Meditation Can Halt Brain Degeneration

Aging is a process that not only reduces physical capability but also slows down mental prowess of a person. However, meditation does help in improving mental capacity, agrees Canada Pharmacy Online. The natural process of aging cannot be reversed, but the brain can be manipulated to be as sharp as ever with the help of basic mental exercises initiated by meditation.

Memory and thinking capability is what determines capability of the brain. In fact, research has shown that meditation can actually help people have larger brains as they grow older. Excess brain cells help in the process of stimulation and communication with other parts of the body. In other words, research has proved meditation has the potential to change the actual size of the brain.

Study Backs Connection between Brain Regions and Meditation

Researchers from the University of Los Angeles (UCLA) Laboratory of Neuro Imaging used a diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) to study the structural connection between the various different cells of the brain. Mediator and control mechanisms within the brain were not limited to a particular portion but showed similar effects throughout the brain. There was a large-scale network connecting them together including the temporal, frontal, occipital, and parental lobes of the brain.

Long-term mediators did show an increase in density when studied, as white matter fibers increased in time as found in the results of a study conducted on 27 volunteers who actively participated in meditation techniques. A total of 11 men and 16 women with an average age of 52 years participated in the study. Canada Pharmacy Online observed that all of them had several years of meditation behind them ranging from five years to as much as 46 years.

Results indicated massive increase in structural activity of mediators, especially in volunteers of both groups that indulged in meditation for a longer period of time. The study also indicated that changes were actually occurred at the micro-anatomical ! level, w hich meant that not only did the size of the brain increase but also the reduction in brain cell growth due to old age could be reversed.

Practice of Meditation Begins In Earnest at the UCLA

The UCLA has realized the potential of meditation in helping prevent degeneration of the brain, especially in older people who buy Risperdal to manage symptoms of dementia and other disorders.

A special department at the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center has made special provision for people who need emergency treatment by including religious material such as recordings of Buddhist monk chanting, Muslim prayer rugs, Jewish prayer shawls, and Christian Bibles. It is a deliberate attempt to help people meditate in case chronic mental diseases were diagnosed.

There are religious chaplains present at the center to help people use the correct meditation techniques or chant prayers according to their beliefs. Indications already favor meditation as a useful natural mechanism to prevent chronic illnesses of the brain. It is a matter of time before the benefits are realized worldwide. Canada Pharmacy Online realizes it is the fastest way to sustaining good health as people grow older without having to buy costly long-term medication.


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