Do You Create In Consciousness?

Certain states of awareness, such as dreams and imagination, are accepted in our society, but they press close to other states that modern people often relegate to superstition, such as seeing departed spirits and having holy visions.Yet Ive met too many people who tell me soberly of having saints appear to them in meditation, and others who have been visited by gurus, the archangel Michael, Jesus, Buddha, ancient Tibetan lamas, and incarnations of themselves. Access will not be denied.Other cultures have felt more comfortable navigating the subtle dimension that we do; our tendency is to wall this region off from the physical world and to make arbitrary judgments.Yet, to create in consciousness is our greatest gift, and what we create continues to evolve. If you open yourself without judgment to your role as a creator, you gain much more freedom. Genesis doesnt have to be a far-off event that put the universe into play. It can be a constant event that renews at every moment.A great work of art can begin in a dream, a vision, or an inspirational moment. It gestates in the invisible reaches of the imagination, but then the artist begins to shape it in clay or on a canvas.The Mona Lisa needed an audience, and that audience had to think that painting was important. The painting had to inspire viewers with its beauty, and as it did, it gained fame, appreciation, and understanding. Eventually, if an artwork is supreme, a whole culture adores it.The word angel could be substituted for Mona Lisa without much change. Being a work of art, a human product, the Mona Lisa doesnt stir our skeptical nature, but since we cant observe ourselves creating angels, we arent as accepting of the process.Adapted from Life After Death: The Burden of Proof, by Deepak Chopra (Harmony Books, 2006).

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