
Showing posts from January, 2011

Yoga Chi for New Year's Resolution Success

Yoga Chi for Energy, which is an ancient system consisting of both physical exercises, postures and meditation can be a real motivator. In fact, it can help individuals keep their New Year's Resolutions this year. Yoga Chi for Energy for Weight Loss One of the most common New Year's Resolutions is the resolution to lose weight. This is often a difficult resolution for people to keep, but yoga practice can help. Yoga poses and meditation reduce stress that may lead to overeating or other bad habits. The relaxed, focused state that comes from this ancient discipline tends to fall right in line with better choices such as eating healthier foods. In addition to this are the practical fat burning and muscle building qualities of Yoga Chi for Energy practice. Even gentle Yoga asanas can be quite muscularly demanding and are thus similar to many fat burning regimens that give muscles relatively short periods of intensive work. This is well known to be one of the fastest ways to burn f...

Yoga for Weight Loss | Free Yoga Weight Loss Programs

Yoga Weight Loss Free Yoga Solutions to Lose Weight "Please tell me how to join your free yoga weight loss programs?" That is one of the most common questions I get from the readers, so to help all of you who are interested in losing weight naturally with yoga, I have decided to put together this comprehensive information guide. Here I will list for you all the weight loss yoga exercises, sets and courses that are available for free on Mastery of Meditation and Yoga. This way you will have all the knowledge and tips you need in order to fulfill your weight loss goals in one convenient place. And I will be able to answer the common weight loss question above, by simply providing a link to this document . Below I am going to list and summarize for you, the free online yoga weight loss programs, the yoga for weight loss sets, the yoga exercises that promote weight loss, yogic breathing to lose weight and ayurvedic dietary tips to help burn fat and lose weight. Please not...

Major Publishing Event in 2011

The original is written entirely in gold -- pure gold -- on 50,000 leaves in 108 volumes. This year, a reproduction will be released in honor of the centennial of the Republic of China -- the culmination of a thirty year publishing project. We are speaking of the so-called "Tibetan Dragon Sutra," actually the Kagyur, commissioned by Emperor Kangxi of the Qing dynasty in 1669, and now on display at Taiwan's magnificent National Palace Museum. In 1992, while visiting Taiwan for the holidays, I was honored to be given a private tour of the museum by the director and his staff. During the tour, they showed me this collection, which was then in the process of being photographed -- a precise technical task that ultimately took seven years. I was awestruck. These are some of the most beautiful books ever produced in this world. You can find more details by clicking the link above. How auspicious! . Write to

Are You Old or Young?

The typical American way of handling the polarity of old and young is to fixate on being young forever. But the image of America as the land of eternal youth is grossly at odds with reality.If we look beyond the false duality of old and young, what we find is a different reality: The body is a network of messages constantly being transmitted and received. Some of these messages nourish and sustain us, while others lead to disorder and breakdown.Life-nourishing experiences go far beyond cell biology. The tenderness of a mother watching her toddler walk for the first time feeds the babys body (witness how a baby languishes when motherly love is withdrawn, even for a day). To a growing child, the sensitive encouragement of a teacher is as important as a hot lunch. What makes for a straighter spine, vitamin-D milk or self-esteem?Once we reach adulthood, gaining the wholehearted respect of co-workers wards off heart disease as effectively (and much more naturally) as counting milligra...

Studies Show Meditation Combats Depression

NEWPORT BEACH, CA - A new study published in the December, 2010 issue of the "Archives of General Psychology, conducted by Dr. Segal, at the Center for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto, Ontario, Canada finds that meditation alleviates symptoms of depression. Dr. Robert Puff, examines the study, and divulges how mediation helped him overcome depression and achieve success in a recent podcast. In podcast 52, "Meditation Helps Depression Relapse, Dr. Puff chronicles Dr. Segal's 18 month study on the effects of mindfulness based cognitive therapy on depression. In order to qualify for the study, patients had to meet the criteria for major depression disorder, and experience at least two episodes in their lifetime. Participants were divided into three groups: 28 remained on depression medications, 30 received a placebo, and 30 were weaned off medications while undergoing mindfulness based cognitive therapy, which included meditation. In the 18 month follow-up period, the...

Rogue Politician Prem Kumar Dhumal Shames India in Eyes of the World

Even as the central government of India moved quickly to contain the damage brought about by renegade Himachal Pradesh chief minister Prem Kumar Dhumal's unilateral shakedown of the Karmapa -- national police are now seizing records of the state police -- the wild-eyed politician was demonstrating his personal disdain for Indian democracy. India's Daily News Agency led with the following story this morning: "While central agencies, including the enforcement directorate (ED) and the income-tax authorities, have taken over investigations into the alleged illegal collection of foreign currency by the 17th Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje, a tug of war has begun between the Centre and the Himachal government over the question of giving asylum to him. Himachal chief minister Prem Kumar Dhumal said the Centre did not care to ask the state before making him settle down in Himachal Pradesh." It is now the Centres responsibility if the Karmapa is indulging in any anti-nati...

Seeking Asylum for the Seventeenth Karmapa

This past Friday, armed police entered the monastic residence of the twenty-six year old Seventeenth Gyalwa Karmapa, conducted a warrantless search of his person and premises, and seized all of the currency they could find -- reportedly an amount greater than three-quarters of a million dollars. After calling for the media, officers made a show of removing the currency in a tin trunk, amid sarcastic comments and laughter. Almost simultaneously, the Karmapa's confidential medical records -- held in government custody -- were found to be mysteriously missing . Immediately thereafter, members of Karmapa's family, his staff, and their family members were rounded up, and their homes searched. Karmapa's own sister was subjected to hours of hostile interrogation. Two staff members were arrested. More currency was seized. A series of press releases and statements were issued by the Himachal Pradesh state government to the effect that Karmapa was potentially a "Chinese agent,...

BREAKING: Thousands Rally to Protect Karmapa

Protesting the Himachal Pradesh state government's campaign against the Karmapa, and corrupt shakedown of an important Buddhist monastery , thousands of people have taken to the streets in Dharmasala. For the second night, a candle light vigil in support of the Karmapa has overwhelmed police efforts to contain the crowds. Because of this, police were unable to continue preventing worship at the Gyuto Monastery's main temple. Write to

Sorting Out the Karmapa's Cash

Indian state police carry cash from Gyuto Monastery "Benami" and "hawalah" are two terms prominently featured in Indian press accounts of the now-infamous raid on Gyuto Monastery, and apart from utterly ridiculous notions of Chinese involvement, form the real basis of suspicions raised against the twenty-three year old Gyalwa Karmapa, and his administration. Because these terms are unfamiliar to most Western readers -- and because the most frequently asked question in connection with this entire matter is "Why is this happening?" -- we thought we would invest a few pixels in explanation. "Benami," or "benami land," refers to a violation of the Benami Transactions Act of 1988, which prohibits what we in the West would call "straw man" purchases of land, i.e. purchases by one party for the actual benefit of another. In investigating such allegations, and to prove violations, Indian prosecutors examine six elements: the source fr...