12th The Middle Way' Meditation Retreat

The 12th "Middle Way Meditation will take place at Johannesburg Meditation Center (JMC), Halfway House, on August 21-25, 2011. This meditation program started off as an experiment for a living of harmony in the Republic of Africa. The program called "The Middle Way is created to be used in Republic of South Africa after it has been adapted successfully in many countries around the world. At the end of the program, the meditation practitioners who came from many different backgrounds have changed themselves into a positive way.

Tentative schedule for this year's retreat is as follows:

Sunday 21st
16.00-17.00 Check-in at JMC
18.30-19.00 Light Dinner
19.00-20.00 First Orientation

Monday 22nd
05.30 Up
06.00 Loving-kindness Meditation (I)
07.30 Breakfast
09.30 Session 1: Understanding Nature of Body, Mind & Emotion
11.30 Lunch
14.00 Session 2: Appreciating the Nature, Feeling the Body Centre
15.30 Afternoon Stretching Exercise
16.00 Refreshment Break
18.30 Session 3: Blending with Nature & Transparency
19.30 Soft drink

Tuesday 23rd
05.30 Up
06.00 Loving-kindness Meditation (II)
07.30 Breakfast
09.30 Session 4: Exploring One's Horizon
11.30 Lunch
14.00 Session 5: Translucency
15.30 Afternoon Stretching Exercise
16.00 Refreshment Break
18.30 Session 6: Being the Centre
19.30 Soft drink

Wednesday 24th
05.30 Up
06.00 Loving-kindness Meditation (III)
07.30 Breakfast
09.30 Session 7: Being One with One's Centre (I)
11.15 Lunch
14.00 Session 8: Being One with One's Centre (II)
15.30 Afternoon Stretching Exercise
16.00 Refreshment Break
18.30 Session 9: Sharing Your Radiance
19.30 Soft drink

Thursday 25th
05.30 Up
06.00 Loving-kindness Meditation (IV)
07.30 Breakfast
09.30 Session 10: Perfect Neutrality (I)
11.15 Lunch
14.00 Session 11: Perfect Neutrality (II)
16.00 Last! Orienta tion: Take Peace Home
16.30 Release

For more information, visit www.peaceforafrica.org.

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