Tilopa's Pith Instructions on Mahamudra

Homage to a Co-emergent Wisdom!
Mahamudra cannot be shown;
But for we who have been clinging to a guru, who have mastered a ascetic practices
And have been forbearant in suffering, intelligent Naropa,
Take this to heart, my advantageous student.
Look during a inlet of a world,
Impermanent similar to a imagination or dream;
Even a imagination or dream does not exist.
Therefore, develop renunciation as well as abandon worldly activities.
Renounce servants as well as kin, causes of passion as well as aggression.
Meditate alone in a forest, in retreats, in unique places.
Remain in a state of non-meditation.
If we achieve non-attainment, then we have achieved mahamudra.
The dharma of samsara is petty, causing passion as well as aggression.
The things we have created have no substance; therefore, find a piece of a ultimate.
The dharma of thoughts cannot see a definition of transcendent mind.
The dharma of movement cannot find a definition of non-action.
If we would achieve a fulfilment of transcendent thoughts as well as non-action,
Then cut a base of thoughts as well as let alertness sojourn naked.
Let a polluted waters of mental activities clear.
Do not find to stop projections, yet let them come to rest of themselves.
If there is no rejecting or accepting, then we have been liberated in a mahamudra.
When trees grow leaves as well as branches,
If we cut a roots, a most leaves as well as branches wither.
Likewise, if we cut a base of mind,
The assorted mental activities will subside.
The da! rk which has collected in thousands of kalpas
One torch will dispel.
Likewise, one moments knowledge of radiant mind
Will disintegrate a deceive of karmic impurities.
Men of lesser intelligence who cannot grasp this,
Concentrate your awareness as well as thoroughness upon a breath.
Through different eye-gazes as well as thoroughness practices,
Discipline your thoughts until it rests naturally.
If we perceive space,
The fixed ideas of core as well as range dissolve.
Likewise, if thoughts perceives mind,
All mental activities will cease, we will sojourn in a state of non-thought,
And we will realize a autarchic bodhi-citta.
Vapors arising from a earth turn clouds as well as then vanish in to a sky;
It is not known where a clouds go when they have dissolved.
Likewise, a waves of thoughts derived from a mind
Dissolve when thoughts perceives mind.
Space has conjunction tone nor shape;
It is changeless, it is not kaleidoscopic by black or white.
Likewise, radiant thoughts has conjunction tone nor shape;
It is not kaleidoscopic by black or white, trait or vice.
The suns pure as well as brilliant essence
Cannot be dimmed by a dark which endures for a thousand kalpas.
Likewise, a radiant hint of mind
Cannot be dimmed by a prolonged kalpas of samsara.
Though it might be pronounced which space is empty,
Space cannot be described.
Likewise, yet it might be pronounced which thoughts is luminous,
Naming it does not prove which is exists.
Space is utterly but locality.
Likewise, mahamudra thoughts dwells nowhere.
Without change, rest lax in a primordial state;
There is no disbelief which your holds will loosen.
The hint of thoughts is similar to space;
Therefore, there is nothing which it does not encompass.
Let a movements of a physique ease in to genuineness,
Cease your resting chatter, let your speech turn an echo,
Have no mind, yet see a dharma of a leap.
The body, similar to a vale bamboo, has no substance.Mind i s similar to a hint of space, having no place for thoughts.
Rest lax your mind; conjunction hold it nor assent it to wander.
If thoughts has no aim, it is mahamudra.
Accomplishing this is a attainment of autarchic enlightenment.
The inlet of thoughts is luminous, but intent of perception.
You will find a trail of Buddha when there is no trail of meditation.
By meditating upon non-meditation we will achieve a autarchic bodhi.
This is a aristocrat of views-it transcends fixing as well as holding.
This is a aristocrat of meditations-without wandering mind.
This is a aristocrat of actions-without effort.
When there is no goal or fear, we have realized a goal.
The unborn alaya is but habits as well as veils.
Rest thoughts in a unborn essence; have no distinctions in between imagining as well as post-meditation.
When projections empty a dharma of mind,
One attains a aristocrat of views, giveaway from all limitations.
Boundless as well as deep is a autarchic aristocrat of meditations.
Effortless self-existence is a autarchic aristocrat of actions.
Hopeless self-existence is a autarchic aristocrat of a fruition.
In a beginning thoughts is similar to a turbulent river.
In a center it is similar to a River Ganges, issuing slowly.
In a finish it is similar to a connection of all rivers, similar to a assembly of mother as well as son.
The supporters of Tantra, a Prajnaparamita,
The Vinaya, a Sutras, as well as alternative religions-
All these, by their texts as well as philosophical dogmas,
Will not see a radiant mahamudra.
Having no mind, but desires,
Self-quieted, self-existing,
It is similar to a call of water.
Luminosity is veiled only by a rising of desire.
The genuine vow of samaya is broken by thinking in terms of precepts.
If we conjunction dwell, perceive, nor wandering from a ultimate,
Then we have been a holy practitioner, a torch which illuminates darkness.
If we have been but desire, if we do not dwell in ext! remes,You will see a dharmas of all a teachings.
If we essay in this endeavor, we will giveaway yourself from samsaric imprisonment.
If we meditate in this way, we will bake a deceive of karmic impurities.
Therefore, we have been known as "The Torch of a Doctrine."
Even ignorant people who have been not clinging to this teaching
Could be saved by we from constantly drowning in a stream of samsara.
It is a empathize which beings continue such pang in a lower realms.
Those who would giveaway themselves from pang should find a wise guru.
Being possessed by a adhishthana [blessing], ones thoughts will be freed.
If we find a karma mudra, then a wisdom of a happiness of kinship as well as emptiness will arise.
The kinship of sublime means as well as knowledge brings blessings.
Bring it down as well as give rise to a mandala.
Deliver it to a places as well as distribute it via a body.
If there is no enterprise involved, then a kinship of happiness as well as emptiness will arise.
Gain prolonged life, but white hairs, as well as we will wax similar to a moon.
Become radiant, as well as your strength will be perfect.
Having speedily achieved a relative siddhis, one should find a comprehensive siddhis.
May this pointed instruction in mahamudra sojourn in a hearts of advantageous beings.
Oral instructions upon Mahamudra given by Sri Tilopa to Naropa during a banks of a Ganges River. Translated from a Sanskrit in to Tibetan by Chokyi Lodro Marpa a Translator. English interpretation by Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche in The Myth of Freedom.Write to rinpoche2006@gmail.com http://tibetanaltar.blogspot.com