Travel Between Dimensions

In Jesuss teaching, the communication between different dimensions was completely openfaith performed miracles because being open to God was enough to create a living connection to his limitless power. You can create this connection by going inward and acting on the subtle level by using visualization. Sit with eyes closed and see yourself walking through a familiar place, such as a park or your neighborhood. In your minds eye, see every detail around you, smell the air, let everything in the environment come to you. Dont force yourself to see, just be open to what is around you. What surprises people when they perform this exercise is that they often see entirely new and unexpected things. They find a lost object or notice something they never realized was there. This is just a first step. People can visualize events from a great distance or go into rooms they havent visited before. What they come to realize is that in fact this isnt an exercise in imagination. Its an exercise in merging the material world with the subtle world. They find themselves actually going to another place without having to travel there physically.You can take the exercise as far as you would like. I have asked people to go on guided tours of Heaven and Hell, as they imagine such places to be. They come back with intense experiences.

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