Being in the Dharma

If you look carefully at the critical turning points in your life, youll see how closely you were paying attention to your spiritual evolution:You were ready to move forward. The experience of your old reality was worn out and ready for change.
You were ready to pay attention. When the opportunity arrived, you noticed it and took the necessary leap.
The environment supported you. When you moved forward, events fell into place to ensure that you didnt backslide.
You felt more expanded and free in your new place.
You saw yourself as in some way a new person.This set of circumstances, both inner and outer, is what Dharma provides. Which is to say that when you feel ready to move forward, reality shifts to show you how. And when you arent ready to move forward? Then there is the backup system which moves you forward by repeating those tendencies that are embedded in you from the past.
When you find yourself stuck and unable to make any progress at all, the following circumstances usually apply: You arent ready to move.
You arent paying attention.
The environment wont support you.
You feel threatened by the expansion you would have to make.
You keep seeing yourself as the old person who adapted to an old situation.

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