Being Peace Work Retreat, Israel and Palestine

"Be the change you want to see Gandhi-ji

Israel, Palestine. Violence, hatred and war. Soldiers, terrorists, victims. A seemingly endless cycle of news and opinions surrounds the Palestinian-Israeli issue like a thick fog.

What would it be to walk through that fog, and see things for ourselves. To bring love, compassion, and an openness of heart and mind to a place of pain, suffering and confusion. For that which is happening out there', is mirrored in each of our in heres', so the pain out there is also our pain. The Buddha said: "Hatred never ceases by hatred, but by love alone is healed. Can we be that love?

SanghaSeva invites everyone to join in a two week work retreat in Israel and Palestine. Over the fortnight participants will be spending time developing relationships in a Palestinian village, and harvesting olives with Palestinian villagers who are otherwise prevented from accessing their olive groves by the Israeli army and settlers.

The aim is to bring support and understanding to all those living this conflict and its effects. Participants will be working with both Palestinians and Jews dedicated to a nonviolent transformation of their lives.

For more information, visit

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