The Source of Affluence

Affluence is the experience in which our needs are easily met and our desires spontaneously fulfilled. We feel joy, health, happiness, and vitality in every moment of our existence.When we are grounded in the nature of reality and we also know that this same reality is our own nature, then we realize that we can create anything, because all of material creation has the same origin. Nature goes to the same place to create a cluster of nebulas, a galaxy of stars, a rain forest, or a human body as it goes to create a thought.All of material creation, everything that we can see, touch, hear, taste, or smell is made from the same stuff and comes from the same source. Experiential knowledge of this fact gives us the ability to fulfill any desire we have, acquire any material object we want, and experience fulfillment and happiness to any extent we aspire.The principles that relate specifically to the creation of unlimited material wealth can be applied to fulfill any desire, because they are the same principles that nature uses to create material reality out of a nonmaterial essence.At a preverbal level, all of nature speaks the same language. We are all thinking bodies in a thinking universe. And just as thought projects itself as the molecules of our body, so too the same impulses of energy and information project themselves as space-time events in our environment.Behind the visible garment of the universe, beyond the mirage of molecules, the maya or illusion of physicality, lies an inherently invisible, seamless matrix made up of a nothingness. This invisible nothingness silently orchestrates, instructs, guides, governs, and compels nature to express itself with infinite creativity, infinite abundance, and unfaltering exactitude into a myriad of designs and patterns and forms.Life experiences are the continuum in this seamless matrix of nothingness, in this continuum of both body and environment. All these events seemingly happen to us, but at very primordial levels we are making them happen.A! dapted f rom Creating Affluence, by Deepak Chopra (New World Library, 1993).

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