Meditation in the Present Moment

The weekend meditation workshop titled "Meditation in the Present Moment will be taught by Meditation Master KambizNaficy and taking place in various cities throughout August and September 2011. Unless otherwise specified, each workshop begins at 6 PM on Friday evening and ends at noon on Sunday. For maximum benefit, participants are expected to attend the full workshop. Hours for each session can sometimes be adjusted slightly; please see the Joy of Life Coordinator in your area for more details.

The sessions for the weekend workshop cover the following topics:What it means to experience living in the present moment; what meditation is and is not, how to attain higher levels of consciousness in meditation, and understanding the benefits of meditation to your wellbeing and success in the world; being able to identify your Ego (the false self), its defense mechanisms, emotional baggage, and relationship to the chattering mind; and coming to grips with love and loving relationships.

Participants will be exposed to breathing, meditation and concentration techniques for raising their consciousness. The techniques such as deep listening, breathing into the Third Eye, or awareness of physical sensations in the body, prepare the student for developing a daily spiritual practice.

Salon Hainard next to Restaurant Jardin des Isles on CheminColladon, Geneva 1209 (Bus No. 3)

The workshop includes four sessions varying from 3.5 - 4 hours in length. Specific times for the sessions are:
Friday, 16 September_6:00-9:30 PM
Saturday, 17 September 9:00 AM 12:30 PM and3:30 7:30 PM
Sunday, 18 September 9:00AM-12:30 PM

The period between 12:30 and 3:30 on Saturday provides the opportunity to grab a bite to eat, for fellowship with other participants,pre-arranged individual sessions with Kambiz*, continued reflection or journaling, further silence, or some other activity of one's choosing.

For more information, visit

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