God responds to Rick Perry

Well, that didn't take long. God has already reacted to Texas Governor Rick Perry's prayer rally.

The Supreme Being isn't pleased. Turns out he isn't even supreme. Read the revelation. Here's part of God's blunt message.

Let me tell you something else, Rick: I didnt give you those commandments and I didnt send my only begotten son to help you out. I dont care whose ox gores a foreigner or what you do with your neighbours ass. And I certainly never had an interest in first century Palestinian virgins. Theyre all stories Rick, stories.

The fact is, Ive never really done anything, so you cant count on me to change the market place, or peoples cheatin hearts, or fish you out of the financial swamp youre making for yourself. You know how you prayed to me (you used to call me Merciful God and cry when you were loaded) to make everything OK with the girl you thought you got pregnant ? Sorry I couldnt helpnot even offer you a tissue.

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