Weekly Tibetan Astrology: December 27, 2010 - January 2, 2011

Note: There is a definite feminine appetite trustworthy to this week, so keep which in mind if your inclination is to keep such things in mind. Definitely a week to take things easy, with great indications for a week end getaway present to New Year's Eve. we consider this week's watchword is "leisurely," as in resting travel, dining, or what have you. Leisurely imagining isn't bad either. -- in fact, it is a really best. What did Tilopa say?
Let go of what has passed.
Let go of what might come.
Let go of what is function now.
Don't try to figure anything out.
Don't try to have anything happen.
Relax, right now, as well as rest. There have been also countless year-end mini-retreat opportunities during a various centers, as well as special observances. By all means, if we can, avail yourself of those opportunities. Another theme this week is "offerings." Offerings to internal as well as earth spirits have been really indicated (but nagas have been so-so, as well as definitely no-no upon a lunar 28th). Elaborate offerings for a last Dakini Day of 2010 have been encouraged. By a way: for those of we still young as well as confident enough to consider in such terms, "love" is in a air.
December 27, 2010 - Chinese 22nd, M-T-K 22nd. Pig, Khon, Red 7. Today is zin phung. Mixed signals. Dramatic increase is possible, as well as a little joy, but there is a clear risk of danger. All great things possible, a little obstacles probable. Collect firewood, but leave a fire for another day. You understand? Not bad for travel.

December 28, 2010 - Chinese 23rd, M-T-K 23rd. Mouse, Dwa, White 8. A propitious day, particularly for ladies as well as children. Treat a lady in your hold up to a day spa, or join her during a yoga studio. A great day to rejuvenate. Also, a little of we have been watchful to pop a q! uestion, as well as currently is really a day. Travel to a East is favorable. Take caring with other directions.

December 29, 2010 - Chinese 24th, M-T-K 24th. Ox, Khen, Red 9. Didn't get what we wanted for Christmas? Today is your second chance, but equivocate spending too much -- exchanges have been better. Avoid disagreements or speaking ill of others. No bad for travel.

December 30, 2010 - Chinese 26th, M-T-K 25th. Rabbit, Gin, Black 2. Note wanting day in Chinese practice. Dakini Day. Make offerings more extensive than usual. Take it slow, as well as do not try to micro-manage. If we contingency transport today, do not rush, as well as you'll essentially suffer yourself for a change. Avoid night travel. Good day for Vajrakilaya.

December 31, 2010 - Chinese 27th, M-T-K 26th. Dragon, Zin, Blue 3. Not bad for travel, but equivocate strife. Actually, currently is rsther than propitious in many respects, but we really should equivocate starting out as well as getting loaded. If we as well as a special someone wish to check in someplace genteel for a holiday, as well as have great things sent up to a room, this is really a day. Above all, keep it real. I'm meditative Tremezzo, during Lake Como; really not Bellagio, upon a Strip. Think of a income you'll save off-season. Better still? Take her (or him) for a week end use retreat.

January 1, 2011 - Chinese 28th, M-T-K 27th. Snake, Zon, Green 4. New Year's Day. Today is zin phung. Astrologically speaking, an auspicious day with which to begin 2011. You will overcome all obstacles, as well as we will accomplish what we set out to do. South is a propitious direction. Make tiny gifts to others. Avoid parties or get-togethers. Keep this day in a tighten family: operate upon an insinuate scale.

January 2, 2011 - Chinese 29th, M-T-K 28th. Horse, Li, Yellow 5. Partial solar obscure coming subsequent week, so be prepared. Worry as well as struggle might clouded cover your mountain, so try to recollect all things have been impermanent. The ! get-toge thers we avoided yesterday appear probable today. By a way -- this is probably a great time to remind everyone which we have two eleventh months this year, i.e. a second eleventh month is an intercalary month, as well as here it comes subsequent week. So, this equates to we will have a repeat of a total 9 omens, 10 omens, anniversary this, anniversary which days, with a premonition which formal observance is cramped to a first eleventh month. And this equates to what to us? Well, it equates to that, upon sure levels, we curtsy during a repeat performance. However, given this intercalary eleventh month corresponds to a actual eleventh Kalachakra month, a energies still demand respect, as well as upon which basis we will take due notice of a impacted events in a weeks to come.

Naga observations for a eleventh month. The best charity days have been a 1st, 9th, as well as 21st lunar. Don't have offerings upon a 4th, 5th, 8th, 10th, 15th, 16th, 19th, or 28th.
Consult a lengthened contention of 2010 astrology by clicking here. Consult a lengthened contention of 2011 astrology by clicking here.
Published every Monday during 00:01 but written in allege as well as auto-posted. See a Introduction to Daily Tibetan Astrology for credentials information. If we know a mystic animal of your bieing born year, we can get report about your certain as well as disastrous days by clicking here. If we do not know a mystic animal of your bieing born year, we can obtain which report by clicking here. For specific report about a astrology of 2010, thorough of elements, earth spirits, as well as so forth, please ! delibe rate a lengthened contention by clicking here. Click here for Hong Kong Observatory acclimatisation tables. Weekly Tibetan Astrology copyright (c) 2010. All rights reserved.

Write to rinpoche2006@gmail.com http://tibetanaltar.blogspot.com

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