Unusual Yoga for Detox

Detox Yoga Pose

How to Detox Your Body with Yoga

Yoga breathing exercises bestow many benefits, including energy, tranquility, clarity, evolution, etc, but another great benefit of some of the techniques is their ability to detox and cleanse the body. Of the breathing exercises which do promote detoxificaiton, the one I will provide a video for in this article, is quite possibly the best of them all. It is called Panting Breath of Fire and is a vairation of Lion Yoga Pose.

You will find full detail of this unusual yoga pose in the article, Cleanse and Detox Your Body with Powerful Yoga, so head over to that article for all the details of this technique.

A complete detox program should include proper diet, yoga exercises, massage, combined with other holistic techniques and supplemented by Ayurvedic herbs, such as Ayurtox, as well. Below are some useful articles that cover many of these topics.

For tips on detox diets, you can read the following article, Detox Diet Mistakes.

For detoxifying the liver, you can explore the following technique, Natural Liver Detox.

In this article I am going to present a video of the Panting Breath of Fire Yoga Pose, which is a Lion Pose variation. This video is uploaded to my YouTube channel (http://www.youtube.com/anmolmehtacom) and will become part of the Free Yoga Breathing Exercises Videos Collection here on Mastery of Meditation and Yoga. It will also become part of the multi-! media Free Yoga Pranayama Exercsies Multi-Media E-book, which includes all the yoga breathing exercises on the website..

For Yoga and Meditation Certification Program Students:

For students enrolled in the Online Yoga Teachers Training and Certification Program, this yoga pose is chapter 69 (page 331) of your Yoga Training Manual. I will be uploading the video to that article as well, so you will be able to access it easily.

Detox Yoga Pose Video Contents:

  • The video gives an overview of Panting Breath of Fire (Lion Pose).
  • It gives a step-by-step demonstration of the various aspects of this technique.
  • It guides you through practicing the pose.
  • It discusses the benefits of this breathing exercise, along with other practice tips and cautions.

Panting Breath of Fire Video


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