Weekly Tibetan Astrology: December 20 - December 26, 2010

Note: There is an old Chinese observant -- could be T'ang, could be older, though it feels like T'ang -- taken from poetical norms, as great as we can interpret this -- some-more or less a shimmer -- as "So red it is purple." When my friend, a pointer carver in Shenzhen, was carving this upon a side of a pointer for me, he remarked, "When a thing reaches a fullest expression, it is done becoming, as great as contingency of prerequisite change." Pretty engaging pointer carver, eh? This jumps to thoughts given we was thinking about a Violet Shining Seer.

The biggest story in this week of large stories is a sum lunar obscure concurrent to a Winter Solstice. For a Western Hemisphere, a obscure will proceed upon Dec. twenty-one during 12:29 a.m. EST (9:29 p.m. PST upon Dec. 20) as a moon starts to enter Earth's outer, or penumbral, shadow. This sum lunar obscure lasts 72 mins from start to finish. Changes in a moon's appearance will proceed about 45 mins in to a event, when a slight shading becomes evident upon a tip left apportionment of a moon's disk. The entire obscure will be manifest from all of North as great as South America, a northern as great as horse opera parts of Europe, as great as a tiny part of northeast Asia, including Korea as great as most of Japan. In conditions of North America, we'll have to wait for until 2014 to see an additional sum lunar obscure quite so clearly. It will additionally be manifest from a North Island of New Zealand as great as Hawaii. We all know which sure or disastrous actions have been multiplied by a cause of a single thousand during this event.

"So red it is purple."
So, what does this all mean? Well, Rahu -- a master of deceivers as great as poisons ! -- swall ows a moon this week, so what else can we say? Break out a offerings of lead as great as hessonite? (If we want to go which route, we should have done it yesterday, upon Sunday.) In conditions of a stroke upon a year -- as great as here we will resort to despotic Vedic conditions -- it does not get most worse. The year is being battered by a heavy Mercury-Ketu circumstance to proceed with, as great as Rahu is entwined with both Mercury as great as Ketu. The understand could be which Rahu, a malefic, will impress them both, as great as in context, this is not a great thing during all.

That is a discerning as great as dirty assumption. To be some-more precise, a obscure will occur with a Southern or forward node Ketu in a sidereal zodiac pointer Gemini, as great as a descending node Rahu in Sagittarius. According to Vedic astrology, this is severe for those who have sidereal Gemini or Sagittarius taking flight or Gemini or Sagittarius as moon sign. You will stop which we additionally had meteors in Gemini final week.

On a universe stage, this week marks a beginning of a duration of extreme tension as great as sudden events. The final sum lunar obscure was in 2008, concurrent to Chotrul Duchen. Far from being a portentous eventuality a single competence suppose, this heralded a advent of an intensely negative, as great as manipulative force which has been swelling massacre ever since. Perhaps we will stop which in a ubiquitous remarks for 2010, we referred to what competence with equal magnitude of grace as great as law be called "spiritual warfare." As a unsentimental issue, this has presented as narrow-minded struggle as great as internecine wrangling which proceed perfect madness. With this week's eclipse, either a single of dual things is starting to happen: a section will close, or an additional section will open prior to a initial section is concluded. You can accept which in ubiquitous conditions as a single part gets finished, as great as an additional part starts in result of a first.! I'll "A mericanize" which as, "what goes around comes around."What we might singularly instruct to recall, during this point, is Padmasambhava's subjugation of Rahu, as great as a special relationship of Rahu to sold lineages as great as traditions. Like all else, there have been those who feel a need to have claims as great as those who do not. Plotters as great as schemers abound, for plots have been a hallmark of a envious. We can guarantee significant developments in this area. What we cannot guarantee is which a developments will be to concept acclaim. Stars have indeed depressed from a sky. The meaning of this will become transparent to stubborn individuals as great as groups alike. we indeed hope which ongoing discord can be solved by diplomatic means, though perhaps which awaits next year. The death of a tip diplomat, present to final week's meteor shower, was no tiny sign. The death of pilgrims to Maratika cavern was no tiny sign. There have been alternative signs. There will be some-more signs.

