Who Were You Before You Were You?

Even yet you all brand with a very limited slice of time as well as space, equating me with a singular physique as well as a singular mind, in being you additionally live outward yourself in a margin of awareness.The Vedic seers say, The real you cannot be squeezed in to a volume of a physique or a span of a lifetime. Just as being flows from a virtual to a quantum to a material level, so do you. Whether you call this reincarnation or not roughly doesnt matter.The package of physique as well as thoughts which came before is a foreigner to you now, as well as a a singular which might arise after your genocide is similarly alien. But upon a deeper level, millions of seeds have already been planted. Some are a thoughts you will have tomorrow or a actions you will follow a decade from now.Time is stretchable during a quantum turn as well as nonexistent during a virtual level. As you watch these seeds growing in a fertile margin of time as well as space, recognition wakes up to itself. This is how a singular fertilized cell learns to become a brain it wakes up to itself, not upon a containing alkali turn but upon a turn of awareness.All of a quantum as well as virtual levels are open to us all a time. To navigate them utterly is impossible; they open up to us according to our own needs as well as abilities. But no part is intentionally sealed off. Although you routinely demeanour no deeper than a personal domain, to demeanour deeper is regularly possible.The actuality which you are not confined to our physical physique as well as thoughts gives us reason to believe in a existence of a cosmic intelligence which permeates hold up as well as brings us close to a thoughts of God.Adapted from How To Know God, by Deepak Chopra (Harmony Books, 2000).

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