Should Spiritual People Vote?

Does any vote really make a difference? Arent you already doing enough for the world without giving in to this pointless ritual? Does voting make you a good citizen but a bad saint?To be spiritual is to realize many things, and one is that everyone is connected. When you act, you affect every moment of your life. You also affect every moment in everyone elses life. Because we are all connected, you cant turn your back on that fact. Being connected creates a new kind of power for the individual.It may seem that a simple social act like casting a ballot is a tiny gesture. In an atmosphere of intolerance it can seem like a fruitless gesture as well. But it isnt. The way of peace says that no action is more powerful than action from the soul.Yet this is a theoretical statement until we know what the soul is and how to reach it. Only then can an apparently simple act like casting a ballot turn out to have real power.Adapted from Peace Is the Way by Deepak Chopra (Harmony Books, 2005).

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