But the Son of Man or Respite

I wrote this a long time ago. I won an award for it. I picked it for contests because I don't like it. never did. But other people seem to. That's fine. A mystery to me, but I'm ok with that.

But, it occurred to me, today, now... now I get this. How odd is that? To write something but not get it for nearly thirty years?

I want to lay my head

in the curve of someone's lap.


on someone who isn't going anywhere.

I want to rest

and close my eyes

and be blest

by the stroking of my hair.

I want to feel the skin

against my cheek and lips

of someone who will let me in,

someone who won't throw me off.

I don't care

who or what they are

or how it appears in others' sight.

I'm not asking for a year

or even a night,

I just want to lay my head

in the curve of a lap

of someone who isn't going anywhere.

(Published in The Phoenix and the Dragon as well as several anthologies.)

The Incredulous Traveler: Weight, Work and Wonder in the Journey of Everyday Life This began as an intermittent travelogue on WW; intermittent as I don't travel much. Soon it was more than about food and, upon missing a day, emails arrived asking where my posts were. I am amazed at the everyday world around me; the beauty, absurdity, ignorance and joy. In the midst of this wonder and surprise, I work to maintain my weight, creativity, sanity and humor; to be awake, aware and still happy when it would be far easier to pay no attention at all and to walk my days asleep.Adamus at Large: An Incredulous Traveler on Weight, Work and Wonder in the Journey of Everyday Life. That's the title but, well, it won't fit. So here it is. A friend once told me, after a rune reading, that I was put here by Odin to annoy p! eople in to doing the right thing. I am a Father, husband, friend. I am a poet, writer, educator and I sing, sing, sing. I perform, love improv and guerilla theater.

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