
Because you yourself have been the divine mandala,naturally perceptible to yourself,
Do not offer ceremony to the deity,
for if you ceremony you will be fettered by it
Do not forgo samsara, for if you forgo it,
you will not attain buddhahood.
Because the Buddha is not elsewhere
he is zilch though recognition itself.
Samsara is not elsewhere;
all is gathered within your own mind.
Do not practice conditioned elemental virtues,
for if you do you will be fettered by them.
Renounce conditioned elemental virtues,
such as building stpas as well as temples.
There is no finish to constructed doctrines,
but by withdrawal them they will end.
Not renouncing the yoga of abandoning deeds,
should you forgo deeds, you will become the tathgata.
So it is which you contingency know the path
of the authentic buddhas in everything. A day flares for the moment when it is new; it flares for the moment when it dies. The object brings shadows as well as dreams in equal measure.

Between dawn as well as dusk, any great prophesy of this universe which we, like the sun, illuminate with merciful activity seems useful. But still, you should cruise this as illusory, volatile, as well as impermanent. The of doubtful authenticity merit you accrue, as well as work during to of doubtful authenticity beings is subject to exhaustion: it rises as well as falls. All the plans have been zilch though stored tears.
The stupas will crumble, as well as the temples will tumble to dust.
This you know, or will certainly come to know, in the due course of the demonstration of the days.
In this circumstance, the supreme act of altruism seems to movement when thoughts sees mind.
Since many of us regard coming to know the inlet of thoughts for the suppositious great of all suppositious sentient beings as downright formidable -- if not with apathy, then with slowing -- ! you come in into tact with what you call the "kindness." Rather than go for broke, you collect as well as choose chapters from the Big Book of Conditioned Fundamental Virtues. We do this in between puppy adore as well as the broken heart. We scatter this amongst birth, school, marriage, job, divorce, hospital, as well as croak pile. Today, we'll do this; tomorrow, we'll do that. This requires an huge outpouring of energy, nonetheless offers usually momentary satisfaction. Before you know it, stupas have been crumbling, temples have been decaying, as well as you have been all used up.

This seems so wasteful.

The inlet of thoughts remains unvaried in any case of what the single does or does not do.
Consider the disproportion in between examination the movie, as well as becoming the film producer. Consider the disproportion in between aware practice, as well as stagecraft.
To create as well as sustain apparition requires constituent decision-making, as well as member acts. Most people cruise which it requires imagination, though which is not indispensably the case. As every scholastic playwright or screenwriter already knows, there have been usually thirty-six probable thespian situations. Every human business can be to illustrate categorized as well as anticipated. In Hollywood, for example, all the major suit picture studios essentially use computer programs to evaluate as well as erect scripts. They block in the characters, as well as the machines do the work.
How could it be otherwise? All phenomena movement from the cause.
It does not make the difference either the single is producing the tragedy, the comedy, the romance, the whodunit, or the fight movie.
One produces with the expectation of gain.
The money which the single gains will be spent. The accolades which the single gathers will be forgotten. But, the great of just watching?
The great of examination is simply to know the film is the movie.
While it is great to appreciate stagecraft, it is impr! oved to not become as well wrapped up in which appreciation. There is no claim opposite enjoying the prolongation -- shouting during the funny parts, crying during the unhappy tools -- but, when you leave the theater, you do not need to bring the script with you.
There was the wonderful sunset though it is over now.
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