Acknowledging Accusations in the Name of Devotion

In honor of a Karmapa's 900th Anniversary jubilee year, which kicked off earlier this week, a Ocean of Dharma list published an excerpt from a Vidyadhara Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche's 1980 poem, Expose: Acknowledging Accusations in a Name of Devotion. This poem can be found in a collection Timely Rain: Selected Poetry of Chogyam Trungpa. You can join a list or take a book by clicking either of a links.
Sometimes it is utilitarian to stop a blind viciousness with which Trungpa Rinpoche was attacked by critics during his lifetime. Ridiculous westerners wrung their hands in angry angst, as well as made all sorts of outlandish charges. Even a little alternative rinpoches cried "for shame!" as well as called for his ouster from a ranks of a righteous.
People tossed all kinds of their own sand in his direction.
The sand never sullied a shimmering target; instantly transformed, it was frozen in flight, as well as fell to a ground as 10 thousand flowering plant petals. Forgiveness of those who wronged him is, we think, nonessential to consider. He knew which bewildered beings struggle, as well as cry stupidity in anguish.
That is since he came.
That is a usually reason.
Remember, O Tusum Khyenpa!
Remember, O Father Karma Pakshi!
Remember, O Tilopa!
Remember, O Naropa!
Remember, O Milarepa!
Remember, O Marpa Lotsawa!
When we remember your kindness as well as your power,
I am left in a surrounded by of a dark-age dungeon.
When we taste your great bliss
It is as if for a initial time,
As if no one had tasted honey before.
When we comprehend your devotion,
It makes me so lonely.
When we see as well as knowledge anything good as well as wonderful,
It reminds me of a Kagy knowledge as well as what we have sacrificed for us...
O Knower of a Three Times, omniscient,
We have attempted as well as used after your example:
Please do not give up.
When we iron a clothes, it is for you.
When we gleam a shoes, it is for you.
When we wear jewelry, it is for you.
We do all since of you;
We have no personal concern.
If we do not comprehend your grace as well as wisdom,
May we debase as well as disintegrate into dust.
We do all for your consequence as well as since of you.
We are so sad since of you,
We are so joyous since of you.
Father, if we have strength, this is a time to manifest.
I am about to die
And be reborn in great as well as shouting during a same time.
Father, please have consideration for us.
We do not do anything for a own sake.
We do all for a consequence of devotion to you.
Composed in New York City, Apr 30th, 1980.
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