Weekly Tibetan Astrology: December 13 - December 19, 2010

NOTE: This week starts out with an implausible show: a Geminid meteor showering upon Monday night provides a year's most appropriate example of sharpened stars. Maybe they have been a opening act for a sum lunar eclipse upon December 20-21. That eclipse is coincident to a solstice, so might be nothing less than a meteor showering will do -- but, full sum upon which next week. You can in a little respects regard this week as a year's branch indicate -- or, rather more precisely, a prelude to a year's branch point, which in strict astrological practice happens next week. Reversals have been possible, as well as indeed probable, as 2010 draws to a close. What this equates to is if we have been afflicted with obstacles, they might suddenly disappear. Beware, because a conflicting is also possible. Make a most of this week's window of opportunity, for a direction will be challenged in a duration January by February. Fasten your chair leather belt -- this is 2010's last great shot.
December 13, 2010 - Chinese 8th, M-T-K 8th. Bird, Khen, Black 2. Medicine Buddha Day. Tara Day. Ten portentous omens (Zangpo Chu Dzom) in effect until noon today, so keep things light. One's opponents can be overcome, though this need not involve fight or contention. Today can be joyful.

As remarkable above, a Geminid meteor showering starts tonight. According to a oldest Chinese divination texts, "shooting stars" have been not quite portentous signs. Imperial astrologers reckoned them as indicative of instability, loss, reversals, as well as changes of rule. In any event, we will not need binoculars or a telescope to see a show. The Geminids' eager is, as a name implies, in a direction of a constellation Gemini, only north of a northernmost of Gemini's dual brightest stars, Castor as well as Pollux. In a early dusk of Dec. 13, a eager is low in a northeast. By 1 a.m. EST, afte! r a date has changed to Dec. 14, a eager is almost without delay overhead. By 6.a.m. EST, when a showering is at its rise in a Eastern Time Zone, a eager is low in a west. By a way, this is not compared with a comet, though an asteroid named 3200 Phaethon.

December 14, 2010 - Chinese 9th, M-T-K 9th. Dog, Kham, Blue 3. Work hard, stay focused upon a basics, as well as don't worry as well much. Excellent day for naga offerings, as well as such offerings have been strongly advised. Note which a Tsurluk monthly monthly calendar is display a repetitious lunar 9th, whereas a Phukluk monthly monthly calendar is display a repetitious lunar 10th. See below.

December 15, 2010 - Chinese 10th, M-T-K 10th. Pig, Gin, Green 4. Guru Rinpoche Day. Today is zin phung. Note we have a repetitious lunar tenth in Tibetan practice; a Nyingma calenders have been imprinting currently for tact of Guru Rinpoche. Somewhere in a world currently we will be reminded which assent requires bid to sustain. Today we need to squander which effort.

December 16, 2010 - Chinese 11th, M-T-K 10th. Mouse, Zin, Yellow 5. Referring to a Tsurluk calendar, a Kagyu calenders have been imprinting currently for tact of Guru Rinpoche. You will instruct to meet with friends, though beware of disagreements.

December 17, 2010 - Chinese 12th, M-T-K 11th. Ox, Zon, White 6. Negative energies attend today. The continue might create obstacles.

December 18, 2010 - Chinese 13th, M-T-K 12th. Tiger, Li, Red 7. Drubjor. Whatever we have planned, currently is a day of accomplishment. Indeed, this is a last Drubjor of a monthly monthly calendar year 2010, so whatever it is we have in mind, make it memorable.

December 19, 2010 - Chinese 14th, M-T-K 13th. Rabbit, Khon, White 8. Increase is indicated. A great day for acquisitions, purchases, home improvements, as well as so forth.

Naga observations for a eleventh month. The most appropriate charity days have been a 1st, 9th, as well as 21st lunar. Don't make offer! ings upo n a 4th, 5th, 8th, 10th, 15th, 16th, 19th, or 28th.
Consult a lengthened contention of 2010 astrology by clicking here.
Published each Monday at 00:01 though created in advance as well as auto-posted. See a Introduction to Daily Tibetan Astrology for background information. If we know a mystic animal of your bieing born year, we can get report about your certain as well as negative days by clicking here. If we don't know a mystic animal of your bieing born year, we can obtain which report by clicking here. For specific report about a astrology of 2010, thorough of elements, earth spirits, as well as so forth, greatfully consult a lengthened contention by clicking here. Click here for Hong Kong Observatory conversion tables. Weekly Tibetan Astrology copyright (c) 2010. All rights reserved. Write to rinpoche2006@gmail.com http://tibetanaltar.blogspot.com

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