The Brain Stimulation Headset from Valkee

The Brain Stimulation Headset, Valkee (, substitutes the mood-elevating effects of the sun, by channelling safe bright light directly to photosensitive regions of the brain through the ear canal. Valkee has been proven to increase energy, and can act as a preventative or treatment of mood swings. Valkee has CE medical device certification and is clinically tested.

The brain stimulation headset from Valkee, a venture-funded, scientifically backed Finnish company, is now on sale in the UK, exclusively from the Valkee site ( The Valkee light emitting earplugs prevent and treat mood swings, and circadian rhythm disorders, by bringing safe bright light to photosensitive regions of the brain. 8-12 minutes a day provides the needed amount of light daily.

Valkee's brain stimulation headset is based on new findings in brain science and bright light therapy. It has been studied since 2007 in the University of Oulu, Finland, by approximately 20 scientists cross-functionally in neurobiology, psychiatry and brain biology. In total, research has included over 350 study subjects, making it one of world's largest programs in bright light research. In clinical studies, 9 of 10 experienced total symptomatic relief from severe tiredness and anxiety in winter blues'. Valkee also supports improved cognitive performance at any time of the year.

"I used the Valkee light emitting earplugs on my trip to west coast. I didn't experience jetlag, and my colleagues were wondering why I didn't feel tired during afternoon meetings. -Venture capital investor, Male 43 years

Valkee continues to publish its scientific results in leading scientific forums and publications during 2011, including advanced studies into the Valkee effects on PMS, baby blues', migraines, and Seasonal Affective Disorder.

Chief executive, Timo Ahopelto said today: "Valkee has been adopted by smart people who want to proactively take care of themselves and the results have been good. I! n the us er testing in 2010, 80% of people reported they felt better than the previous year.

"I used Valkee for a week after travelling from UK to California - 8 minutes of light, 1 hours after waking up. From the very first day onwards I felt no jetlag symptoms, especially the afternoon dizziness was missing. I continued using Valkee when back home, and the results were just as good. There were no problems this time to get back to the rhythm. - European CxO on Silicon Valley travel, Female 46 years

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