Sustainable Living Retreat

The Sustainable Living Retreat will be held from the 25th to the 26th of June, at the Yoga Shala. The Yoga Shala is a sanctuary tucked away in the heart of Fort Collins, a beautiful city located at the base of the Rocky Mountain foothills in Colorado.

Topics to include:

-Ethnobotany, A look into how different cultures use plants as foods and medicine
-Ayurveda, Finding and Balancing your dosha, and the Aryuvedic Diet
-Yogic Diet
-Energetic Connection with Food. Dietetic health and healing.
-Essential Oils, Fundamentals about essential oils; make your own bottle of natural insect repellent

Activities to look forward to include:

Yoga at the Shire
This guided all-levels asana practice will lead participants all over the Shire Gardens. In a meditative walk we will contribute to the work and care that goes into raising our food while incorporating yoga & mindfulness, gathering the fruits and vegetables that we will later eat for dinner. Become a part of the farm as one's yoga practice grows with one's gardening skills!

Evening Meditation
Gather around the fire for seated meditation, offering the group's energy and appreciation to the dinner harvested and will soon prepare. Providing the mind and body opportunity for stillness, connecting the internal and external environments, expanding energetic awareness and sharing pure light prana with the natural environment which nourishes lives.

Community Dinner
The group prepares and enjoys the meal where the principles of healthy gourmet learned will be applied, with wonderful dishes both raw and cooked over the fire.

Satsang and Reflection
Music and song. The word Satsang comes from the Sanskrit "sat meaning true, and "sanga meaning company.

Sunrise Meditation
Guided meditation for positive energy, including Reiki self-healing techniques.

Raw Foods and Whole Grain Breakfast
Healthy breakfast in the sanctuary of the Atrium with harvested fruit from the Shire to ! make jui ce and smoothies.

Herbs from Your Garden
Learn about the medicinal qualities of common herbs found in your own garden, and several simple ways we can use and prepare them for our health. This will include a project; participants will bring home a hand-potted herb plant!

For more information, visit

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