Astrology for Tibetan New Year 2011 (Extended)

IMPORTANT NOTE: you customarily post a entrance year's astrological notes upon December 15th, though go upon to edit as well as supplement comments all a way up to a initial day of a brand brand brand new year (and sometimes beyond). It is not always illusive to complete all necessary investigations as well as mental condition all necessary dreams before a December 15th deadline. you additionally get special requests which you might instruct to take in to account. You have been thus suggested to check back, as a report herein will change. Why so far in advance, you ask? Well, as a record reflects, you suffer a tall degree of accuracy. Considerable numbers of astrologers around a universe similar to to bottom their efforts upon a observations, as well as you suffer making things easy for people.

The arch worth of a following post lies in a calculations. Ordinarily, these calculations have been a result of a laborious process, though here you have them during your fingertips, already finished for you. Is it improved or worse if you don't have to work for it?
I gave what you regard as a befitting explanation as well as introduction to a detailed nuances of each year astrology, as well as a relative meanings, in a remarks for 2009. Rather than repeat myself, you would in! dicate w hich you click behind to 2009, read a post, as well as then click behind here to discover what has changed. you imagine which 2010 will already be too familiar for most of you. Nevertheless, if there have been conditions or concepts in a following which have been strange to you, deliberate my comments for 2009.Be all which as it may, let us begin with a geomantic indicators. This year, a opportune passageway is not observed, as well as here have been a positions occupied by a sa-bdag friends, from rje-blon nyer-drug ma-bu 'khor:
1) King The-se - East (also hidden spirit Rus-sbal)
2) Queen Hang-ne - East
3) Queen Mother The-khyem - Northeast
4) Crown Prince Te-so - South
5) Royal Minister Tsang-kun - North
6) Royal Astrologer Se-ba bla-mkhyen - West (also inner during East, personally during East)
7) Royal Dog Walker Hang-phan ser-po bya-ra-ba - Southwest
8) Royal Treasurer Se-byi - Northeast
9) Royal Bodyguard-Assassin Se-shar - Northwest
10) Royal Horse Se-ba rang-rta - North
11) Royal Groom Se'u rta-khrid - North
12) Royal Timekeeper Se-bya - East
13) Royal Upholsterer Sa-bdag se-bu gdan-'ding - East
14) Royal Policeman Se-lo sa-'chag kungs-myul - Southeast
15) Royal Sweeper Se-lo sa-'phyag - South
16) Royal Dog Hal-khyi nag-po - West
17) Princess dKar-sham - West
18) Prince sBal-te (her husband - a stately son-in-law) - West
19) General Vang-ging dmarpo - North
20) General Tsang-kun - Northeast
21) Adjutant Tsang-kun 'phye'o - Northwest
22) Dog-headed Assistant Tsang-kun khyi-mgo - North
23) Advisor Bla-mkhyen phe'u - Northeast
24) Scorpion-head Zin 'phung - West
25) Venomous Pi-ling - Southwest
26) Chief of a Eleven Ministers of a King (symbolizing them) - West
The containing note for 2011 is timber of a juniper (alternatively, timber of a pine). Th! e body e lement (lus: basically a same thing) originates from a red blood vessels of a turtle's lungs as well as liver. The alternative basics of a year have been a srog, or physical nature (wood); a dbang-thang, or future (iron); a rlung-ta, or fitness (fire), as well as a khyams-nyid, or tangible fitness (fire). To get a bit some-more technical, a zla-klung-gi gza'gnyis have been Moon as well as Water Snake, as well as a destiny/vitality relationship is 'dun-khur.

Our sorcery numbers have been skye-me, or natal, as White 1 (upper metreng); srog-sme, or vitality, as Green 4 (middle metreng); dbang-sme, or destiny, as Red 7 (lower metreng).
If Rabbit ladies instruct to get married this year, they should do so in a Monkey month. Rabbit grooms should not permit Dragon bridesmaids during a wedding.
Because you preference elemental astrology, it is formidable for me to have ubiquitous predictions about how a assorted "animals" will transport in this Year of a Iron Rabbit. Anyone who tells you they can is fibbing to you. Why is this? There have been twelve animals as well as 5 elements, for a sum of sixty possibilities. Each of these sixty possibilities contingency be evaluated in conditions of 5 elements, for a sum of 300 possibilities. Each of these 300 possibilities has 5 possibilities, for a sum of 1,500 possibilities. Therefore, anybody who says, "Oh, a Dragon will be lucky this year," is engaging in crass generalization. What they should be observant is "Oh, a Fire Dragon exhibits a following 5 relationships in this, a year of a Iron Rabbi! t." Somebody has essentially worked all of which out for 2011, as well as posted it online, so you can collect your bieing born year as well as then see how it relates to a Iron Rabbit in each of 5 areas. you haven't checked it for accuracy yet, though give it a shot if you similar to which arrange of thing. Nevertheless, instead of relying upon which overmuch, you would counsel you to take your clue from a energies of 2011 as set onward herein. Please take note which as a ubiquitous rule, astrological indications have been rendered rarely flexible by Dharma practice.

