nurturing Our Warriors.

Nicholas Pratley, voted best Spin instructor and Personal Trainer in Los Angeles by myFOXla.com, brings a unique concept in fundraising to Los Angeles by way of Australia. Nick has created a new paradigm in fundraising that gives the participants not only a way to give back to a worthy cause but also a way to connect body, mind and soul. This "spiritual triathlon takes its participants through relaxation with meditation, stretching with yoga, and completes the triathlon with the intensity of spinning. Nick has created a program that integrates mind, body and soul. It leaves people feeling reconnected, rejuvenated, and inspired. Meditation is there to quiet the mind, yoga facilitates the body to open up and releasing myofacial tissue and negative energy. And then the spinning as an active meditation generates enough heat to open up the soul.

The proceeds of this event will benefit Nurturing Our Warriors (N.O.W.). They provide a full infrastructure for communities in need all over the world. From clean drinking water, to education and medical supplies. Once in place the children of the those communities will experience the N.O.W. Empowerments which are designed to connect them to ALL the possibilities the world offers. It is a full circle mission. N.O.W. finds communities around the world who do not have the resources to help themselves. They asses exactly what each community may need and then provide it. They will build and create N.O.W. HOUSES to provide a platform for c! hildren everywhere to be loved and supported in a home they deserve. This full circle process ends with the N.O.W.. Empowerments and provides the children with the support of a devoted family.

source: www.prlog.org

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