In a bizarre way, given this falls upon a solstice, we can consider of this obscure as a shade of things to come in 2011, a Year of a Iron Rabbit. Why do we contend this? To an extent, a Winter Solstice puts a "lock" upon sure intoxicating beverage which will become active once a Summer Solstice rolls around. In a interval, as great as absent a caprice of spirits, a window of throwing karmas comes to fore, unfettered by a change of artificiality, or contrivance. Since most of 2011 will be spent undoing which which commenced in 2010, or during least coping with a results of 2010, we find this interesting. Anyway -- a book is open, as great as here we go. Consult a ubiquitous remarks for 2011.
On a bright side, rarely developed practitioners will knowledge a rapid evaporation of obstacles. Theoretically, this can embody being immediately ecsta! tic to a Glorious Copper Colored Mountain, so regularly keep in thoughts which anything is possible. There is a difference between change as great as transformation. One is reversible; a alternative is not.

Bottom line? The goods of this obscure will be felt great in to 2011, significantly impacting 2011's normally expected peaceful energies, whilst most "reds" will "turn purple." The Iron Tiger starts to bite as great as claw now, as great as this will magnify until during least a Feb - March time frame. Certain consequences will be felt until a summer.

December 20, 2010 - Chinese 15th, M-T-K 14th. Dragon, Dwa, Red 9. Generally auspicious energies, so have a most of daylight hours. Watch out when dusk rolls around. Avoid travel.

December 21, 2010 - Chinese 16th, M-T-K 15th. Snake, Khen, White 1. Winter Solstice. Total Lunar Eclipse. Today is zin phung. Hello Capricorn. Rapid events, including a probability of extremes. Today's running word is "sudden." Abrupt reversals possible. Violence probable. Avoid travel. If we spend a single entire day during use this year, have this a day, as great as have it encouraged by heated compassion. If, upon a alternative hand, we have been by nature wicked, afterwards go gambling. Either way, we will embrace a message.

December 22, 2010 - Chinese 17th, M-T-K 16th. Horse, Kham, Black 2. Enemies might strech a gate. Fear should be transposed by confident use upon this day. Travel possible, though absolutely equivocate roving during night.

December 23, 2010 - Chinese 18th, M-T-K 17th. Sheep, Gin, Blue 3. This can be a useful as great as successful day. Good day for Vajrakilaya practice.

December 24, 2010 - Chinese 19th, M-T-K 18th. Monkey, Zin, Green 4. Dudjom Rinpoche's Anniversary. Those of us who knew him definitely miss him -- not to gossip, though a great crony of mine once quoted Tarthang Rinpoche as saying,! "When D udjom Rinpoche passed away, all a ngakpas' heads were cut off." Regardless, greatfully understand which he is regularly with us, even if we have been sometimes a little cloudy from a neck up. Today is yan kwong. Unfavorable energies. Governments knowledge stress. Possible geological upset. Beware of thieves.

December 25, 2010 - Chinese 20th, M-T-K 20th. Bird, Zon, Yellow 5. Christmas. Note wanting day in Tibetan practice. Enjoy yourself.

December 26, 2010 - Chinese 21st, M-T-K 21st. Dog, Li, White 6. Extremely adverse energies, quickly mitigated if we stay home.

Naga observations for a eleventh month. The best charity days have been a 1st, 9th, as great as 21st lunar. Don't have offerings upon a 4th, 5th, 8th, 10th, 15th, 16th, 19th, or 28th.
Consult a extended contention of 2010 astrology by clicking here. Consult a extended contention of 2011 astrology by clicking here.
Published every Monday during 00:01 though created in advance as great as auto-posted. See a Introduction to Daily Tibetan Astrology for credentials information. If we know a mystic animal of your bieing born year, we can get report about your sure as great as disastrous days by clicking here. If we do not know a mystic animal of your bieing born year, we can acquire which report by clicking here. For specific report about a astrology of 2010, thorough of elements, earth spirits, as great as so forth, greatfully consult a extended contention by clicking here. Click here for Hong Kong Observatory conversion tabl! es. Weekly Tibetan Astrology copyright (c) 2010. All rights reserved.

Write to rinpoche2006@gmail.com http://tibetanaltar.blogspot.com

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