So, what is a required knowledge about a Rabbit? Well, you would never wish a improved friend, nor could you ever find a improved claimant for successfully handling ethereal tasks. Indeed, Rabbits personify what you might consider all certain qualities. Trungpa Rinpoche was innate in a year of a Rabbit, as was Confucious, as well as Albert Einstein. Kyabje Trulshik Rinpoche, Supreme Head of a Nyingmapa, is a Rabbit. Very great company, yes?
The folk astrology of Tibet indicates which Rabbits in ubiquitous have been warm-hearted, affectionate, kind, intensely intelligent, as well as can get along with only about anyone. On a negative side, they can be lazy, with a bent toward sentimentality, as well as superficiality. Their preferred careers have been found in law, diplomacy, as well as politics, or in a arts as actors or dancers. In business, they have been suited to accounting. The preferred companions have been those innate in a year of a Sheep or Pig. They will instruct to equivocate poignant relationships with a Bird, Horse, Rat, Snake, or Ox.
In particular, Iron Rabbits have been loving, generous, as well as broad-minded, with pointy wit as well as! enduran ce. They have been customarily well-educated, plain citizens of a middle-class, well able to care for themselves as well as others. They have been additionally masters of detail.
Iron Rabbits often knowledge ongoing pain, as well as have been susceptible to accidents. This can extend to random death, or even genocide by weapons. They have been to some border vulnerable to internecine feuding, earth spirits, as well as bsen-mo found during temples present to forts, or unaware fortress-like terrain. They will have 5 children. Their average lifespan is sixty-one years. They will face 5 major obstacles. Rabbit dharma practitioners frequently take ordination, as well as follow required practices.
For 2011, you would suggest which Rabbits pay courtesy to their family groups as well as friends, work during cooperative projects with others, as well as means during slightest a single statue of Avalokitesvara to be made. Extensive nyungne is rarely endorsed for everyone, in any case of your year of birth. In this regard, you wish to quite suggest Wangchen Rinpoche's book, Buddhist Fasting Practice: The Nyungne Method of Thousand-Armed Chenrezig, which you can find almost everywhere. Indeed, 2011 should be devoted to a practices of Avalokitesvara, such as those found in a Mani Kabum, as well as elsewhere. If you have been compared with a center, greatfully entreat your lama, or any upon vacation lama, to suggest during slightest a single module devoted to this.
For a year only passed, 2010, you wrote:
The final Iron Tiger year, 1950, saw a beginning of a finish of Tibetan Buddhism as it had been known for centuries prior. To a certain extent, this became illusive since of degeneration as well as fighting in a Tibetan Buddhist institutions themselves. The year 2010 will declare impassioned tragedy in between unusual expressions of Tibetan Buddhism -- those which have been oppo! site a g rain, permissive or culturally diluted -- as well as a ancient energies which have been offended by such impassioned views. Again, greatfully recollect what you have told you: which which provokes you to anger in 2010 aims to bring about your destruction. As formidable as it might be, you contingency repel from such provocations.In many, most ways, 2011 is an complete year of coping with which which came in to being during 2010. you am hopeful, despite less than sanguine, which you will see some strides in resolving a Karmapa's issues. you am additionally hopeful which present instability in a Nyingma School will be resolved, as brand brand brand new care makes itself felt. In a matter of religious extremism, as well as with particular anxiety to a war in Uddiyana, it is puzzled whether a year's energies will have themselves felt in any dramatic fashion; nevertheless, you contingency strive to extent armed conflict in a region, if not upon political grounds, then during a really slightest upon humanitarian grounds. The people in Afghanistan as well as Pakistan have suffered to a breaking point.
You see which a Tiger is a warlike general, whilst a Rabbit is a smooth diplomat. Indeed, Rabbit years have been regarded as in all peaceful, stable, "lucky" years, much similar to a courteous summer afternoon's diplomatic luncheon, out upon a lawn. Nevertheless, greatfully read my comments relating to this, embedded in Weekly Tibetan Astrology: December twenty - 26, 2010, wherein you discuss a illusive effects of which week's sum lunar eclipse upon a year 2011.
On a downside, this year can see protracted lawsuit associated to securities, as well as problems with a curative industry. News-gathering, communications, as well as information-sharing will knowledge what amounts to upheaval. The malefic, or impolite aspect of a Rabbit year is voiced in coarse authorised process, which is doomed to failure, since it runs contrary to a energy of a time. To take a a! uthorise d metaphor: this is a year for negotiated settlements. This is not a year for trials.
Finance will be a consistent theme throughout a year. Comfortable circumstances might return for some, whilst during a tip reaches of a financial universe there will misunderstanding compared with banking as well as changed metals. Indeed, changed metals will be a single of 2011's tip financial stories.
Mining will be in a news, as vital political relationships develop present to a exploitation of healthy resources. Exciting brand brand brand new discoveries have been probable. However, you contingency be intensely clever to extent insults to a earth, as a earth intoxicating beverage this year will give positively no quarter. Rituals specific to a emanate have been strongly indicated. you would advise everybody who reads this to cover up during slightest a single earth vase, as well as to engage in functions which restore or otherwise good a environment. In one's immediate area, a single should equivocate unfortunate a earth by digging, grading, as well as so forth.
"Treasure" is essentially a sub-text to a year, with sparkling possibilities for a translation or publication of previously revealed termas, as well as even a revelation of brand brand brand new termas.
[To be continued.]
As a personal aside, a single of a founding principles of Digital Tibetan Buddhist Altar is "rabbit appreciation," as remarkable upon a masthead. This has nothing to do with astrology. you only happen to be rather fond of them.
Keywords: Tibetan New Year, Year of a Rabbit, Chinese New Year, Tibetan Astrology 2011, Losar, Iron Rabbit, Asian Astrology, Chinese Astrology 2011, Astrology, Rabbit, 2011, Lunar New Year.Write to