True Inspirational Stories of God Realization
Real Inspiring Stories
Experiences of God Realization
Previously we supposing genuine hold up testimonials from readers who were practicing a techniques upon a website as good as making progress towards health, complacency as good as God Realization, though in this array we will yield a little indeed inspirational stories of a little thoughts floating knowledge readers have created to me about.
One of a good blessings as good as privileges of using a large devout blog is which we get to cater a little indeed remarkable people, whose use as good as hold up stories have been not usually astonishing, though additionally incredibly moving as good as enlightening. With their accede we am honored to share with we a good insights they have acquired as good as we goal we have been as equally encouraged by these testimonials as we am.
One of a pass challenges in devout progress, is to keep going as good as see it through to a really end, as good as to assistance us stay upon a path, such moving people as good as moving stories have been really helpful. All we can contend after celebration of a mass so many implausible tales is which hold up is a good mystery, as good as which a self-indulgent, endlessly busy thoughts usually sees a really tiny fraction of a good wonder which this Universe holds. we can additionally contend which a some-more we realize, a some-more we am awed by a unfathomable energy as good as grace of God.
The knowledge described next is from usually such a crony we have made through a blog, who thankfully takes a time out to share with me a little of a sights as good as sounds of his devout journey.
How special is he? He will contend he is not special, usually God is. How do we know this? When we asked him if we should credit him with a quote, his reply was a following:
There is no need to make use of my name for a essay since God deserves all a credit. He is all as good as He is in all, nothing is apart from Him.
Not even a singular exha! le belon gs to us, we have been alive as good as a total origination is using due to His grace.
But sadly many of us have lost Him since we have been so busy with a little "I".
Forget his story about God Realization, which reply in itself is inspirational . In any case, next we find a outline of a little loyal devout use which my crony has generously common with us. His genuine hold up story is full of good insights as good as next a excerpt, we highlight a little of them in a summary section.
My crony writes:
Since my devout make use of we have progressed good as good as wanted to share with we a single of my devout use during meditation. we listen to a receptive to advice "OM" coming from my heart chakra, infrequently during as good as after imagining we feel extensive complacency though any reason as good as we am in which blissful state for hours or days.
During imagining we become thoughtless. There is no thoughts, no mind, no physical physique as good as there is me who is usually an recognition examination a total process. we see which we am not a physique as good as mind, as good as which my own personality is usually a fake apparition of thoughts as good as ego.
One of a many interesting use we had was which a single day during imagining first we proposed to see a little white as good as golden lights in my forehead. After which a lights where everywhere. Then a really beautiful as good as radiant lady appeared prior to me as good as her presence was really peaceful.
She looked similar to an Indian deity though we could not commend her then she chanted a little mantras as good as at which impulse my state of alertness was pushed to a really tall state. Its difficult for me to insist in words which tall state of consciousness, usually through knowledge a single can u! nderstan d it.
When we was in which tall state of alertness we could see a total star as me. I could feel which a total star as good as each vital being is partial of me. we was each animals, insects, mountain, plant, water, sea etc. Practically we was partial of everything.
During which tall state of alertness we realized which we am immortal. I am not a physique or mind, we am Atma all transcending eternal being.
This knowledge has altered as good as taught me many things. Now we have a lot of apply oneself for each vital being as good as there is no fright of death.
In this world, people run after their desires similar to money, name, fame etc. And a list of their desires is endless. Even if a person achieves their material goals, after a little time he becomes unhappy similar to prior to as good as wants some-more as good as more.
People dont comprehend which desires will usually lead to some-more pang as good as unhappiness.
We all know which when we come as good as go from this transitory universe we never take with us a material things, name, fame etc. So why have been we using at a back of all these things which will perish with time. The base cause of all this is a desires as good as attachments, which have been combined by a own mind.
It is really loyal which a thoughts creates bondage as good as also, a thoughts leads a single to loyal liberation. But for which a single has to move a thoughts underneath control with arduous devout make use of as good as the many critical thing is a purest longing to comprehend God. Only then God will reveal himself to which soul.
We should all give interjection to God for giving us a biggest gift of hold up since right away we have been innate similar to tellurian beings. Who knows how many incarnations we have to go through prior to receiving birth as a tellurian being as good as so we should make use of this hold up really wisely.
I crawl to a lotus feet Lord for bestowing his grace upon me.
Om Namah Shivaya
True Inspirational Story Highlights:
I dont know what not to highlight from a on top of note . It is so packed with knowledge as good as inspiration which it is hard to pick as good as choose. But, in any case, here have been a little points from a use which have been value reiterating.
1. Witnessing Consciousness:
Develop your witnessing consciousness, be constantly Mindful. Learn to simply be a witness to all which is receiving place. we have created about this many times, many not long ago in a essay Shri Ramana Maharishi Teachings upon Meditation. In my view, this is a many critical devout make use of of all.
2. Live in Peace as good as with Compassion:
This is something we can aspire to, regardless of either we have thoughts floating note use or not. Respect all of hold up as good as greatfully stop fighting with each other. This total universe is yours. It is a integral partial of you. It is you.
The following 3 essay delve in to this some-more deeply. But for starters, live in peace.
The Miracle of Self Awareness - we AM ALL
The Secret to Compassion
How to Live Life
3. God Realization - Self Realization:
The biggest good fortune a single can have is an abiding passion for a Truth or God. If we have this, we have all we need to perform your role upon Earth.
More upon a importance of this passion in a following article:
Silent Mind Meditation Program - Passion
4. Suffering:
As my crony points out clearly above, a base cause of all pang is enterprise as good as attachments, as good as there have been no finish to desires. So evaluate how we wish to spend your energy as good as time in this precious hold up God h! as bless ed we with.
The articles next plead this topic further:
Money Money Money Mantra as good as a Path to Enlightenment
Role of Money, Pleasure as good as Career in Spirituality
5. Inspiration:
The reason we have proposed this array is to assistance enthuse we as good as keep your passion for God Realization burning bright. we goal we find it motivating as good as stay tuned for some-more loyal stories from readers usually similar to you.
If we have a little stories of yours we would similar to to share, greatfully feel giveaway to email me at
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