Oregonians debate existence of God

The past two Mondays, the local journal -- the Salem Statesman Journal -- has run comments from readers about the existence, or miss thereof, of God. I've enjoyed this shift of pace for the editorial page.

Since Oregon is the single of the slightest eremite states, it isn't startling that many opinions upon this subject were pleasingly churchless.

I've shared them below. you didn't include any comments from true believers, though you can see the complete slate of opinions here as well as here.

(Or download these PDF files.)
Download SJ1 hold up of God
Download SJ2 hold up of God

"Simple subject that deserves the elementary answer: nope."

"If by God you meant an invisible, abnormal being with magic powers capable of suspending the physical laws of the universe, the answer is no.""I do not hold in God as the male that combined Earth. you hold in God as the philosophy as an thought that you have been flawed tellurian beings that make mistakes. you hold that you should treat any other with respect, help the neighbors."

"... It might seem unlikely that the conditions for hold up came together here upon Earth though the little intelligent guidance until you factor in the billions of galaxies as well as the billions upon billions of planets, as well as the billions of years this star has been here.

Given the scholarship you have now, the hold up of many planets identical to Earth is all though the mathematical certainty, not to mention all of the possibilities for other types of life, with no need for abnormal intervention.

Recent work in physics has offered an reason for what came before the Big Bang, the possibility that there have been an gigantic number of universes, spawned by an gigantic number of Big Bangs, as well as that time itself might be infinite. So, the hold up of the Earth, as well as the universe, is not justification for God. God is simply ! the sing le possible explanation, for that there is no empirical evidence."

"The simple, direct answer to the subject is 'Yes,' 'No', or 'I don't know.' Belief, or miss of it, final no evidence. For me, scholarship is so much some-more constrained than the abnormal explanation. If God is responsible, where has she been for the last few billion years? you have the little questions as well as complaints."

"I'd have to qualify myself as an agnostic. ... After many years of unanswered prayers, you began to question. At first, the subject was not, 'Do you hold in God?' Rather it was, 'Does God hold in me?'"

"... you can't even begin to know how or because the star or mud exists. To fake to know is arrogance of the highest order as well as is the base means of war as well as hatred in this world. There is nothing wrong with 'I don't know' as an answer to the question. After all, the puzzling is pleasing as well as wondrous, as well as needs no 'God' to make it so."

"I hold scholarship has done an competent pursuit explaining the seasons. So, right away please do the same. Give me the single fragment of systematic justification of 'god.' I'll wait."

"Religion is done up nonsense, the crutch for the weak-minded among us. If the single person instituted the sacrament currently based upon the myths contained in any of the three widespread monotheisms' books, s/he would be considered insane. Just since there have been the crowd that contend they believe, afterwards multitude accepts the fictions. ...

Humans would be improved off though organized religions tainting the societies. Most of the mayhem during wars stems from religion, even in WW2 due to the Nazis' try to exterminate Jews, the religious-based sequence of people. Muslim terrorists currently make use of their of doubtful authenticity beliefs to blow up people. Religion is! the sca ndal of humanity."

"I do not hold in abnormal beings of any kind as well as you do not hold in magic. you have no thought how or because the star was created. you have no thought how or because hold up began. However, you would wager it all happened in accordance with the laws of physics. To indicate that the little magical being simply willed it in to hold up seems silly to me. To indicate that an all-powerful being sat down at the sketch board, planned out everyday detail, as well as afterwards actually assembled the star is similarly ridiculous. ..."

"If the little 'god' really does exist, you as well as you as well as all of those who subject the hold up will suffer no consequences for the miss of belief. What you will get, however, if this schizoid God turns out to be real, is an reason for because this God chose to put you hapless humans by the metaphysical waterboarding. This God improved have the ... great reason!"

"A some-more critical subject is, how do you conduct the lives? Since hold up is usually for the short time as well as goes usually the single approach from bieing born to genocide have been you making the many of this time? And delegate to the own enjoyment of this experience, as well as probably the many critical subject of all is: Are you great to others or slightest not you do them any harm?"

"There is no approach there can be the god. you don't hold in the book combined by man."

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