Where is God Leading You?

Desire has become a huge problem for modern people. Two forces pull us in opposite directions. One liberates us from old values. The other wants to preserve those values. The resulting polarization can be seen in every sphere of life, especially the social and political realms.Churchgoers feel righteous, responsible, and obedient to Gods will. They view anyone unlike themselves as devoid of values, and therefore unworthy of Gods love. By denying God to all those who have strayed from the path of righteousness, the devout are unwittingly taking on themselves a role that belongs only to God.This schism can also be seen in our inner conflicts. At bottom, the pull of old values is restrictive. Its God is judgmental, and his demands are not to be flouted. In other words, spirit exists to rebuke the flesh and keep its appetites under control. The force of liberation, on the other hand, evokes a God of tolerance who loves his creation and asks only for love in return.To heal this schism, we need to realize that God makes no demands and sets no particular limits of any kind, on thought, word or deed.At the beginning of the path, it doesnt matter whether you are devout or atheist. What both sides have in common is constraint. The prevailing condition has a narrow visionwe all share it. So, how does God want us to grow, in what direction, according to what guidelines? None. You get to grow the way you want to, by following your own desires.You are already growing the right seeds. The things that deeply interest you play the role of God; you feel an irresistible attraction to them. The visible world in all its details is a symbol for God. You can gaze at the sky on a warm June day, stay glued to TV looking at football, or watch your infant child asleep in the cradle. Whatever captivates you is also trying to wake you up. A friend of mine put it more bluntly: If you dont know where youre going, it doesnt matter where you start.An impulse of love, if followed wherever it leads, will become richer and more intens! e, and i n the end it will reveal itself as divine. An impulse of gratitude will do the same thing, as will compassion, kindness, charity, faith, devotion, appreciation, art, and science. Wherever the human mind wants to expand, God will be waiting at the end of the line.

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