It can be shown that 6 situations have been causes for alarm:It is shocking when we do not know what is permitted or restricted by the vows we uphold,despite the most years that have upheld given we took monastic ordination.It is shocking when we still need to sense what is just or harmful,despite the most years that have upheld given we entered the doorway of the dharma.It is shocking when we have been no closer to precision in the development of bodhicitta,despite the most years that have upheld given we began putting in service the Mahayana.It is shocking when we have no inclination to put the teachings in to practice,despite the most years that have upheld given we began listening to as well as considering them.It is shocking when we have not experienced signs of meditative regard or given rise to cordial qualities,despite the most years that have upheld in your office of meditation.It is shocking when we have not strike your obvious fixations as well as confusion,despite the most years that have upheld given we supposedly came to understand the view.Such circumstances, that can be likened to laying the foundation as well as manufacture walls after the palace has already been built, have been quite astounding.Once we turn aware of them, we competence wish to giggle out loud, though upon further reflection we will be saddened, so rely upon holy masters as well as essay to attend to, contemplate, as well as meditate upon spiritual teachings.
[The year 2010 has though the few hours left, as well as most folks have been receiving account, creation resolutions, as well as generally dealing with impermanence. Shall we leave the old year with the few difference from Longchenpa? This is from The Precious Treasury of Pith Instructions.]Write to rinpoche2006@gmail.com http://tibetanaltar.blogspot.com