Adult Evening Nature Walk & Guided Meditation

The Watchung Reservation is the perfect setting for adults to enjoy a tranquil evening in a Nature Walk and Guided Meditation Program being offered on two evenings in August at Trailside Nature & Science Center. Adults, 18 and older, are invited to join a naturalist on a walk in the Watchung Reservation to experience the sights and sounds of a summer evening and then return to the Trailside Visitor Center for a relaxing guided meditation session. This program is being offered on two consecutive Wednesdays, August 17 and 24, from 7:15 8:45 p.m. Each session is $12 per person for Union County residents and $15 per person for out-of-county residents. Participants are welcome to attend one class or both.

"This Evening Nature Walk and Guided Meditation Program is a wonderful opportunity for adults to experience the beauty and tranquility of the Watchung Reservation and to gain insight into methods of relaxation, said Freeholder Daniel P. Sullivan, liaison to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board.Participants will be treated to a guided tour of the picturesque Watchung Reservation and then be instructed in various meditation techniques that are devised to promote physical and emotional well being. Guided visualizations will be used to help participants learn how to relieve the tension and stresses of everyday life.

For information on the August sessions of the Adult Evening Nature Walk and Guided Meditation Program, visit

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