The Hermitage: Meditation Retreats

A ten-day meditation retreat is set to start on the 24th of June at the Hermitage, British Columbia. The Hermitage is located on Denman Island, off the West Coast of British Columbia, Canada.

The ten day Calm-abiding and Insight-practice (samatha-vipasyana) retreat begins with several days of preliminary concentration practice to attain balance, calm and depth in meditation, and then evolves into insight-practice. Following the ancient maxim"No insight without first attaining calm"we believe that authentic Insight-practice requires a proper basis before it is able to lead to Enlightenment. We therefore tend to emphasize the need for Calm-abiding as a thorough foundation. The aim that is developed in this retreat is direct insight into the nature of one's mind. Depending on the prior experience of the meditator, it is possible to make significant breakthroughs, both in understanding the psychological functioning of one's own mental processes and directly into the nature of mind itself. The routine of the retreat is the same as for the five days, described above. Silence is maintained throughout the complete ten days.

Spirituality may not be bought or sold as if it were a commodity, so we do not charge for the Buddha's precious teachings. All retreats are run on a donation basis and it is these donations from our retreat season that keep the Hermitage and its vision alive.

For more information, visit

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