Quiet the Mind & Open the Heart 3-Day Workshop

Join Lindsay Wagner in the welcoming setting of the Blackfoot Inn in Calgary, Alberta for a three-day "Quiet the Mind & Open the Heart" workshop at the Blackfoot Inn from September 16-18.

"The study and sharing of the integration of Body, Mind and Spirit to awaken our amazing human potential has always been my greatest passion. One of the most empowering realizations I've had is that our experience of any life circumstance is a function of personal perspective, more than the circumstance itself; that as our perspective changes so does our experience. - Lindsay Wagner

In a safe and loving environment participants will learn a system of tapping the acupuncture points with the fingers, known as EFT, and other techniques for easily releasing negative emotions and breaking through undesirable patterns that affect family dynamics, intimate relations, friendships, the work place and yes, even your golf game.

Woven throughout the program are beautiful music, relaxation, visualization, powerful processes and the Oneness Deeksha, a healing energy meditation that effortlessly initiates opening to a greater experience of our connectedness and a more natural state of being. The flow of this gentle transformative energy works to activate the body's natural energies, the kundalini and the chakras. When the kundalini is activated and the chakras are balanced, our mind quiets and our heart opens allowing peace, natural intelligence and unconditional love to emerge.

The Oneness Deeksha is an exquisite method to help on the journey of awakening. Lindsay is a Oneness Deeksha (Blessing) Trainer as well as a facilitator of other energy medicine techniques.

For full details visit www.lindsaywagnerinternational.com/calgary.

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