Breast Cancer Cured Through Cellular Level Healing

The stories of cures for cancer through alternative therapies abound in our society, but most are relegated to the realm of fantasy fiction or dismissed as speculation. One story however is true: Alice McCall offers hard data, medical reports and proof that no evidence of breast cancer remains. She credits a process she terms "Cellular Level Healing" for this astounding outcome in her book Wellness Wisdom.

"The facts are simple, says McCall, "in 2007, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. The next day, I decided to embark on the path of self-healing without medical intervention, where I used my practice of cellular level healing. Today the cancer is gone. In Wellness Wisdom,' I share all that I learned along my healing journey, offering hope and guidance to those that are afflicted with breast cancer or other diseases.

"Wellness Wisdom" also raised information regarding:

- Making the refrigerator and pantry the pharmacy for your health with specific healing properties of everyday foods highlighted in an easy to use way.
- Effecting transformational changes within the cells of the body with personal experiences from the author.
- Using spiritual drawing, journaling, and meditation to manifest health simple no-cost ways to support mental, emotional, and physical well-being.
- Diet tips, recipes, and cooking ideas that support the body's health, culled from a variety of healthy diets including raw foods and macrobiotic approaches.
- Alternative health practices, remedies, and protocols that are available to those on the self-healing journey.

"Working at the cellular level of the body and the subconscious to affect health issues is truly the missing link to health, wellness, and healing, continues McCall. "Each of us are made with mind, body, emotions and spirit. They are all interconnected. To affect complete transformation of unwanted issues, all need to be addressed.


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