Entertaining email from an ex-satsangi

It's nice to inspect my email inbox when I get up in the morning and find a message like this one. Witty. Intelligent. Humorous. Why, this guy reminds me of me.

For 17 years he followed the Radha Soami Satsang Beas party line until... he didn't.


I am also an initiate of Charan Singh's (1975). Since 1993, I am also no longer following the teachings. I really enjoyed my time in India, my mostly western US Satsangi friends and I have great respect those who are seekers.

An old former Kirpal Singh devotee friend recently teasingly emailed me about how RS Beas teachings, have all changed ("Hey hope you already sold your ownership position because they have closed Sach Khand!!!") and my search for information about his ribbing led me to your great blogsite.

After viewing the RS 1.0 and RS Version 2.0 videos, I came to a great personal realization...if there is no duality, and all there really is is Oneness, then I can finally just relax at breakfast because I am truly One with my Omelet.

For 17 years I ran around with the weirdest combination of superiority and guilt...condescending superiority because I was a vegetarian had found the "way" ...and guilt because I could not put in my full 2.5 hours a day, get anywhere but back to sleep in meditation, plus I secretly lusted after the more comely and gentle satsangi babes. (Man... weren't we hard to eat with?...)

Oh Wha Tah Gooh Siam. Looking back, tongue firmly in cheek, this seems like it would have been the perfect mantra for those times.

Anyway thanks for your site. I appreciate it.


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