Use Your Intuition

When you explore yourself on the inner plane, you are working with intuition. Its a common misconception that intuition is at odds with science, but Einstein himself said that what separated him from atheists was that they cannot hear the music of the spheres. In truth, science and spirituality both depend upon intuition, for the greatest scientific discoveries are made through creative leaps, rather than by following a linear trail of established facts.The path to joy consists of making your intuitions deeper and more accessible.On the spiritual path you come to realize certain basic principles. As these principles unfold, reality shifts. Mere belief cannot transform the events around you, but realization can. Its the difference between believing that you are blessed and actually observing the action of grace in the world.Adapted from Why Is God Laughing? The Path to Joy and Spiritual Optimism, by Deepak Chopra (Harmony Books, 2008).

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